Chapter 596 Wushan Canghai (Two in One)

When Bai Jingyang heard that An Jinxi did not accept this title, not only was he not at all unhappy, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because in what An Jinxi said just now, Mu Bingqing was mentioned, and she even called Mu Bingqing Bingqing's sister-in-law.

This shows that in An Jinxi's subconscious mind, she already regards Mu Bingqing as her sister-in-law, and Luo Xuan as her elder brother.

If so, from Bai Jingyang's point of view, An Jinxi will definitely not have any affection for Luo Xuan, so he can rest assured.

As he said that, Bai Jingyang also smiled and said, "President Mu naturally has the face of a goddess, but in Jingyang's view, Miss Jinxi may not necessarily be inferior to President Mu."

Hearing what Bai Jingyang said, An Jinxi didn't respond, but smiled slightly.

The judgment that Bai Jingyang thinks is naturally only on the surface. In An Jinxi's view, if Bai Jingyang could see Mu Bingqing's true face, he would probably not say such things again.

An Jinxi was even more aware that in terms of appearance and posture, she was completely incomparable with Mu Bingqing.

At the same time, her heart became more and more uncertain.

Because when Bai Jingyang talked about her, he was obviously more interested in visiting the campus.

Relating to everything before, there was a faint guess in her heart.

But this guess was subconsciously rejected by her.

She couldn't think about it, and she didn't want to think about it.

Although, she never doubted her charm...

While speaking, Bai Jingyang's words changed.

"Miss Jinxi, it is said that it is a big taboo to ask a girl's age in person, but just now I made an extra guess based on your school age."

"I don't know if Jingyang was being rude just now?"

Hearing this, An Jinxi smiled slightly, shook her head lightly, and said, "Of course it's not impolite, Young Master Bai is a very polite person."

After finishing speaking, An Jinxi did not answer the conversation, nor did she take the initiative to raise the topic.

She didn't speak, and Bai Jingyang didn't say anything more.

And Bai Jingyang looked at An Jinxi beside him, and the obsession in his eyes became more and more difficult to conceal.

What he said before was naturally from his heart, even if it was Mu Bingqing, he didn't think that An Jinxi would be inferior compared to her.

Mu Bingqing is the number one beauty in Jianglin City. This is the consensus of everyone. Even her disguised face is completely better than An Jinxi, Su Ningxue and others.

Not to mention, if she showed her true face, in terms of appearance, An Jinxi, Su Ningxue and others would be completely incomparable to her.

But Bai Jingyang has never seen Mu Bingqing's real face. Even if An Jinxi's face is inferior to Mu Bingqing's disguised face, it may be because of the so-called beauties in the eyes of lovers. In his eyes, An Jinxi Still perfect to the extreme.

And An Jinxi's gentle personality like Xiaojiabiyu undoubtedly met his standards very well, which invisibly added a lot of points to An Jinxi's impression in his heart.

"If someone is lucky enough to possess such a beautiful girl, that would undoubtedly be the happiest thing in the world..." Bai Jingyang couldn't help sighing in his heart.

When it comes to the beauty of face, An Jinxi always subconsciously compares herself with Mu Bingqing, and then feels that there is a huge gap between herself and Mu Bingqing, and feels that her beauty is nothing.

But this does not mean that An Jinxi is not beautiful. All of this is only because of Mu Bingqing, whose appearance is beyond ordinary people's comprehension, so in comparison, An Jinxi's beauty looks a bit ordinary .

But if you don't compare with Mu Bingqing, but compare with other people, looking at the entire Jianglin City, the entire provincial capital, and even the entire Hua Country, An Jinxi's beauty is absolutely top-notch!

After all, Jianglin City is a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the general appearance of women is higher than other cities. Not to mention, An Jinxi, as the five campus beauties of Tianhai University, belongs to the top existence among them .

In fact, they are said to be the five major campus beauties, but in fact, in terms of beauty, An Jinxi and the others have a higher level of honor, and that is the name of the five major city beauties!

These five city flowers are also clearly Luo Shuiyue, Su Ningxue, Xia Mengxi, An Jinxi, and Bai Qingqing.

Among them, Wenren Zihan was only removed. The reason why Wenren Zihan was removed was because Wenren Zihan belonged to Canghai City, not Jianglin City.

From this, it can also be seen how beautiful Jianglin City is, surrounded by mountains and rivers. In Jianglin City, apart from Luo Shuiyue and An Jinxi, the five top local beauties, the neighboring Canghai City Only Wenren Zihan, a top local beauty, came out.

