Chapter 95 Different? (ask for a recommendation ticket)
Luo Xuan and Xia Mengxi left Hongming Lake and walked along the edge of Hongming Lake. Along the way, Xia Mengxi peeked at Luo Xuan countless times.

The more I look at it, the more ashamed, happy and satisfied I feel.

"Luo Xuan, thank you, today, you let me have a very special and unforgettable trip." Xia Mengxi said.

What she said was naturally the truth. Today's trip, even in her entire career so far, was the most special and unforgettable.

After glancing at Xia Mengxi, Luo Xuan said indifferently: "The debt I owe you today is already enough, and there may not be such an opportunity in the future."

Luo Xuan has always repaid kindness with kindness, revenge with revenge, and repaid love with kindness.

Today he agreed to come out with Xia Mengxi, one is to hone his character and humanity through fishing, and the other is to repay Xia Mengxi's previous love.

When he had an appointment with Yang Tianfeng, the president of the Fengshan Martial Arts Club, Xia Mengxi had come to help him and moved out of the Diren Martial Arts Club.

Naturally, Luo Xuan didn't need such help, but Xia Mengxi naturally didn't know about it.

Since she has the heart to help herself, and has put it into action, and almost got into trouble with the Earth Blade Martial Arts Club, Luo Xuan will naturally remember this kind of love.

It was precisely because of this that Luo Xuan agreed to accompany her out today, just because he wanted to go fishing to hone his humanity and mood, just to take Xia Mengxi by the way, and it would not be troublesome.

But, that's all.

In the end, as he promised before, when Xia Mengxi encounters troubles like the Diren Martial Arts Club in the future, let her report his name, or help her settle it directly.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Xia Mengxi felt a little lost in her heart, but she still smiled and said: "It's okay, even if there won't be any for the time being, maybe there will be such an opportunity in the future."

As she said that, she couldn't help but secretly glanced at Luo Xuan again, her snowy face couldn't help turning red.

Luo Xuan looked into the distance and said: "Also, put away your other thoughts, otherwise you will only be more disappointed in the future."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Xia Mengxi's expression froze slightly.

Even Luo Shuiyue could see her thoughts on Luo Xuan, so naturally she couldn't hide it from Luo Xuan.

It's just that she didn't expect that Luo Xuan would say it so directly.

After that, she lowered her head slightly and said in a low voice, "I know, I'm not good enough for you."

The supernatural power of Luo Xuan just now was not only imprinted in Luo Shuiyue's heart, but also imprinted in her heart as well.

Luo Xuan and her are like people from two worlds, how can she be worthy?
After Xia Mengxi finished speaking, Luo Xuan shook his head slightly, "There is no such thing as unworthy or unworthy in matters of affection, but we are destined to be impossible, I just don't want to fool you."

Xia Mengxi's feelings for him are almost as obvious as Su Ningxue's feelings for him, how could Luo Xuan not see it.

Regarding Su Ningxue, Luo Xuan was going to make it clear to her tonight, and Xia Mengxi was no exception.

If they don't make it clear now, they will only be more disappointed in the future.

Because of Luo Xuan, it was destined not to be with her.

After glancing at Xia Mengxi, Luo Xuan said indifferently, "If you want, maybe we can become friends."

In the past ten thousand years, Luo Xuan has climbed to the top of this world, but it also means ten thousand years of loneliness.

His temperament was originally inclined towards indifference and desirelessness, and after these ten thousand years of loneliness, his state of mind became even more sinking, and few things could shake his heart.

Although he possesses supreme power, he has no friends, Hou Ji counts as one, but if he hadn't used his supreme power to reverse time and space this time, and then cast karma back, even Hou Ji would have died.

As for Luo Xuan's subordinates, it is even more impossible to become Luo Xuan's friends.

Even if Luo Xuan wanted to lower his profile, they would only be incomparably terrified, and would only be in awe of Luo Xuan.

But this time, time and space were reversed, and causality was recast, and the human body was restored to the human body of his youth. Here, he is not the supreme master of the two worlds of gods and demons. Many people can also treat him as a peer.

Perhaps at this time, he can already try to make a few more friends.

It should also be helpful for him to experience humanity.

After all, for a person, how many people live their whole life without even friends?

As for Xia Mengxi, Luo Shuiyue, or Su Ningxue, as the five major campus beauties, they are not limited to the beauty of appearance, even their hearts are worthy of the word beauty.

He was naturally familiar with Su Ningxue. Although Xia Mengxi and Luo Shuiyue had only met each other a few times, Luo Xuan knew that each of them was very kind.

And their kindness is not the kind of kindness similar to that of the Virgin, which is even more commendable.

Just like Su Ningxue didn't plead for Wu Shan in Restaurant No. [-] before, Xia Mengxi and Luo Shuiyue didn't plead for Yang Fenghu just now.

Although they are kind, they can completely distinguish right from wrong.

In addition, to a certain extent, they can also treat him as a peer.

As for Bai Shixiong, the red blood wolf Luo Changsheng and others, they were already full of awe towards Luo Xuan, so it was naturally impossible for Luo Xuan to become friends with them.

If Luo Xuan wants to make some friends who don't have any relationship between men and women, Xia Mengxi and Luo Shuiyue will be a good choice.

As for Su Ningxue, Luo Xuan and her are naturally not limited to friends, Luo Xuan has already regarded her as his younger sister in his heart, and the two are already half relatives.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Xia Mengxi's eyes trembled, and then she slowly raised her head.

She never thought that someone as powerful as Luo Xuan would want to be friends with her.

But it seems that after becoming friends, there seems to be no chance of becoming that kind of boyfriend and girlfriend.

As if she had figured something out, Xia Mengxi had a beautiful smile on her lips, and said, "Okay, we are friends now!"

After Xia Mengxi finished speaking, Luo Xuan couldn't help but frown slightly.

What Xia Mengxi said just now is clearly that they are friends 'now', but as for the future, maybe they are not sure.

Obviously, she still hasn't given up on those thoughts in her heart.

Before Luo Xuan could say anything, Xia Mengxi said first: "Luo Xuan, thank you for coming out with me today, I am very happy, see you next time!"

Saying that, Xia Mengxi ran away directly.

Looking at Xia Mengxi's back, Luo Xuan shook his head slightly, "I'm really an idiot."

Without thinking about all of this, Luo Xuan simply went back to his and Mu Bingqing's villa first since there was still some time before night.

However, when he walked into the villa, Luo Xuan's gaze couldn't help but concentrate.

Mu Bingqing was sitting by the swimming pool at this time, still wearing the flawless snow suit, but she had taken off her shoes, and her delicate ankles were swaying mischievously in the water.

For some reason, Luo Xuan always felt that Mu Bingqing seemed a little different at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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