Chapter 73 Target! (The first update, please recommend a ticket)

Hearing Su Qian's words, Su Qianlin also frowned.

He also didn't expect that Luo Xuan would visit the Su family at this time.

If Luo Xuan were allowed to come in, given the current situation, Luo Xuan would definitely be made things difficult by Su Qian and others.

But if he is directly driven away and not allowed to come in, it may cause a rift in the relationship between him and Su Ningxue. In this way, Su Qian and others will follow the wishes of Su Qian and others.

No matter how you look at it, it is a dilemma.

"Hmph, I know this kind of thing, I don't need you, a junior, to remind me!"

Su Qianlin didn't show any mercy to Su Qian, and made Su Qian's face turn green.

After thinking about it, Su Qianlin turned his gaze to Su Ningxue, his expression instantly became kind, and he said, "Niece, what do you think?"

For such a matter, it is natural to rely on Su Ningxue's opinion.

And hearing the news that Luo Xuan was already outside the Su's house, even Su Ningxue was very surprised, obviously did not expect Luo Xuan to come to the Su's house at this time.

In addition to the accident, she also felt a little bit at a loss.

She was originally ice-snow smart, so she could naturally figure out what Su Qianlin could figure out.

She already understood the stakes in this.

No matter how you look at it, it is a dilemma.

Biting her vermilion lips with her white teeth, Su Ningxue said, "Uncle, let him in."

Although she didn't know why Luo Xuan came to Su's house at this time, she had an unconditional trust in Luo Xuan.

She believed that Luo Xuan must have his reasons for doing so.

Since Luo Xuan dared to come to Su's house, he must have made some preparations.

Furthermore, from yesterday to now, she has been in a state of being imprisoned at home, completely unaware of Luo Xuan's current situation.

She was also concerned about how Luo Xuan was doing now, and whether he had been expelled from Tianhai University.

"Okay, okay, uncle will listen to you." Su Qianlin smiled.

With that said, Su Qianlin turned his gaze to Su Qiancheng.

"Let him in."

Su Qiancheng spoke in a deep voice, and said to Su Ming that there was no emotion in his voice.

After receiving Su Qiancheng's instruction, Su Ming stepped back respectfully and went to the door to meet Luo Xuan.

"Yeah, see my future brother-in-law!"

In the hall, Jasmine Su looked very happy.

Originally, Su Ningxue was still a little depressed, but when she heard Su Xiner's words, she couldn't help but blush.

"Xin'er, you can't say something like that about your brother-in-law in the future, you know?" Su Ningxue urged.

Su Xiner's little head was like a chicken pecking rice, and she said in a childlike voice: "Don't worry, sister, Xiner knows, Xiner won't talk nonsense."

Hearing this, Su Ningxue breathed a sigh of relief. Before she could say anything, Su Xiner saw something, her starry eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "The future brother-in-law is here!"

Su Ningxue: "..."

Even though she has a very good temper and loves Jasmine Su very much, at this moment, she has the urge to teach her a little lesson.

Turning his head, sure enough, Luo Xuan had arrived in the hall.

Hearing what Su Xiner said about her future brother-in-law, Luo Xuan couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Su Ningxue couldn't care less about her blushing, and rushed to greet her, saying: "Luo Xuan, did you come here, Tianhai University didn't make things difficult for you, did it?"

After Su Ningxue finished speaking, Luo Xuan said, "Don't worry, I was not expelled from Tianhai University."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Su Ningxue finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt at ease.

After Luo Xuan came to the hall, other people in the hall were also looking at Luo Xuan. After all, it was the first time they saw Luo Xuan, and no one spoke for a while.

Only Su Xiner blinked her big curious eyes, and said in a childlike voice, "The future brother-in-law is very handsome, no wonder even my sister has fallen."

Children's words are naturally childish.

In fairness, Luo Xuan's current appearance is indeed handsome enough.

Naturally, his current appearance couldn't compare with his handsome appearance after becoming an emperor, but the general outline could be vaguely seen.

What Luo Xuan is obsessed with is only one way of cultivation, no matter before becoming emperor or after becoming emperor.

As for his appearance, he naturally did not use any external force to change it, and completely let it develop freely.

Although his youthful appearance was not as handsome as his appearance after becoming an emperor, the biggest difference compared to his appearance after becoming an emperor was that it was a little more delicate and childish.

This kind of appearance is quite enough to be called handsome, even Zhang Lintian who was present is far behind.

After Su Xiner finished speaking, Su Ningxue's snowy face turned redder.

"Luo... Luoxuan, don't take it to heart when you speak to a child."

Said, on the one hand, to change the subject, on the other hand, it was time to introduce her parents and relatives to Luo Xuan, Su Ningxue said: "Luo Xuan, let me introduce you."

"This is my parents, my uncle, my uncle, my third uncle, my cousin, and my cousin's husband."

After Su Ningxue finished speaking, Luo Xuan said neither humble nor overbearing: "Uncle, aunt, hello. Uncle, third uncle, cousin sister, cousin brother-in-law."

Luo Xuan's words didn't seem to be a problem at first glance, but Su Qiancheng couldn't help but twitch a little.

He has been the Patriarch of the Su family for more than ten years, and his observation and perception skills are naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

What Luo Xuan said just now clearly only asked him, Shen Lan, and Su Qianlin.

As for Su Qianfeng, Su Qianshan, Su Qian and Zhang Lintian, they just called them by name.

The gap is not 01:30.

"It seems that Ningxue has also told this kid about the situation of the Su family, and obviously the relationship with him is extremely close." Su Qiancheng thought so.

The people Luo Xuan greeted just now were clearly the ones who were kind to Su Ningxue.

Thinking of this, Su Qiancheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Does her own daughter not hate herself after all?

Then what happened yesterday, did I really do something wrong...

However, Su Qiancheng didn't know that Su Ningxue never told Luo Xuan about the situation of the Su family.

Luo Xuan knew about the situation of the Su family many times when he was a boy, and how could he forget the faces of some people!

"Sister, sister, and me, why don't you introduce me to your future brother-in-law!" Su Xiner pouted her lips and said in a childish voice.

It seems that she is losing her temper, but her delicate baby face gives people a naive look no matter how you look at it.

Su Ningxue's pretty face flushed, and she said, "Luo Xuan, this is my sister, Xiner Su."

Luo Xuan nodded slightly, and said, "Hello, Xin'er."

However, just after Luo Xuan finished speaking, Su Qianfeng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"It's fine for Xin'er to speak freely, but don't tell me that our Su family's future son-in-law will come to our door, even if it's just Ningxue's friend, it's not appropriate to come here empty-handed, right?"

Anyone can hear the targeted meaning in the tone!

(End of this chapter)

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