This kind of quantitative comparison is enough to see the difference in environmental impact.

As for other people who can compare with their beauty, they only come from the outer city, Chu Yueyin and Chu Shiyin are two sisters. This is because Chu Shiyin has long heard that the five campus beauties of Tianhai University have peerless Beautiful, I came to Jianglin City only after wanting to see it.

If it wasn't for this reason, they wouldn't be able to meet together.

From this, it can be seen how famous An Jinxi and the others are for their beauty, and what level they are in in the entire Hua Kingdom.

The general appearance of young girls in Jianglin City is higher than that of other cities, and An Jinxi, as one of the five campus beauties of Tianhai University, is also one of the five city beauties of Jianglin City. Bi, her appearance, looking at the entire Huaguo, belongs to the top existence!
It is precisely because of this that the first time Bai Jingyang saw An Jinxi, he was completely fascinated by her...

And An Jinxi originally planned to wait for Bai Jingyang to visit the entire teaching area, but now, the plan in her heart has changed a little, and she has changed the route inadvertently.

Just as the two passed by a rockery, Bai Jingyang stopped while looking at the stream flowing down from the rockery.

"Miss Jinxi, I wonder if you have heard a poem?"

Hearing Bai Jingyang's words, An Jinxi paused slightly, "What poem?"

Bai Jingyang sighed faintly, and said the poem that suddenly flashed in his heart.

"once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking……"

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

How many people have never heard of such a famous sentence?

And such a famous sentence just reflected what Bai Jingyang was thinking at this moment.

In his eyes, An Jinxi is so beautiful. When he saw her for the first time, Bai Jingyang was deeply fascinated by her, unable to extricate himself...

In fact, it is true. As long as you don't compare yourself with Mu Bingqing, An Jinxi's beauty is absolutely earth-shattering.

Her slender eyebrows are like willow leaves, her red lips are slightly crimson, and her waterfall-like hair is casually draped on her fragrant shoulders, combining with her perfect figure, it is extremely moving.

It's just a very ordinary white shirt and light-colored short skirt, but it can't hide her fairy-like temperament. She has willow eyebrows and almond eyes, a long nose and a lotus mouth, and her jade dimple is exquisite and flawless.

Her skin is as frosty as snow, flawless as beautiful jade.

And her voice, to Bai Jingyang's ears, is also as elegant as the white clouds in the sky, and as soft as the clear spring flowing through the mountains, which makes people intoxicated.

All of these fit her body perfectly.

Despite her appearance, her walking posture is also extremely elegant.

Maybe it's because of her personality. An Jinxi's personality is relatively introverted and reserved. Naturally, she doesn't walk in a bouncing way. On the contrary, she walks very slowly when she walks.

Lightly moving lotus steps and walking in a winding manner, in Bai Jingyang's view, it gave him a feeling of being ethereal and fairy-like.

Maybe it's really the so-called beauty that is in the eye of the beholder. In fact, this kind of fairy-like feeling is more suitable for Luo Shuiyue, and An Jinxi's feeling is more gentle and watery.

However, because Xi Shi is in the eyes of lovers, in Bai Jingyang's view, what An Jinxi gave him was an ethereal, fairy-like feeling.

This kind of fairy-like girl, logically speaking, it is difficult for people to feel a little bit of blasphemy.

However, this fairy-like girl has an extremely eye-catching and hot figure. Although it is not as exaggerated and hot as Mu Bingqing's figure, it is still extremely proud and undoubtedly more attractive.

Although Tianhai University has five campus belles, everyone knows that An Jinxi is the most popular campus belle.

This does not mean that An Jinxi's beauty is better than others. In terms of beauty, the five of them are at the same level. In terms of temperament, she and Su Ningxue are slightly inferior to Luo Shuiyue, who is one year older than them. .

But in terms of popularity, An Jinxi is undoubtedly the tallest among the five school beauties.

Not because of anything else, but mainly because she is such a small family jade, with a gentle personality like water, which is more liked by most students.

Furthermore, many people know that the other school beauties are a bit unattainable. For An Jinxi, they can still have hope. An Jinxi has naturally become the most popular one.

Otherwise, An Jinxi would not be rated as the school belle of the common people. In this world, there will always be more ordinary people than those from rich families, and Tianhai University is no exception.

