The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1061 The scene is weird

Chapter 1061 The scene is weird
"You understand?" Shen Xiyan wondered, "What the hell is Ling Erjie doing?"

Huang Xing pouted around and said, "Look at the reactions of the people around you and see if there's anything wrong."

"Hmph, I know how to be tricky!" Shen Xiyan muttered, and turned her head to look around with Tang Qiqi.

Tang Qiqi asked suspiciously: "Lu Xing, isn't there anything strange? Aren't you all listening to that Consultant Feng's speech?"

"That's right... I can't see anything..." Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, "It's just that everyone is listening more seriously."

Huang Chen smiled, "It's not just more serious, it's completely serious, right? People here are usually busy people with a lot of things on their minds. Even when they are concentrating, they will always be distracted to deal with other things. But you Look at these people... the fat man over there, there is a beautiful woman standing next to him who doesn't know how to peek, and the woman over there, who made a phone call a few minutes ago, is now staring at the stage without blinking. Is this normal? "

"This..." Tang Qiqi thought for a while, "Perhaps Consultant Feng's speech was very exciting."

"That's right..." Huang Xing smiled, "But as for making people so focused? Don't tell me that the people in this room are all so concerned about Haidong's development... By the way, we are talking about Haidong's economy now Dilemma."

At this time, Consultant Feng began to talk about Haidong's economic difficulties, and everyone present felt the same, with a look of anxiety on their faces.

Huang Xing smiled lightly, and said: "He was talking about the plight of the manufacturing industry, and those in the entertainment industry are so anxious, do you think this is normal?"

Both Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi felt a little perplexed. The atmosphere at the scene was indeed too weird. Generally, this kind of reception should be rather loose. How could everyone be so attentively listening to a so-called Brick's BB?The three of them were the ones who were the most inattentive, and the difference between the three of them and the others was that they basically didn't drink any additive-laced drinks or eat any problematic food.Of course, except for the freak Huang Xing.

"Lu Xing..." Shen Xiyan asked suspiciously, "Is this related to the additive you mentioned?"

Huang Chen nodded, "It must be related! Ling Erjie's skill is very high-end! It's not like the way a normal businessman should have at all."

"What method is he doing?" Shen Xiyan asked.

"That kind of food additive will make the food taste very good... Delicious food can make people feel happy, and the generation of happy emotions comes from a secretion called dopamine, which is like a hormone , is almost the source of people's pleasant feeling. If you drink the drinks here and eat the food here, the secretion of dopamine will be much higher than the normal value..." Huang Chen smacked his lips, "This will make people in a This kind of dizzy and happy state, the judgment and thinking ability will drop to a dangerous level, and it is easy to be fooled.”

"You mean..." Tang Qiqi pointed around, "They were all fooled?"

"Of course..." Huang Xing smiled, "Look at their status, they seem to have followed the MLM company, and they really believe [-]% in what Consultant Feng said! By the way, take a look , What Consultant Feng is saying now is that Haidong’s current manufacturing difficulties and low demand are caused by inappropriate official economic policies. But actually, Xiyan, based on your current economic knowledge, do you think he is right? ?”

"Of course not!" Shen Xiyan said, "The current economic policy is actually quite appropriate, focusing on the development of high-end manufacturing and high-tech, which is good for improving the quality of economic development and sustainable development. After all, low-end manufacturing has thin profits. , and the consumption of resources is serious. The examples cited by Consultant Feng are all examples of low-end manufacturing, and their plight does not represent everything. Companies like Qiqi’s family seem to be living comfortably.”

Tang Qiqi nodded, "That's right... Actually, Uncle Shen's group is pretty good too, this bastard expert is talking nonsense!"

Huang Xing smiled, "This kind of obvious generalization has been approved by almost everyone, tsk tsk... Interesting."

"By the way, Huang Chen..." Shen Xiyan asked, "My dad seems to say that the current economy is indeed a bit cold, and the demand is not strong. What's going on?"

Huang Xing shrugged and said: "Well, it's a bit complicated to say, but to put it simply, at present, the Star-Spangled Banner country is raising interest rates, using the bond market and the stock market to recover M yuan from all over the world. M yuan has always been the world's The main currency in circulation, the Star-Spangled Banner country makes M yuan and returns it, and the currency in other countries will be less, and the currency in circulation will decrease, which is naturally deflation!"

Shen Xiyan nodded, "I understand, the common currency M in the world market is less, and the world is deflationary! This has caused a strong shrinkage in demand."

"That's the reason!" Huang Xing said, "Now the economies of all countries in the world are closely connected. It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire earth is an economic entity. Any research on the economic situation cannot be separated from the consideration of the overall economic environment of the world."

"Then..." Tang Qiqi was a little confused, "Then why did the Star-Spangled Banner return M yuan?"

Huang Xing smiled and said: "This is a kind of economic plunder... From a macro point of view, each country has different currencies, and the so-called 'money' distributed in each country must be exchanged for M dollars in the Stars and Stripes country. Only then can we go back to the Stars and Stripes and buy the national bonds or stocks of the Stars and Stripes. This will cause the foreign exchange imbalance of many countries, and the country has less world currency. In order to maintain the balance of payments of the country, currency depreciation has to be carried out, tsk tsk... What does a large-scale devaluation of the national currency mean? It means a large-scale devaluation of national assets.”

Shen Xiyan's eyes lit up, and she continued: "Then when the assets of other countries depreciate to a certain extent, the Stars and Stripes Country can use the M yuan that was repatriated before to buy assets of other countries at a low price and complete a round of economic plunder, right? This is the benefit of mastering a common world currency!"

Huang Chen nodded, "That's right, she's [-]% smart, Shen Xiyan has both talent and looks!"

"If you hate it, you know you're poor!" Shen Xiyan covered her mouth and smiled, and Huang Xing's eyes froze when she looked at her coquettishly.

"Then why?" Tang Qiqi was puzzled, "Why do you want to use M yuan as a common currency?"

"Because the main source of energy in the world is oil now, and oil is priced in M ​​dollars, and those oil-producing countries in the Middle East only charge M dollars. You can't buy oil with your own currency." Huang Xing explained.

"That's not right!" Tang Qiqi said, "Isn't it possible to buy oil with our country's money and ou yuan now? Besides, our country also has an oil exchange, and they all use our own currency!"

(End of this chapter)

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