A bit silly

For Huang Xing to take root in Huaxia, a home is naturally necessary. This house in Haidong is his real "home" in Huaxia.

After finalizing the time to go to Kyoto with Qin Yushi, Huang Xing went to Ziyu Villa to look at the house.

Niu Qingyou waited at the door the whole time. Seeing that Huang Chen had arrived, he led him into the villa as if offering a treasure.

The greening in the yard has already taken shape. Except that the plants have not grown to be a little short, both the shape and the quality of the plants are first-class.The surface treatment of the wall, the height of the steps, and the surface treatment of the handrails are all very delicate. The door is a double-safety door lock with mechanical and electronic fingerprints.The living room with floor-to-ceiling glass lighting is very spacious and bright, and the high-grade solid wood floor feels very comfortable to step on.The layout of the house is similar to that of the Shen family, and the layout of the bedrooms is also the same. However, Huang Xing's bad taste flared up. The bedroom corresponding to Shen Xiyan in this house had special requirements for decoration. Compared with Xi Yan's bedroom, except that it looks newer, no matter the walls, floors or lamps, they are all exactly the same.

Lu Xing rubbed his chin, secretly amused, wondering how that little girl Shen Xiyan would react when she saw this room.

Niu Qingyou led Huang Xing up to the top floor, and said regretfully: "Actually, it would be nice to have a garden on the top floor, just like the Shen family. It would be a bit wasteful to make it into a practice room. It's better to turn the basement into a practice room."

Huang Chen laughed, "The roof is well ventilated and spacious."

While talking, he walked into the practice room. The floor is a special wooden floor, one wall is a large mirror, and there are waist-high handrails around it. It looks like a professional dance practice classroom. .

Huang Xing nodded in satisfaction, and patted Niu Qingyou on the shoulder, "That's right, Lao Niu, I don't take advantage of you either, I am very satisfied with this decoration, you can really give me a price, and I will send you the money !"

"Brother Chen, I really don't need...I..."

Huang Xing waved his hand, "Business is business, favors are favors, I have written down your thoughts, I must give you what is due, otherwise I will not feel at ease living in this house."

"That's fine! Brother Chen, I'll give you a discounted price, so you can earn less!" Niu Qingyou said.

Huang Chen smiled slightly, "You're smart! Call your team, and call everyone who worked hard to decorate this house. Today, my boss treats you to dinner! Let's go to Tianyun Hotel, the food there seems to be good!"

Niu Qingyou was so beautiful that his nose was bubbling, and this master Huang Xing treated guests, it gave him a lot of face, so he hurriedly called to greet someone, then drove himself, and took Huang Chen to the Tianyun Hotel.


Huang Chen can tell that Niu Qingyou and his team have put a lot of effort into the decoration of their house. Although Niu Qingyou is trying to flatter him, he can see his sincerity after all. If you play well, rich locals like Niu Qingyou are no exception.

After eating and drinking enough, Niu Qingyou sent Huang Xing back to Ziyu Villa, and then left with his team.Seeing that the light was on in Shen Xiyan's room, Huang Xing rolled his eyes, took out his cell phone, and dialed Shen Xiyan's number.

"Hey, Xiyan, are you at home?" Huang Chen said with a smile.

"At home, what are you doing?"

"I'm just downstairs in your house, I can even see your beautiful figure on the curtain!" Huang Chen said with a smile.

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan was stunned for a moment, opened the curtains and looked down, just in time to see Huang Xing waving at her, Shen Xiyan frowned, and asked, "Why are you so wretched? What are you doing next?"

"My house has been renovated. How about calling Kiki to take a look? Come and see if you are satisfied."

"What does your house matter to me? Just be satisfied with yourself!"

"I promised you to set up a dance practice room for you, come and see if you are qualified or not." Huang Xing said with a smile.

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan froze for a moment, "Did you really do it? Isn't that a joke? You..."

"Hey, isn't it silly for us to call face to face like this? Let's talk when we get down." Huang Xing hung up the phone while talking, and waved his hand at Shen Xiyan.

Shen Xiyan had no choice but to hang up the phone, regardless of whether Huang Chen could see it or not, she gave him a blank look from a distance, then closed the curtains, and knocked on Tang Qiqi's door.

Tang Qiqi was practicing boxing exercises to the music inside, and it took a while to open the door, with a few drops of sweat still hanging on her pretty face.

"Xiyan, what's the matter?" Tang Qiqi wiped off her sweat, "Do you want to practice with me?"

Shen Xiyan shook her head, "Lu Xing is downstairs, his house has been installed, please let's go and have a look."

"Ah?" Tang Qiqi was taken aback, rolled her eyes, and said with a smile, "I'm having a good time practicing, you go by yourself, you're not an outsider, hehe..."

"What do you mean you're not an outsider?" Shen Xiyan pouted, "You really don't want to go?"

Tang Qiqi pointed to her tube top and tight shorts, "I still have to change my clothes, miss! And I'm sweaty all over, and I have to take a shower... It's too troublesome, you go by yourself, anyway, it's next door, If he insults you, I'll hear you when you call out."

Hearing that Tang Qiqi's words were getting more and more out of line, Shen Xiyan hurriedly turned around and left, "It's fine if you don't go! Hmph!"

When Shen Xiyan went back to the room to change clothes, Tang Qiqi smiled slyly, closed the door, opened the curtains, looked at Huang Xing downstairs, and muttered to herself, these two are real!Huang Chen, are you pretending?Can't you see that Shen Xiyan is interested in you?The same goes for Xi Yan, can't you see that Huang Xing treats you very differently?These two pieces of wood are really troublesome!
Huang Xing waited for a few more minutes, and when he saw Shen Xiyan in a red tracksuit approaching, he smiled and waved, "Where's Qiqi?"

"Qiqi is practicing boxing exercises."

"Oh..." Huang Xing nodded, "Go, I'll take you to see it."

Shen Xiyan said angrily, "It's true of you, you really set up a practice room!"

"Anyway, the place is big, I'll give you a key, you can come if you want to practice dancing." Huang Xing said while giving Shen Xiyan a brand new key.

"I just call you when I want to use it, aren't you afraid that I'll steal it!" Shen Xiyan said while returning the key to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing waved his hand, "I'm a busy lady! Besides, I'm taking care of all your assets, how dare you steal from me?"

"Then..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while and said, "Then let me take a look first."

There is no furniture and electrical appliances in Huang Xing's house, it is all empty, and there is nothing to see. The two of them went to the rooftop together and entered the door of the dance practice room. Huang Xing turned on all the lights inside, and said with a smile: "Use your professional Just take a look, and if you don’t like it, I’ll change it.”

(End of this chapter)

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