The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1032 Career Development

Chapter 1032 Career Development

Shen Kang's face was flushed with anger. He stared at Lisa fiercely, thinking that he was really blind to recruit such a soft-boned assistant. He gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, be careful..."

"Shen Kang!" The policeman interrupted his words with a yell, "Don't be arrogant, come with us!"

The police officer took Shen Kang out while talking, and then said to Lisa with a smile: "Miss Lisa, don't be afraid, as long as you confess well, your matter should be fine, after all, you are not the mastermind."

"That's right, that's right!" Lisa seemed to see a savior, "Shen Kang asked me to do it, and I will tell you everything and confess everything! I must be lenient!"


After Shen Kang and Lisa were arrested, they quickly confessed everything. The passports of the so-called Stars and Stripes are not very useful for such serious crimes, and the relationship between China and the Stars and Stripes is not very good. The Star-Spangled Banner is holding high the banner of the sweater war and is constantly attacking China's economy. It is a dream to expect the Chinese government to take more care of the passport of the Star-Spangled Banner. What's more, the official is now listing Chinese medicine as a key research and development project, and what Shen Kang is doing is digging up Chinese medicine. About the grave, Huang Xing learned from Zhao Min that Shen Kang might be given a heavy sentence this time.

In addition to criticizing bogus experts, the issue of the Zhou family's pharmaceutical company was also exposed with an open letter from Feng Zhiyuan.

The Zhou family tried their best to deny it at first, but finally found out that what the open letter said was true. Their herbal medicine did contain harmful chemical residues. Although such residues were not within the scope of detection, they were definitely harmful to people.The relevant department reacted very quickly this time, and immediately entered Zhou's company, ordered it to stop production, and issued a huge fine.

The Zhou family was seriously injured this time. In order to make up for the loss, they filed a lawsuit and sued the MLGB Group to court. It's hard to say when the Zhou family will get the compensation through the back door.Under the impact of this incident, the Zhou family didn't have the heart to pester Feng Zhiyuan to marry his granddaughter every day. Xu Wanying finally didn't have to worry about Zhou Bin's harassment anymore.

The turmoil of traditional Chinese medicine has become a big event this month on the Internet. Although this matter was provoked by Huang Xing, except for the initial participation, he will not follow up later. I learned from Feng Zhiyuan that medical and health Relevant departments have taken over the direction of public opinion. This matter will become an opportunity event for the development of Chinese medicine, and some laws and regulations related to Chinese medicine will be implemented along with the trend. In addition, the national police will take this opportunity to crack down on some illegal activities under the guise of Chinese medicine. economic behavior.The promotional task of Weilong Pictures is not traditional Chinese medicine. As the filming progress of Fierce Tea [-] progresses, related publicity has also begun.

According to the news from He Yinger, people from the cultural department have already started contacting her, asking if the premiere of Fierce Tea [-] will be released in China.Export to domestic sales can only be used once, and it can have some advertising effect for the first time. If it is done again, it will be suspected of being ignorant of flattery.Therefore, the premiere of Fierce Tea [-] still needs to be broadcast in China, but whether the TV platform or the online platform needs to be discussed.What Huang Chen meant was that the fat and water would not flow to outsiders. It would be best to premiere it for Qiangwei Media, but this would save a sum of money for the first broadcast. Although he said that his brothers settled the score clearly, Huang Chen was also ashamed to say goodbye to Xiao Qiangwei, the bedside person. Open your mouth.Fortunately, Xiao Qiangwei is also a sensible woman. She proposed that she does not need the right to broadcast exclusively. The first broadcast can not only be on Qiangwei Media, but it is best to synchronize it with TV.

Due to the success of Fierce Tea [-], the rebroadcast fee of Fierce Tea [-] and the advertising fees of various merchants will surely reap a lot, and there is also a well-known film production company planning to make the story of Fierce Tea [-] into a movie. With an extra amount of copyright income, generally TV dramas will be made into movies, and the response will be more touching. Huang Xing himself doesn't want to touch this thunder, and he is also happy to see the success of someone who is willing to spend money to die.

After communicating with Shen Kuohai, Qin Yushi's itinerary can no longer be kept secret. She began to become active in the Haidong business district, and began to be the first stop for the Qin family to come to Haidong. With the collapse of the Gao family, the Haidong business district appeared. With a lot of gaps, the Qin family will not only have a lot to do in Haidong, but also add new vitality to Haidong's economy.

Soon, this glamorous woman became a beautiful line in Haidong's business district, especially after learning that she was still single, many second-generation Haidong's thoughts began to move.It is true that Qin Yushi is a bit old for those second generations who are twenty years old.But Qin Yushi's appearance is there, not to mention the Qin family behind her. Although the Qin family has been declining in recent years, it is a family in Kyoto after all, and the relationship above is not something that Haidong can do. Than.However, although there are many people who are tempted, most of them will hit a wall as soon as they reveal it.Compared with those young second generations, Qin Yushi can be regarded as a thousand-year-old fox, who can easily make those guys touch a soft nail.

As the weather gets hotter and hotter, Haidong's unbearable summer is coming. The white sun hangs high in the sky, and the shade on the road is only a small patch under the tree.However, the hot weather has its benefits. The beauties who go out wear less fabric, and the youthful and beautiful legs shaking all over the street are the most beautiful scenery for men.

In the school, the three of Huang Xing, Tang Qiqi and Shen Xiyan have become a solid iron triangle. Whenever Huang Xing goes to school, no matter whether it is for self-study or eating, the three of them will go together.The treatment of the two beauties around him made many boys in Haidong University envious and jealous.

The three of them had just had lunch that day, and there was no class in the afternoon. Huang Xing was considering whether to invite two beauties to go swimming or something, two beauties in swimsuits!Good luck!

But before Huang Xing had time to say it, suddenly the phone rang, it was Qin Yushi's call, saying that he wanted to ask Huang Xing to chat about the film adapted from the Moxigan anti-drug operation in the afternoon, Xing Xing couldn't help laughing when he heard it, " I said Qin is very busy, I thought you forgot about it."

"How dare I forget about you!" Qin Yushi's magnetic voice came from the phone, "I was busy negotiating with people in the Haidong business district a while ago, and I was too distracted. Now that I'm done, I have time Focus on talking to you about this matter. Our Qin family actually has a small film and television company, and I think this movie can make this film and television company come to Haidong."

Huang Xing smiled, "I said you are not being kind, aren't you trying to steal business from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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