Chapter 1013
Lu Chen's words stunned Chu Yueyue, she didn't realize it for a while, "What... what do you mean? I have no hatred with you!"

"Then why do you want to end my days when I can flirt with girls casually?" Huang Xing said with a smile, "You are a matchmaker for your friend, what do you say I want to flirt with you in the future?"

"..." Chu Yueyue blinked, then pouted, "You...huh! So you are so bad!"

"Men aren't bad, women don't love them!" Huang Xing laughed, "If I were a good baby, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to help you get rid of those flies!"

"Oh! Why are you pulling on me again!" Chu Yueyue pouted her lips, was silent for a while, and said, "Then when my friend comes, you can get to know the head office? It's not that I'm going to end your good life!"

"Okay, okay..." Huang Xing smiled, "Actually, I really don't believe it, your friend can be more beautiful than you, a big beauty? By the way, I like this flight attendant uniform the most, or we can do a fake show for real You see that you are often away from home, so you definitely don’t care about me, and it won’t affect us if I go out for a while. Think about it?”

"Fuck you!" Chu Yueyue punched Huang Chen and said, "I know you! You are a pervert~wolf."

Huang Chen smiled "hehe", stretched out his hand to pick up Chu Yueyue's chin, "Girl, give me a smile."

"Hey, hey..." Chu Yueyue smiled dully on purpose, and said, "Are you satisfied?"

"Not satisfied, I won't flip your brand today!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

Chu Yueyue stuck out her tongue, "I thought you were the emperor! You are a liar!"

Huang Chen shrugged, and said: "Thanks for the compliment, I was a heart thief, but you saw my real body. It seems that I am not cultivated enough!"

Chu Yueyue smiled "puchi", "You are really poor! By the way... I'm a little hungry, how about going to have supper with me?"

"Okay!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "What do you want to eat?"

Chu Yueyue thought for a while, "Let's go to Thyme to eat wontons! It's not far away, and we can walk there."

Thyme is a small but exquisite wonton shop, a few hundred meters away from Hongxing Community, so you don’t need to drive there.Chu Yueyue didn't bother to change her clothes, so she went out wearing a stewardess uniform.

But this was exactly what Huang Xing was thinking, taking a beautiful stewardess out, the pride was overwhelming.

Bringing a beautiful woman along the road in the middle of the night, it would be too disturbing to not hold a small hand, so Huang Xing took Chu Yueyue's hand unceremoniously. Lu Chen pulled it.

She pouted and said, "Don't be too high!"

"Not to mention I forgot..." Lu Xing immediately put his arms around Chu Yueyue's waist, and said with a smile, "Isn't this better?"

"You..." Chu Yueyue pinched Huang Xing, "You're making progress!"

"It's called letting nature take its course!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Look at how many people are jealous of me on this road!"

"Damn it!" Chu Yueyue rolled her eyes at Huang Xing, but she was not in any way annoyed. During this period of time on the plane, she would think of Huang Xing from time to time, thinking of his movements, his eyes, and his tone of voice. .

Chu Yueyue is not a fool, of course she knew that she fell in love with Huang Xing.But her marriage, how can she decide on her own?Even if she escaped from the house for a while now, she felt that it was impossible for her family to find her forever. Once she and Huang Xing developed a relationship, Huang Xing would definitely be hurt by then!
But even though she knew this in her heart, in the current environment, she still couldn't help but develop her relationship with Huang Xing to a relationship between a man and a woman that surpassed friendship.After all, things like feelings are sometimes difficult to control.

Talking and laughing, they ate a wonton supper, and the two of them strolled and pressed the road for a long time. When they went back, Chu Yueyue was a little bit reluctant to let Huang Xing continue to accompany her.But fortunately, she still kept her calm, knowing that once she opened something, it would be out of control in the future, so she didn't go to play with fire, said good night to Huang Xing, and went back to the house.

Huang Xing also knew the truth that flirting with girls should not be overdone, so he let Chu Yueyue return to his room without taking advantage of the victory.

After taking a shower and calming down, Huang Xing turned on the computer and began to collect information about the Pingshan family.Some of these materials are public, and some need to hack some servers to get them.This time, Huang Xing intends to teach the Pingshan family a good lesson, and first try to reduce the assets of the Pingshan family by at least half through financial attacks.

Since the Pingshan family's companies are basically listed in foreign markets, Huang Xing's assets stored in foreign banks are useful, and they can be directly used as ammunition for financial attacks, without having to go around the country again.

This time the financial attack was on a larger scale, and there was a lot of information collected in advance. It took Huang Xing three full days to collect all the information he needed.

Using big data analysis technology, Huang Xing understood about [-]% to [-]% of the current situation of the Pingshan family. He stared at the curves on the screen, raised the corner of his mouth, and muttered: "Next Wednesday will be a good time. This bond will mature, and their cash flow is at its most vulnerable, heck, that's the day."

Turning off the computer, Huang Xing yawned. For the past three days, he had been working under a heavy load almost without sleep. Even if Chu Yueyue wanted to ask him to go to the movies, he didn't even think about it. He thought he was busy outside. Refused on the grounds of work.Speaking of which, Huang Xing hasn't realized yet that the things related to Shen Xiyan are getting higher and higher priority in his heart.

Huang Xing stretched his waist, took a shower, slept for two hours, and meditated for more than an hour, and finally he completely cleared the feeling of sleepiness.He was wondering if he called Chu Yueyue to go out for a stroll at night, when his cell phone rang, it was Shen Xiyan's call.

After pressing the answer button, Huang Xing said with a smile: "Xiyan? Do you want to see me? Do you want to go out to play?"

"My dad asked me to call. Several people came to the house, saying they were from the Hirayama family. They also offered conditions to reconcile and pick Hirayama Jiro out. My dad wants to ask your opinion."

"When did they come?"

"Just came here after dinner, it hasn't been long!"

"Then let me go over there, and you tell your dad." Huang Xing said with a smile.

"Okay...see you later."


Huang Xing put down the phone and went out. Shen Xiyan put the phone aside, and said to Tang Qiqi in a puzzled way: "Why does my dad have to ask Huang Chen?"

Tang Qiqi rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "This shows that... Huang Xing has an extraordinary position in your father's heart!"

"Is it really like what you said..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while, "My dad wants Lu Chen and Xiaoyao to be together in the future? Does he regard Lu Chen as his son-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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