The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1027 Learn about the conspiracy

Chapter 1027 Learn about the conspiracy
From the very beginning, Huang Xing roughly guessed what those men were doing, and after asking a few more questions, Huang Xing understood in his heart.These guys should be regarded as a kind of gray profession spawned by the Internet age.Their predecessors were unscrupulous journalists. In the past, some journalists used their special professions to secretly go to certain companies to blackmail them. If they didn’t get any benefits, they would publish negative news about that company in newspapers and magazines. .

Although it is illegal to spread rumors, things like words are very delicate things. As long as you speak vaguely and leave room, even if the company resorts to the law, there may be no results, but those negative news are real. Go spread it, the so-called rumors are easy to talk about, and the rumors are broken.

In the Internet age, especially with the popularization of mobile phones, books and magazines are no longer used for such things, but the Internet is used to spread them directly.Especially in the self-media era, when everyone can be a news release terminal, once there are a large number of fans and users, the influence of a self-media terminal can even catch up with a portal website.

And the guys who are engaged in this "black media" business will spontaneously organize and set up a so-called public relations company, and the business scope is not limited to those unlucky companies.It also includes public opinion building, paid deletion and posting, etc.These people are hidden behind the Internet, and it is difficult for ordinary people to feel their existence, but in fact, if you plan to buy a car and go to various car forums, you will find that the comments on any brand of car on the forum are very poor. All kinds of negative news indicate that the cars of the relevant brands are garbage.In fact, this is the handiwork of the "black media" companies, and "car hacking" is an important business for them.Basically, brands with the same price are competitors, so it has become a routine operation to "hack" competitors with money.The so-called "the Internet is not a good car", so it is!

After kicking the man with triangular eyes unconscious, Huang Xing looked at Dong Xue and asked, "Are you working in a media PR company?"

Dong Xue hesitated for a moment, then said, "No, I... should be considered an undercover agent!"

"Undercover?" Huang Xing smiled, "Are you helping the police?"

"That's not true..." Dong Xue said, "I often help people write press releases on the Internet. Later, I found that some tasks were suspicious, so I tried to get in touch with the people who released them. Later, I realized that they were organized. Then……"

"Then you felt that they were engaging in illegal activities, so you broke into the inside..." Huang Xing laughed, "and also got their internal information."

Dong Xue nodded, "I recorded their conversation, some I know, some I don't understand, but it's not a good thing, I plan to hand it over to the police."

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "You are really a good girl who is brave enough to stand up for justice."

Dong Xue blushed, "What do you mean! What they do is disgusting! They spread rumors and make trouble every day, making a mess on the Internet! And they are colluding with foreign forces. I think they are treasonous!"

"Don't get excited..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "What did you record? Mind if I listen?"

"You'll know after listening..." Dong Xue said.

"Let's go to the teahouse." Huang Xing pulled the four unconscious people to a place where they could be seen from the window of the teahouse. These four guys couldn't wake up within two hours, and they couldn't run away in the alley. Be careful not to be chewed by stray dogs passing by.

The communication between Shen Kuohai and Qin Yushi involves many places. The Qin family is a colossus for any city. As the boss of the Haidong business district, Shen Kuohai must make corresponding interests with the Qin family when they come. The allocation will prevent the two families from fighting and causing Haidong's economic turmoil.The communication time between the two cannot be short, so Huang Xing has plenty of time to listen to the audio data of the undercover beauty.

What Dong Xue used for eavesdropping was a small bug. Huang Xing took out the memory card inside, stuffed it into his mobile phone, and then put on the earphones to listen. Drink tea opposite.She was curious while drinking, this teahouse is very high-end, the consumption is also high, and it's also very remote, why did Huang Xing come here?And it still looks like a person?Is he so elegant?

But Huang Xing has been listening, Dong Xue can only keep these questions in her heart.

There is a lot of audio content, but Huang Xing adjusted the audio speed to eight times the speed, and he listened to the audio content for several hours in a few ten minutes.

He took off his earphones and looked at Dong Xue with great interest.

Dong Xue was a little scared by him, and asked: "What do you see me doing?"

Huang Xing smiled, "It's nothing, I just took a closer look at the appearance of the heroine in front of me."

"What!" Dong Xue frowned, "What's in it, I haven't heard all of it yet."

"There are some shocking things..." Huang Xing returned the memory card to Dong Xue while talking, "You put this away and hand it over to the police later. I'll pick some interesting ones and tell you about them."

"Yeah, tell me." Dong Xue said, "Have you heard everything?"

"Eight times speed, I listened to it."

"Eight times speed? You can hear it clearly?"

"Brother's ears are professional..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "The first thing here is that the genius doctor Huo who came out of Haidong recently was touted by them, he should have been hired to do so. "

"Miracle Doctor Huo?" Dong Xue thought for a while, then nodded, "I know, I've seen them publish articles in an organized way! They're all bragging about Miracle Doctor Huo."

"The funny thing is, they want to piss off that miracle doctor Huo now!" Huang Xing laughed.

"Huh? Why? I thought they touted that guy just to make money."

Lu Xing rubbed his chin and said, "It's a bit complicated to say...the purpose of their touting Dr. Huo is actually to discredit Dr. Huo, to praise him high, and then to throw him down hard."

Dong Xue looked confused, "Isn't this just looking for trouble?"

"Their goal is not Miracle Doctor Huo himself. They brag about Miracle Huo for the sake of Chinese medicine. It's like a myth, and then they drag him off the altar and send him to hell for the purpose of blackmailing Chinese medicine!" Huang Xing said, "This is a big deal, and the employer is the MLGB Group. MLGB is a western pharmaceutical group, and Chinese medicine is their life and death enemy."

Dong Xue pondered for a moment, then spat, "It's despicable, these guys are all traitors!"

Huang Xing smiled, "There is another thing that is even more interesting. They want to expose a large number of Chinese herbal medicines that contain harmful chemical ingredients."

"Ah?" Dong Xue asked in surprise, "Is this trying to spread rumors?"

Huang Xing shook his head, "It's not spreading rumors, but telling the truth, they have inside information..."

(End of this chapter)

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