The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1030 Conspiracies Are Not Scary

Chapter 1030 Conspiracies Are Not Scary

At present, Mr. Xiao is devoting all his energy to the Chinese medicine industry.His main investment project is traditional Chinese medicine health care. This industry is currently mixed with good and bad, and it can even be described as a mess. The market is flooded with hype-filled health products, and some of them have become tools for fraud or pyramid schemes.

However, Mr. Xiao and Feng Zhiyuan are people who want to do business. Feng Zhiyuan does have real ancient health regimens in his hands, and Mr. Xiao can't rub the sand in his eyes, so the two are still moving forward step by step.

When they arrived at the production plant that the two had just invested in, Huang Xing told the news he got.

Mr. Xiao's temper was a bit more violent, and he immediately began to scold, "These bastards! This is a disaster for the country and the people! I know the expert who touts, he is like a fairy, and he is better than Lao Feng. It turned out that the MLGB Group specially made it The target, too despicable!"

Feng Zhiyuan's face was a little ugly, and he said, "In this way, those who attack Chinese medicine will have another target, alas..."

It is no wonder that Feng Zhiyuan is worried. Although this method of MLGB Group is vicious, it is actually quite clever. First, it praises a so-called "Chinese medicine expert" who is essentially ignorant and incompetent. The psychological expectations of the melon masses have been lifted to a high point.Then after a certain time, tear off the disguise of that "expert" and expose his essence as a liar. Since the expert used Chinese medicine to disguise himself, then with it, Chinese medicine has been discredited to the extreme!When people no longer believe in that expert, they also no longer believe in Chinese medicine.

This kind of behavior of mixing sand with opponents to attack opponents is not uncommon in the current era.When the sand is mixed with high-profile praise, people will be ecstatic, and they will be knocked down when they need it. Since people have already established psychological expectations, when they find that what they are expecting is a scam, people will not I will calm down, and I will definitely loathe that touted thing unconditionally.This method of using psychological gaps to achieve means has been played very neatly by many Western companies.Especially those big companies have deep pockets, so a bureau can be arranged for a few months or even a few years, as long as the goal is achieved.

This time, it took the MLGB Group several months from the search for candidates to the hype. When the expert became famous, although some people who knew Chinese medicine felt that the hype was a bit too much, but due to the consistent way of Chinese people, they Also unwilling to take the initiative to attack peers.Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine is relatively weak in general now. Even if that expert is a bit over the top, he is still promoting Chinese medicine, so people in the Chinese medicine circle are happy to see the results, and they did not stand up in time to pour cold water on them. Big bang for the MLGB group.

Sixty to seventy percent of what the expert preached was true, but [-] to [-] percent were false, or exaggerated. If someone carefully analyzed it, most of the [-] to [-] percent of the loopholes These are vulnerabilities that can lead to serious or serious-sounding health problems, and these things are all pre-established targets.When the MLGB Group is about to attack, these targets can be said to be accurate.

"The MLGB Group is too hateful!" Third Master Xiao gritted his teeth, "Xiao Lu, why don't we gather people and smash their company!"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Although that will solve the hatred, it can't solve the problem of this expert. They want to dig out the roots of Chinese medicine!"

"That's right!" Feng Zhiyuan said in a deep voice, "It's almost unsolvable! That expert is a fake at all, and the MLGB Group will hit every one!"

Huang Xing thought for a while, and said: "When I came here, I thought about this problem. Instead of letting MLGB hit this target, it's better for us to hit it! Your new brand is not well-known in the market now, so why not take advantage of this target?" Opportunity, rely on that expert to take the lead! I believe that with Feng Lao's level, he will definitely be able to refute that expert to no avail!"

Mr. Xiao pondered for a moment, then his eyes lit up, "That's a good idea! Since the MLGB Group wants to destroy my roots in Chinese medicine, then we can't be polite!"

Feng Zhiyuan frowned, "But that expert was on TV and broadcast again. It seems that there are still videos on the Internet. How can we refute it?"

"Let's start from the self-media!" Huang Xing said, "Mr. Feng prepared the materials for criticism, and I will ask someone to write an article, just a whole series. Instead of letting the MLGB Group to defeat that scourge, we should step on him by ourselves." Superior!"

"Okay!" Feng Zhiyuan nodded and said, "I'll write it now! The MLGB Group must not be allowed to succeed!"

"In addition to the matter of the fake expert, there is also the problem of the Zhou family..." Huang Xing immediately talked about the production of the Zhou family's herbal medicine. Originally, according to the previous technology, the Zhou family's herbal medicine would not have more chemical residues, but using After acquiring the patented technology of MLGB Group, although the cost of treatment has been reduced, chemical residues have become a barrier that cannot be passed. However, such chemical residues are very rare in the Chinese herbal medicine industry, and they will not be detected during quality inspection.What's terrible is that if the human body ingests that chemical residue for a long time, it may cause organ disease.This incident will not only ruin the Zhou family, but will even deal a fatal blow to the entire Chinese herbal medicine industry.

After Huang Xing finished speaking, Feng Zhiyuan couldn't help but frown. This matter is related to the health of consumers, and it is more difficult than that fake expert's matter.He was silent for a moment, and said: "Why don't I write an open letter to the relevant departments to clarify this matter, wait for the MLGB Group to expose it, why don't we expose it ourselves, self-exposing the scars hurts, but it can give the body a healthy body! "

Huang Chen nodded, "It's best to highlight the point that the traditional method has no chemical residues, but using the MLGB Group's patent will cause problems."

"Yes!" Feng Zhiyuan snorted coldly, "MLGB Group is really deliberate! In order to dominate China's medical market, it really uses all tricks!"

Huang Xing smiled faintly, "Conspiracy seems to be a profound thing, but in fact, as long as it is exposed to the sun, it will disappear immediately."

"Xiao Lu, what you said is reasonable!" Third Master Xiao smiled, "I have seen it through now. If you want to go far, you can't rely on conspiracy, you must rely on conspiracy, and rely on the way of a gentleman!"

Huang Xing gave a thumbs up, "What the third master said is very true."

Feng Zhiyuan looked at the time and said, "It's not too late, I'll start writing the material now. I should be able to hand it over to you at noon tomorrow! The rest is up to you!"

"Don't worry, we knew about this early, so we will handle it properly, there will be no problem!" Huang Xing said with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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