Since An Jinxi has been rated as such a commoner school beauty, it is enough to show that she is loved by most of the students.

Of course, Su Ningxue was also named as the school belle of the common people. With Su Ningxue's family background, it is natural that she would not be named the school belle of the common people.

However, Su Ningxue is very low-key, and most of the students don't know her family background. In addition, Su Ningxue and An Jinxi have a good relationship, so many people gave them both the name of the commoner school belle .

Actually, in terms of personality and other aspects, Su Ningxue is basically the same as An Jinxi, but her popularity is still not as good as that of An Jinxi.

Not because of anything else, but because Su Ningxue likes Luo Xuan, many people already know about it. Seeing that Su Ningxue already has someone she likes, there will naturally be fewer students who still hope for her.

In contrast, a commoner school belle like An Jinxi, who has no attachments, is naturally more popular.

Not to mention, before An Jinxi didn't have a regular part-time job in No. [-] Restaurant every week, many students could see her, unlike the other big campus beauties who couldn't see her all the time, so An Jinxi's popularity would naturally increase a lot of.

Su Ningxue's popularity is inferior to An Jinxi's.

As for Luo Shuiyue, Wenren Zihan, and Xia Mengxi, in terms of popularity, they are even worse than An Jinxi.

After all, the family backgrounds of Luo Shuiyue and Wenren Zihan are not comparable to many people. Luo Shuiyue's demeanor also makes people feel unattainable. Wenren Zihan's aloof and cold Personality, it gives people a feeling that strangers should not enter.

At the same time, the two of them are even more indistinguishable. Ordinary students can't see the two of them a few times, so naturally they don't have much hope in their hearts.

Compared with Luo Shuiyue and Wenren Zihan, Xia Mengxi's popularity is better, but naturally she is not as popular as Su Ningxue and An Jinxi. After all, many people know that with Xia Mengxi's family background, she is not an ordinary person. Can catch up.

In terms of popularity, An Jinxi is naturally the highest, followed by Su Ningxue and Xia Mengxi, followed by Luo Shuiyue and Wenren Zihan.

Bai Jingyang had also heard about An Jinxi being the most popular school belle of Tianhai University during this time.

From this, he also felt that his vision was indeed right.

It was hard for him to imagine that there would be such a perfect girl in the world.

Along the way, Bai Jingyang was impressed by An Jinxi's appearance, temperament, and everything else.

Hearing Bai Jingyang mention this line of verse, An Jinxi said, "Of course I've heard it."

Hearing this, Bai Jingyang also recovered from his own thoughts and spoke slowly.

"Then Miss Jinxi, do you know what it means?"

An Jinxi nodded lightly, "As far as I know, there are many interpretations of this sentence, but I prefer the one that is the easiest to understand but has the deepest meaning."

The easiest to understand and the most meaningful, the two seem contradictory at first glance.

Speaking from An Jinxi's mouth, there was not much sense of disobedience.

Looking at the spring and stream flowing on the rockery, An Jinxi lightly opened her red lips and said:
"It is said that the sea is the vast, deepest, and most beautiful sea. Those who have seen the sea will find it difficult to attract them to water elsewhere."

"The clouds in Wushan are the most beautiful clouds in the world. The clouds are steaming and rosy, and the beauty is too beautiful. For those who have seen the clouds in Wushan, the clouds in other places are hard to attract him."

"These two poems have a beautiful artistic conception, which is a metaphor..."

Having said that, An Jinxi's words suddenly stopped.

She already understood the meaning of Bai Jingyang's mention of these two poems...

"It is a metaphor for the deep love a man has for a woman."

Seeing that An Jinxi didn't continue, Bai Jingyang continued.

"Because this man has seen the waters of the sea and the clouds of Wushan, just like he has seen the most perfect woman."

"Other mortal women are no longer in his eyes."

Hearing Bai Jingyang's words, An Jinxi said: "Young Master Bai, I... don't understand what you mean."

Bai Jingyang's eyes dimmed slightly, but at this point, he naturally couldn't back down.

"Heh, maybe I got a bit out of the way, Miss Jinxi, to me, you are the most perfect woman."

"You are just like the water in the sea and the clouds in Wushan Mountain!"

After finishing speaking in one breath, Bai Jingyang felt a lot more relaxed.

Although he looked so calm and breezy, he was still extremely nervous.

It was the first time for him to confess his love to a girl.

However, when he saw An Jinxi's expression, his heart turned slightly cold...

(End of this chapter)

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