Chapter 1065

Although Huang Xing's strength was not great, all the security guards seemed to be drunk. They were stumbling around and couldn't stand upright. In the end, they all bumped into each other, lying on the ground and couldn't stand up.

This scene on the stage did not affect Feng Jianqiang, who was in a hypnotic state, to deliver his speech. The audience, who had almost lost their minds, was filled with righteous indignation, wishing to dismantle the Ling family who dug the hole.

Seeing on the monitor that the security guards couldn't stop Feng Jianqiang at all, Ling Erjie was really anxious. He gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, that bastard Huang Xing is simply too hateful! Mr. Netani, please help me, let me be by your side." Let the masters go to stop Huang Xing, otherwise this reception will be ruined by him!"

Netaney stared at the screen for a while, lowered his head and pondered for a while, then sighed and said, "Mr. Ling, I'm afraid this reception has been ruined. Haidong is no longer a suitable place for action."

"Damn's all this bastard Huang Chen!" Ling Erjie said while clenching his fists.

"Since there is no hope...then forget it." Netaney turned around and walked out after finishing speaking.

Ling Erjie was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "Mr. Netanni, where are you going?"

"Haidong is worthless, I'm going to the next city." Netany said.

"You just left? What should I do?"

"Mr. Ling, I have no obligation to you." Netaney said.

"What do you mean?" Ling Erjie asked in surprise, "Don't forget, everything I did was directed by you!"

"No, no, no!" Netany shook his head and said, "We just chatted for a few days, there is no economic or interest exchange, all of this is done by you yourself, Mr. Ling! Therefore, things here still need to Mr. Ling handles it himself...but out of the kindness of a friend, I suggest that Mr. Ling leave Haidong immediately."

" come back to me!" Seeing Netanni walking out leisurely, Ling Erjie's eyes were red with anxiety, a feeling of being betrayed made him go crazy with anger, he grabbed the communication yelled, "Stop Netanni! Stop him! Let him go and I'll fire you all!"

Following Ling Erjie's order, all his subordinates started to move, blocking the only way for Netanni to pass.

However, Netany was accompanied by two tall men, both of whom were professional agents of the Stars and Stripes, and they were here to protect Netany. Such things will cause irreversible damage to the human body and seriously affect life expectancy, but before the age of 40, people's physical functions will be much stronger than ordinary people!
In front of these two people, Ling Erjie's subordinates were not enough. They couldn't get close to Netanni at all. The person who was brought down either had broken arms and legs or was unconscious.Such a ruthless shot made other people afraid to step forward.

Seeing this scene through the monitor, Ling Erjie didn't care about anything else, and hurried to the gate, ordering his subordinates to build a human wall to prevent Netani from leaving.Ling Erjie knew that if Netani ran away, Ling Erjie would be finished.

Although he got the consent of his family for today's reception, in fact, he concealed and tampered with a lot of key information.The family only knew that he was cooperating with a foundation from the Stars and Stripes, intending to establish an investment fund investing in high-tech fields, and the rate of return was very high.

But in fact, investing in any high-tech is nonsense. They just went to take over the offer from Dow Jones, and the so-called income is equivalent to dividing the spoils.

If Netani escaped, he, Ling Erjie, would be blamed for everything!Haven't these people in Haidong tore him up?And his family can't spare him!

Bringing the bodyguards to block Netaney at the door, Ling Erjie shouted: "Netaney, you can't leave today!"

Netanni laughed, "Mr. Ling, we are just friends, so what's the use of not letting me go?"

Ling Erjie gritted his teeth secretly. Although he said that he was cooperating with Netaney, the two of them did not leave any literal evidence. They were all verbal agreements, and Ling Erjie really believed Netaney's words. Nonsense, even the means of recording and the like have never been used.No matter from any point of view, Netaney has nothing to do with this matter at all, and is at most equivalent to one of his consultants.But he absolutely can't let Netani leave like this, the blame is too big, and Ling Erjie can't bear it alone.

"Netani!" Ling Erjie said bitterly, "You dishonest guy, don't just leave like this! You are the mastermind in this matter!"

"Hahaha!" Netaney laughed, "What is Mr. Ling talking about? This is your Ling family's reception. Everyone was invited by your Ling family. What does it have to do with me? What do you say? , no one believes you! Besides... If I want to leave, can you stop me?"

"Who am I? It turns out to be Netanni!" Huang Xing's voice sounded, and under the eyes of everyone, he was still holding the hands of Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi, and walked over from a short distance with a smile on his face. Squeezing the little hands of the two beauties and telling them to stay where they are, he waved to Netanni and continued, "I just believe what Ling Erjie said, you are the mastermind in this matter!"

Netaney stared at Xing Huang, recognized him as the man he saw on the monitor just now, and couldn't help frowning: "Xing Huang? Who are you? Why do you know me? "

"The chief steward of the Roside family! Who wouldn't know him?" Huang Xing smiled and said, "Ling Erjie can't handle today's matter alone, you have to help him carry it!"

Ling Erjie on the side looked at Huang Xing with a complicated expression. He didn't know why he made such a move. He didn't expect that Huang Xing would help him.

"Ling Erjie..." Huang Xing turned his head and smiled at Ling Erjie, and said, "Actually, you are also an idiot, if you just let Netanni go and push everything on him, you shouldn't What's going to happen, I didn't expect you to be so foolish as to stop him! Now it's all right... You can prove each other, then neither of you can escape."

"..." Ling Erjie was stunned. After pondering for a moment, he couldn't help regretting, that's right, let Netanni go, why stop him?In order to prove his guilt?Thinking of this, he immediately waved to his subordinates and said, "Get out of the way, let Netani go!"

Although the subordinates were a little puzzled, they still gave way.

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Ling Erjie, you are really a complete idiot when you say you are an idiot..."

(End of this chapter)

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