Chapter 1041
The sudden sneak attack made Qin Yushi's pretty face blush. She tilted her head to look at Huang Xing, and suddenly felt a strong impulse in her heart. No matter the car window was still open, she leaned sideways and hugged Huang Xing's neck. Cherry lips were heavily printed on Huang Xing's face.

Feeling the softness of the cheeks and the elasticity of the tightly pressed arms, such a good thing naturally has no reason to be pushed out. Huang Xing tilted his head and held Qin Yushi's lips forcefully.


Qin Yushi's body trembled, and she soon limp in Huang Xing's arms, awkwardly responding to the passionate kiss.


A few minutes later, Lu Xing just let go of Qin Yushi's soft lips. He squeezed Qin Yushi's hot face, and said with a smile, "I was forced to kiss you, really..."

Qin Yushi looked at Huang Xing affectionately, "I will take responsibility!"

Huang Xing laughed, "To be honest, I don't have much concentration, if it wasn't because it's hard to do it in broad daylight, you might suffer a lot."

Qin Yushi smiled lightly, "When you meet someone you like, there is nothing to lose! From now on, when I go to Haidong, I will wait for you to take advantage of me every day."

Just as she was talking, Qin Yushi's cell phone rang, and it was Chu Yueyue calling.

After pressing the answer button, Qin Yushi smiled and said, "Yueyue, what's the matter?"

"Sister Yushi, my family knows that I am in Haidong."

"Oh... didn't let you go back?"

", they let me stay in Haidong."

Qin Yushi smiled slightly, "Are you still asked to tie Huang Xing?"

"Uh... yes, it's the same as what we discussed last time... But if this is the case, will it affect your reputation?"

"What's the impact of this? Huang Xing is so good, what's the matter between the two of us competing?" Qin Yushi gave Huang Xing a wink while talking.

Huang Xing naturally understood what was going on, couldn't help but smiled, took advantage of Qin Yushi's plump legs, and then started the car.

After chatting with Chu Yueyue for a while, Qin Yushi hung up the phone, and said with a smile, "Yueyue asked me to thank you for being a shield, and she said she would treat you to dinner later... What do you think of Yueyue?"

"Not bad..." Huang Xing said, "It's so beautiful that I sometimes want to transform into a beast."

Qin Yushi covered her mouth and smiled, "Come on, if you were a beast, you would have eaten Yueyue... By the way, I almost forgot, you told that Zhao Min that you can get electronic information, how do you get it?" ? At that person's level, all the electronic equipment he uses has software protection, which is very difficult to crack."

Huang Xing smiled and said: "Any electronic device emits radiation when it is working. Although I cannot enter the system, I can analyze a lot of useful information through these radiations. For example, your usual computer screen, Regardless of liquid crystal or vacuum tube, as long as it is used, there will be radiation. Through these radiation, the picture on the screen can be restored, unless that special screen will not have this problem. However, his level should be used Not on that screen."

"..." Qin Yushi was silent for a moment, and then said, "I've heard of this technology, which is used by the military intelligence department. I didn't expect you to master it too."

"The principle is very simple..." Huang Xing smiled, "There is no secret in this world that cannot be found out. I guess the guy Mo Ganxi caught could probably pull out a carrot and bring out mud, and get rid of a bunch."

Qin Yushi sighed, and said: "There is a big problem in this circle, and I, an outsider, can see it. It is this group of people who have made many people think that China can't fight the East Japan Kingdom! What a joke in the world!"

Huang Chen smiled faintly, "The country was weak back then, didn't you want to pretend to be a grandson? After pretending to be a grandson for a long time, some people became real grandsons. As for why a guy at that level became someone else's mouthpiece, that's a matter of supervision. But, those have nothing to do with me... It's almost noon, let me treat you to dinner."

"How can you invite me in Kyoto? I'll invite you. Please go to Donglaishun and try the boiled mutton in Kyoto!"

"We lonely men and widows go to eat mutton, you are not afraid that I will get angry and do something?"

Qin Yushi covered her mouth and smiled, "You can do whatever you want, and I will do whatever you want!"

"That's right..." Huang Xing quickly waved his hands, "You goblin is really unbearable. I have an appointment with my old lover this afternoon. It's none of your business."

Qin Yushi sighed faintly, "Luo Hua intends to flow ruthlessly, Lu Xing, you are so cruel!"

Huang Xing shrugged, "How about I send you the location at night, and you want the three of us to spend the night together, I have no objection."

"..." Qin Yushi scolded "shameless", spat, and pinched Huang Xing hard.


When Huang Xing came to the capital, he didn't inform Cheng Yaqiu before, because Huang Xing didn't know how long it would take to visit those leaders in the capital. Telling Cheng Yaqiu in advance would make her restless for several days.

Cheng Yaqiu is now a well-known talented woman in Kyoto Normal University. Since she was in advanced studies, she seems to have opened up. Those originally obscure and boring educational theories are as beautiful as novels in her opinion. She has found her true love. Interest, plunged into the ivory tower, with a posture of not hearing anything outside the window.

However, confidante has always been gossip, Cheng Yaqiu is beautiful and has temperament, and now she has a high degree of Ph. There are also well-known foreign universities that have offered her an olive branch, hoping that she can continue her research in foreign universities after graduating with a Ph.D.Therefore, in Kyoto Normal University, Cheng Yaqiu is considered a celebrity, such a talented and beautiful woman, the suitors are naturally indispensable.Although the title of female doctor is sometimes not a compliment, it is the first choice for boys with the same education.

Cheng Yaqiu knows the reason why people are popular, she is very low-key in college, and she is perfunctory to those boys who are courteous. Also gradually less.Strictly speaking, the relationship between Cheng Yaqiu and Huang Xing is not to meet people, but she can also see that there will be many people in the future of Huang Xing. Since she likes Huang Xing and Huang Xing accepts her, then Just do a fraction of that in a down-to-earth manner.What's more, the more you know about Huang Xing, the more Cheng Yaqiu can't accept other men.

Cheng Yaqiu's indifference has indeed discouraged many suitors, but there are exceptions to everything. There is a boy named Duan Ruifeng who thinks he has superior conditions and has never let go of his pursuit of Cheng Yaqiu.

(End of this chapter)

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