Chapter 68 What happened (Second update, please recommend)
"From now on, no more such things are allowed!" Luo Xuan said.

Mu Bingqing frowned slightly, and said, "Why?"

Luo Xuan said: "You said that person is very strong, how strong is it?"

Mu Bingqing's icy face didn't show any waves, and she said, "It's a force that I can't resist at all."

Luo Xuan's voice was a little annoyed, "Since it's a force you can't resist at all, then even if you have this pill in your mouth, how do you know that you have a chance to swallow it in front of him?"

"I have my own way." Mu Bingqing said calmly.

"Ridiculous! Mu Bingqing, do you know that in front of a real strong man, all means are vain, with this poison pill in it, other than killing you inadvertently, it has absolutely no other use! "

What Luo Xuan said was of course the truth, that day he completely imprisoned Mu Bingqing, unable to move even a little finger, but she was still able to speak at that time.

It wasn't that Luo Xuan couldn't imprison her mouth in the same way, but that Luo Xuan wanted to see how she would react in that situation.

Perhaps it was this situation that gave Mu Bingqing the illusion that she could kill herself by biting her tongue, or swallowing this poison pill.

But in fact, if Luo Xuan wanted to, Mu Bingqing at that time couldn't even say a word, and Luo Xuan could completely imprison her!
After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Mu Bingqing took a look at Luo Xuan, did not speak, turned around and prepared to walk upstairs.

"Did I let you go!"

Seeing that Mu Bingqing was about to leave, Luo Xuan said coldly, and even grabbed her hand, not letting her leave!

The moment Luo Xuan grabbed her hand, Mu Bingqing's delicate body froze instantly!

Luo Xuan also realized that he had lost his composure, and slowly let go of Mu Bingqing's hand.

Even he himself didn't know why he lost his composure just now, maybe he was angry at Mu Bingqing for not cherishing his own life, or maybe it was other reasons.

It seems that when it comes to matters involving Mu Bingqing, he will lose his composure to varying degrees.

Luo Xuan let go of Mu Bingqing's hand, but to his surprise, Mu Bingqing took his hand again!

Luo Xuan felt a bit surprised. In his opinion, with Mu Bingqing's temperament, she would definitely not take the initiative to hold his hand.

Mu Bingqing didn't notice Luo Xuan's reaction, she was a little absent-minded, and muttered: "How is it possible, why isn't there..."


Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Luo Xuan couldn't help but wrinkle.

Mu Bingqing also realized something at this time, let go of Luo Xuan's hand, turned her eyes slightly away, and said, "Don't get me wrong, I have a contact barrier, but just now..."

Access barrier?

Hearing what Mu Bingqing said, Luo Xuan's gaze could not help but froze slightly.

He naturally knows this term.

Contact barriers will make people extremely repelled physical contact with others, which is completely an instinctive rejection reaction.

Once touched by others, or touched by others, there will be an unspeakable discomfort and nausea, and even more serious features!

Mu Bingqing actually has a contact barrier?
Thinking of this, Luo Xuan seemed to understand something when he thought about what happened before.

When he and Mu Bingqing went to see Lin Yunhai before, they asked Mu Bingqing if they needed to be more intimate, and Mu Bingqing said no, Lin Yunhai would not doubt it.

After going to see Lin Yunhai, Lin Yunhai did not have the slightest doubt, but Mu Bingqing said that Luo Xuan was her boyfriend, and Lin Yunhai believed it.

At that time, Luo Xuan was still a bit puzzled by this, but now, knowing that Mu Bingqing had a contact barrier, he already understood why Lin Yunhai had no doubts at that time.

Because Mu Bingqing has a contact barrier, even if Luo Xuan is Mu Bingqing's boyfriend, the two of them will not have any intimate actions!

But Mu Bingqing's reaction just now...

As if thinking of something, Luo Xuan said, "You have no barriers to contact with me?"

Mu Bingqing: "..."

Mu Bingqing didn't speak, but only she knew that her heart was not as peaceful as she appeared on the surface.

That's right, as Luo Xuan said, she has no barriers to contact with Luo Xuan.

In her opinion, this is completely unreasonable!

You know, her contact barrier is completely born, and she completely rejects anyone except her own sister.

Even Lin Yunhai and Lin Yunhai's wife, her deceased adoptive mother, never hugged her.

But she had no barriers to contact with Luo Xuan at all.

This is completely abnormal!
"Don't you want to say it?"

Seeing that Mu Bingqing didn't speak, Luo Xuan said lightly: "Okay, then I'll just confirm it myself!"

Saying that, without waiting for Mu Bingqing's reaction, Luo Xuan directly grabbed Mu Bingqing's jade hand!

Mu Bingqing's delicate body froze again!
However, this was not a barrier to contact, but a numb feeling from the palm of her hand, which made her feel a little flustered.

After seeing Mu Bingqing's reaction, Luo Xuan slowly let go of his hand. What he wanted to confirm was already confirmed.

Mu Bingqing turned away, looked at the night outside the villa, and stood silently.

After a long time, she finally said: "You don't need to worry about the poison pill. The outer skin of this poison pill is completely non-toxic. It will only be poisonous if you bite it open or swallow it."

"I've also had this poison pill in my urine since I was a child, and I've been able to cover it under my tongue very naturally, and I won't accidentally swallow it when I sleep, and it won't endanger my life."

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Luo Xuan looked at her extremely perfect side face, and walked out of that slightly angry mood.

"Leaving aside the matter of the poison pill, you said just now that you want to become stronger than that person. Since he is so powerful, how sure are you?"

When speaking, Luo Xuan also had a slightly strange feeling in his heart.

After all, the person he was talking about was referring to himself.

Mu Bingqing's icy face didn't show any waves, "I'm not sure, but I firmly believe in all of this."

"Why?" Luo Xuan asked.

Looking at the slowly sinking night outside the window, Mu Bingqing's icy face remained calm, and said: "Day and night alternate, and the sun and the moon rotate. I firmly believe that there is no such thing as constant strength and weakness."

"Now, he is naturally stronger than me, but after a few years, ten years, or even decades, everything is still unknown!"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Luo Xuan's expression didn't fluctuate in any way.

A few years, ten years, decades, in his opinion, are just a flick of a finger.

This time is really too short, too short, it is impossible to do much.

"Then why do you want to become stronger than him?" Luo Xuan said.

Mu Bingqing's cold eyes flickered, and she said coldly, "I don't like the feeling that everything is controlled by others."

"If you want not to be controlled by others, or even to control others, you must have strong power!"

(End of this chapter)

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