Chapter 66 Zheng Kaidi! (Third update, please recommend tickets)
Seeing this scene, Luo Xuan frowned slightly, thought for a while, and walked over there.

"President Zheng, I have something to do right now, so I can't go to the Earth Blade Martial Arts Club."

Under the entanglement of the boy in front of her, Xia Mengxi couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"Hey, Mengxi, didn't you agree, you join the Diren Martial Arts Club, and I will help that Luo Xuan get through the difficulties of the Fengshan Martial Arts Club."

"Now what I promised has been done, you can't go back on it~"

The boy who pestered Xia Mengxi was none other than Zheng Kaidi, the president of Diren Martial Arts Club!
Hearing Zheng Kaidi's words, Xia Mengxi didn't know what to say.

Luo Xuan's difficulties at the Fengshan Martial Arts Club were solved, but that was also solved by Luo Xuan himself, and it has nothing to do with Zheng Kaidi.

You know, Yang Tianfeng, the president of Fengshan Martial Arts Club, has no face for Zheng Kaidi at all!

Looking at Zheng Kaidi in front of her, Xia Mengxi couldn't help feeling a little headache again.

In order to help Luo Xuan, she approached Zheng Kaidi, intending to use the relationship of the Jiren Martial Arts Club to make Fengshan Martial Arts Club retreat.

But unexpectedly, the Fengshan Martial Arts Club did not sell the face of the Diren Martial Arts Club at all, and her efforts were completely useless.

And when Zheng Kaidi looked at her at that time, she vaguely felt that she might get into trouble with Zheng Kaidi.

It's just that she didn't expect that all of this would happen so quickly!

Zheng Kaidi took another step forward, and said: "Mengxi, there should be no other members in the Diren Martial Arts Club now, and it happens that I have time now, so I can give you personal guidance."

"This kind of opportunity is not available to everyone~"

Saying that, looking at Xia Mengxi's exquisite face and fiery figure, Zheng Kaidi's eyes showed a trace of hidden deep fiery.

The heat in Zheng Kaidi's eyes was well hidden, but Xia Mengxi still noticed it.

She had seen such gazes many times, how could she not know what Zheng Kaidi was thinking.

If he really went to the Diren Martial Arts Club with him now, what kind of personal guidance, with only her and Zheng Kaidi left, wouldn't Zheng Kaidi just do to her whatever he wanted to do to her!
"President Zheng, as I said, I really don't have time now."

Saying that, Xia Mengxi took a few steps back.

"Hey, even if you don't have time, if you squeeze, you can always squeeze it out."

Saying that, Zheng Kaidi moved forward again, pressing harder and harder!
Xia Mengxi retreated again and again, and there was no way to retreat.

Seeing that Xia Mengxi had nowhere to retreat, Zheng Kaidi showed a triumphant smile at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand, thinking of Xia Mengxi's jade hand, to grab it.

Even, he grabbed it so fast that he didn't give Xia Mengxi any time to react!
Xia Mengxi wanted to avoid it, but as the president of the Martial Arts Club, Zheng Kaidi, how could she resist.

Seeing his hand getting closer and closer to Xia Mengxi's jade hand, the heat on Zheng Kaidi's face became more and more undisguised.

However, just when Zheng Kaidi was about to grab Xia Mengxi's hand, a powerful hand suddenly appeared and grabbed Zheng Kaidi's entire arm in his hand!
This sudden scene made Xia Mengxi stunned, and Zheng Kaidi's expression froze completely.

Both of them looked at the owner of this hand at the same time.

Seeing Luo Xuan, Xia Mengxi showed surprise on her pretty face.


"Boy, who are you!"

Before Xia Mengxi finished speaking, she was interrupted by Zheng Kaidi directly!
Zheng Kai looked at Luo Xuan with an unfriendly expression, and when he was about to succeed, Luo Xuan plotted against him, and he felt furious.

"Boy, no matter who you are, you are courting death!"

He didn't give Luo Xuan a chance to answer, so he punched Luo Xuan directly!

Zheng Kaidi's strength is stronger than Yang Tianfeng's, otherwise, he wouldn't be the president of Earth Blade Martial Arts Club.

When he punched out, there were gusts of punches in the air, and there were bursts of piercing sounds!

There was also a sneer on Zheng Kaidi's face.

From his point of view, Luo Xuan was absolutely unable to resist this punch!

Dare to be a hero to save the beauty without strength, he will definitely make Luo Xuan pay the price!

Facing Zheng Kaidi's astonishing punch, Luo Xuan just stretched out his hand lightly.

Afterwards, he grabbed Zheng Kaidi's fist directly and lightly!
Seeing this scene, Zheng Kaidi's face froze completely.

He didn't expect that Luo Xuan could block his punch so easily!
Before he could think too much, Luo Xuan grabbed his fisted hand and folded it forcefully!

The sound of bones breaking was extremely clear!


Facing the severe pain from his hand, Zheng Kaidi screamed directly.

He wanted to pull out his hand, but he found that Luo Xuan had no intention of letting go of his hand.

It seemed that he wanted to crush his hand bones piece by piece!

In the next second, Luo Xuan's five fingers tightened suddenly!

Under the severe pain, Zheng Kaidi's entire hand has completely lost consciousness.

Looking at Zheng Kaidi in front of him, Luo Xuan kicked Zheng Kaidi out casually.


Luo Xuan spoke in an extremely indifferent voice.

Zheng Kaidi's face was covered with cold sweat, and he almost fell to the ground.

Looking at Luo Xuan, Zheng Kai said with a stern look on his face: "Boy, if you have the guts and ability, I will report your name. My Blade Martial Arts Club will not let you go!"

Zheng Kaidi originally thought that even if Luo Xuan was stronger than him, Luo Xuan would be more or less afraid of reporting to the Diren Martial Arts Club.

But he was doomed to be disappointed, Luo Xuan's face was still calm and indifferent to the extreme.

Xia Mengxi's face revealed surprise, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she said, "Luo Xuan, what a coincidence, I saw you here again."

He is Luo Xuan? !

Hearing Xia Mengxi's words, Zheng Kaidi's face froze instantly.

This name was naturally familiar to him, because when Xia Mengxi came to him for help, it was for Luo Xuan!

At that time, Zheng Kaidi didn't pay much attention to Luo Xuan, thinking that he was just a worthless poor boy, so he didn't try to understand Luo Xuan.

Naturally, he didn't know Luo Xuan.

But what happened after that completely shocked him.

Luo Xuan, by himself, directly wiped out the Fengshan Martial Arts Club!
It was only then that Zheng Kaidi realized that the person in front of him was actually Luo Xuan!

Looking at Zheng Kaidi in front of him, Luo Xuanmo said: "Zheng Kaidi, if I see you pestering Xia Mengxi again, I don't mind removing the Diren Martial Arts Club from Tianhai University!"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Zheng Kaidi's face became more and more difficult to look at, and he even felt a chill down his back.

Although the Diren Martial Arts Club is stronger than the Fengshan Martial Arts Club, it didn't take much effort for Luo Xuan to destroy the Fengshan Martial Arts Club. It is completely possible to destroy the Diren Martial Arts Club!
(End of this chapter)

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