The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1025 Just Drinking a Cup of Tea

Chapter 1025 Just Drinking a Cup of Tea
Hearing that Shen Xiyan was in Lu Xing's plan, Shen Kuohai couldn't help but feel relieved. Now that the relationship between the two has not yet been settled, Lu Xing often thinks about Shen Xiyan. When the relationship is settled in the future, why not put Shen Xiyan in the same place? Yan Chong to the sky?

Taking another look at those quaint porcelains, Shen Kuohai couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Xiao Lu, these things are so precious, in fact, you should really keep them for yourself."

"It's fine to keep one. Putting a bunch of these things at home makes it look like a museum. I also feel awkward. And this thing can't be eaten, and it's troublesome to cash it out. In my opinion, that's it... By the way, if you like to collect this, Uncle Shen, I can give it to you."

Shen Kuohai laughed, and waved his hands, "I just want to sigh, it's better to put these antiques in a museum. Just do as you said. By the way, are you familiar with the people from the Qin family?"

"It's pretty familiar... It's Qin Yushi from the Qin family. Now, apart from Mr. Qin, the Qin family is the most prestigious one."

Shen Kuohai was silent for a moment, then said: "Then I will meet Qin Yushi and have a chat tomorrow... I guess I have to go to the capital too, I don't know if you have time, Xiao Lu."

"I also want to go to the capital." Huang Xing said with a smile, "The movie that the Qin family wants to cooperate with me, I'm afraid there will be some involvement with the department above, I have to go to the front station."


The next day, Huang Xing arranged for Qin Yushi and Shen Kuohai to meet. One of them represented an old family in Kyoto, and the other was the richest man in Haidong. The meeting place was arranged in a teahouse. This teahouse It is a property under the name of Xiao Qiangwei, the location is relatively hidden, and the decoration is also very simple. It is a place specially used to discuss relatively secret things.

The meeting between the two behemoths of the Shen family and the Qin family, if this kind of thing is not kept low-key, it might shake the entire Haidong business district, and the surrounding business circles will not be calm either.

Lu Xing was too lazy to listen to the conversation between Shen Kuohai and Qin Yushi. He found a side hall and ordered a pot of good tea and some refreshments. While drinking, he looked at the scenery outside. This location happened to be able to see an alley. The unattended pet dogs wandered happily in the alleys. The teahouses for this kind of purpose are just a cover, usually there is not much business, and it is very quiet.

While drinking the tea, Huang Xing's face suddenly changed, and he looked at the entrance of the alley in the distance. A pretty figure hurriedly ran into the alley. The lotus-colored dress followed her running like a blooming flower.

"Dong Xue? Could it be that someone is chasing her?" Huang Xing muttered to himself and looked intently.

That girl was Dong Xue, the beauty who Huang Xing let go of in the invigilation last time, and she was considered the flower of the Department of Journalism.

However, this department girl is said to have a very individual personality, is very busy in doing things, and likes to be alone. Although there are boys in the journalism department who pursue him, they are often rarely seen.

Seeing the three men about ten meters behind Dong Xue, Huang Xing couldn't help but twitch his mouth, just drinking a cup of tea, why did he encounter a hero saving the beauty?

At this time, Dong Xue had already run to the middle of the alley. She looked back at the three men, took a deep breath immediately, and ran to the alley at a faster speed. There was a farmers market not far from the alley. In the market, she was sure to get rid of the people behind. She subconsciously touched the small bag with her. There was a miniature tape recorder in it, which contained the things she had worked so hard to get. Dong Xue felt that she had accomplished a very meaningful and just thing.

Just when she accelerated her speed, Dong Xue suddenly stopped, with a look of despair flashing in her eyes, and two people came from the other side of the alley, and she was blocked at a dead end.Dong Xue didn't run anymore, she moved her ankle secretly, recalling the self-defense technique for women she had learned.

Five men walked up to Dong Xue with a sneer. A man with triangular eyes stretched out his hand and said, "Hand over the recording! Who sent you here?"

Dong Xue shook her head, "What recording, I don't know."

Triangle-eyed spat, "Little bastard, the boss really went astray, and thought you were a seedling that could be cultivated, but you turned out to be a wolf-hearted thing! The boss said, if you hand over the recording, go back and admit it honestly. It’s a mistake, just pretend it didn’t happen,’re courting death!”

Dong Xue lowered her head, was silent for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Triangle-eyed grinned grimly, "If I had known this, why bother! Wouldn't it be good to make money with us?"

As he spoke, he winked at a man next to him with sinister eyes. The corner of the man's mouth twitched, and he stretched his hand to his waist to touch a small plastic bag. There was poison in it. Obviously, the two of them had nothing to do with each other. I want Dong Xue to live.

Dong Xue slowly put her hand into the small bag, and at the same time approached the triangular eye a little closer, and said, "It's a small recording pen, I don't have a backup."

The triangular eyes snorted coldly, "There is no best!"

"Here you are!" Dong Xue suddenly took her hand out of her bag, raised it in front of the triangular eyes, and at the same time pressed down the top cap of the bottle in her hand.

A cloud of pungent mist sprayed out and splashed on the face of the triangular eye.

Anti-wolf spray, made of super chili powder, sour and refreshing taste, no one can match it!
The triangular eye screamed, and the snot and tears flowed down immediately.Dong Xue immediately kicked with her right leg in a dazzling arc.


The fatal place was severely injured, Triangle Eye screamed and knelt on the ground.

Dong Xue took advantage of the gap exposed by the triangular eyes and used all her strength to escape.

"Smelly bitches are courting death!"

When the sulky man reacted, Dong Xue had already rushed past him with a scent of fragrance, he stretched out his hand to catch an empty space, and hurriedly turned around and chased after him.

The pursuers were two or three meters behind her. Dong Xue knew that if she was overtaken, she would die. The only thing in her mind was to run quickly and not to be overtaken.

But the weather was unpredictable, there were many sundries on the ground in this alley, Dong Xue accidentally stepped on a drink bottle, her foot slipped, she lost her balance and fell forward.At the same time, she saw a figure suddenly appear in front of her.

It's over!There is no way to escape now!

Dong Xue's heart was cold, she knew how dark those people's hearts were, if she was arrested, she would definitely have nothing good to eat.

After a pause, Dong Xue bumped into the arms of the man in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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