Chapter 1022
At that moment just now, Fang Weizheng only felt a violent force rushing into his body, spinning around his dantian and then disappearing without a trace, and his dantian was like boiling hot water Rolling over, all the meridians in the whole body were sore and swollen, and the painful feeling in those few breaths was like death.

He knew in his heart that as long as Huang Xing thought about it just now, his meridians would be torn apart immediately.The reason why I can still stand is that Huang Xing's subordinates are merciful.

Thinking of Huang Chen's majestic innate qi, Fang Weizheng felt like he was dreaming.It is not easy to cultivate innate zhenqi. He has been practicing for decades, and just a few years ago he broke the threshold of acquired to innate qi, cultivated innate zhenqi, and made a qualitative change in his strength.He thought that he should be able to run rampant in the arena of China, but he didn't expect that Huang Xing would have such a deep zhenqi at such a young age. Could it be that the exercises he practiced for Fang Weizheng were actually rubbish?
Looking at Fang Weizheng, whose expression kept changing, Lu Xing cupped his hands, and said with a smile: "Looking at the whole Jianghu, the old man's strength should be ranked in the top twenty, after all, there are not many people who can cultivate innate true energy! I hope the old man cherishes his useful body and pass on your kung fu. These days, there are not many kung fu that can produce innate qi!"

Fang Weizheng took a deep breath, cupped his hands, and said, "Thank you, little friend, for your mercy! I will not interfere in this matter! If I have time to visit Fangjiazhuang in Wuyi Mountain in the future, I will definitely welcome you!"

Huang Chen laughed, "Wuyi Mountain is beautiful, I will definitely go ask for a drink when I have time!"

"This muddy water, I advise you not to wade in it!" Fang Weizheng said to Wei Sanbo, and then said to Yue Congshan, "The Yue family should not make mistakes, why not agree to Huang Xing's conditions and ask for peace, old man With that being said, farewell!"

Fang Weizheng turned around and left, the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

The eyes of Yue Congshan and the others fell on Wei Sanbo, Yue Congshan said in a low voice: "Old people don't rely on their muscles and bones, and Mr. Fang will be in his eighties this year."

Wei Sanbo rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "Yeah, that old guy has no internal strength, I'm afraid his body is still not good enough! The real fight is due to my horizontal kung fu! But I don't think this kid is weak , how about the three of us go up together!"

Although he didn't know the details of Fang Weizheng, Wei Sanbo also knew that Fang Weizheng was definitely not in vain. Since he retreated despite difficulties, it showed that Huang Xing definitely had two tricks.So, he decided to change the heads-up to group fights.

It's a bit vulgar to say, and it doesn't fit his status in the arena, but Wei Sanbo is not a good stubble, and his reputation in the arena in his early years was not very good. He can get to this day, and it is all thanks to his arrogance. Practicing kung fu is really powerful.

Seeing the three of them coming in the shape of "Pin", Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "It's good to go together, so you don't have to worry about it."

Wei Sanbo sneered, "Arrogance!"

His eyes widened, and after practicing horizontal kung fu, his already thick arms and legs immediately became thicker again, the blood vessels on his neck burst out at a visible speed, and his skin took on a strange rusty color.

Huang Xing looked at Wei Sanbo and smacked his lips, "Whether it's a golden bell jar or an iron cloth shirt, it's a serious horizontal kung fu practice, but why don't you practice it? What kind of thing are you practicing? It can be seen in the movie." They are all practiced by the villains, and they generally don’t survive the end of the movie.”

"Put your mother's shit on!" Wei Sanbo scolded, "I'll screw your head off in a while!"

Huang Xing smiled faintly, "What a coincidence, I remember a guy with similar skills as you once said the same thing, is that your brother or brother?"

Wei Sanbo was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Huang Xing with red eyes, "Have you seen my junior brother? Where is he?"

The corner of Huang Chen's mouth twitched, "That's your junior brother! You are so unfortunate! Your junior brother actually gave his life to the drug lords in South America... I cleaned up the family for you."

"What?" Wei Sanbo's eyes were red as if blood was about to drip, "You killed my junior brother?"

"That's not my fault..." Lu Xing sighed, "My target is that drug lord, but your junior brother stopped me, thinking that he is from Huaxia, I let him go, but it's a pity he still wants to kill me, then I can't do anything!"

"Bastard! How dare you kill my junior brother?" Wei Sanbo said angrily, "Today I will kill you to avenge my junior brother!"

Huang Xing sneered, "I think I should send you to meet your junior brother!"

"Let's go together! Kill him!" Wei Sanbo had forgotten that he was here to help, and in his anger he turned against the guest and began to command the brothers of the Yue family.

Yue Congshan and Yue Conghai originally had killing intent towards Huang Xing, so they rushed over with Wei Sanbo.

The Yue family's housekeeping skills are cannon hammers, and Wei Sanbo is also good at boxing, and the three fists smashed towards Huang Xing together with a sharp sound.

For Fang Weizheng, Huang Xing can be merciful, but for these three people, a cold light flashed in Huang Chen's eyes, he didn't seem to see the three fists that cracked stones easily, he tapped his toes lightly, and faced The three left.

In an instant, Huang Xing's figure seemed to be divided into three, and three blurred figures appeared in front of Wei Sanbo and the Yue family brothers respectively, and he couldn't see the specific movements of Huang Xing, only the three of them seemed to be abandoned by someone. Like a rag bag, it spun a few times in the air and then landed on the ground. The landing position was very neat. The three of them lined up in a row and landed right in front of Yue Conglin.

Wei Sanbo's chest was completely sunken, he vomited blood non-stop, and it seemed that he couldn't live.

The arms of Yue Congshan and Yue Conghai were the same as Yue Conglin's last time, they all fell limply to the side of the body, and even the shoulder blades were broken.

The three brothers of the Yue family all looked at Huang Xing in horror. Yue Congshan and Yue Conghai wanted to talk, but when they reached their mouths, only blood spewed out.

From Lin Fuzhi to Xinxin, Yue quickly said, "Lu Xing, let's add more money! Spare me!"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "How much is the total property of the Yue family?"

"It's almost the same as on the IOU..." Yue Conglin said in a low voice.

"Then why don't you!" Huang Xing sneered.

"We have family heirlooms, porcelain from the Song Dynasty! The real thing!" Yue Conglin said, "I'm not including that!"

"Porcelain from the Song Dynasty? What kind of fineness?" Huang Xing asked.

"Four pieces from the official kiln and six pieces from the Ru kiln, all of which are large and undamaged!" Yue Conglin said, "Give us our lives, and I will give you everything!"

Lu Chen rubbed his chin, pondered for a while, and said, "This kind of cultural relic can be regarded as a priceless treasure. It is enough to buy the lives of three of you. After three days, prepare your things and money, and call me."

After taking the business card thrown by Huang Xing, Yue Conglin heaved a sigh of relief, his life was finally saved...

(End of this chapter)

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