Chapter 1074 bad signal
After Huang Xing finished speaking, Nangong Zheng couldn't help being silent for a while.In fact, Nan Gongzheng also has reservations about temporarily changing the plan.The virus in that hospital was extremely dangerous, and the more complicated the plan, the greater the chance of accidents.Moreover, although the information on virus research is valuable, it may not be impossible to obtain it by relying on one's own strength.

Nangongzheng sighed, "I am a soldier and I must obey orders."

Huang Xing smiled, "It's just that I'm not, I'm just an employment relationship with you, so I'm more free."

"Xing Huang, I can give you some freedom, but don't make it difficult for us, let alone let the virus hurt innocent people!"

"You can rest assured about this, I am very principled in doing things..." Huang Xing smiled and said, "I sometimes go out to relax and step on the spot. Linjiang is a relatively large city with many people. Some things are If you can’t see it on the map and data, just give me a call.”

"No problem..." Nangong Zheng is a person who believes in strength. After the confrontation just now, he has admitted the fact that Huang Xing's strength is far superior to his, so he began to respect Huang Xing's opinion.Nangong Zheng stood up and said, "You are exhausted from the journey, rest first, I won't bother you."

"Slow walk without sending..."

After Nangong Zheng left, Huang Xing walked to the window, sipping red wine while admiring the night view of the city.

Linjiang is a transportation hub located in the south-central region of China. Many important transportation channels, such as water and land, meet here. People traveling from south to north also meet here, and the population flow is quite frequent.In fact, this is also the reason why the [-]th Internal Guard is very cautious in carrying out any actions against that hospital, and it can be regarded as a different kind of amulet for that hospital.Although that hospital is a private hospital, it has a very good reputation in terms of word of mouth, and even several departments are very famous in the whole province.

With a great reputation, hidden work, and the floating population in Linjiang and even all surrounding provinces and cities as a cover, that hospital was able to escape for so long.


It has been a week since I arrived in Linjiang. During this week, Huang Xing often strolled in the streets and alleys of Linjiang. Apart from experiencing the customs, he is also familiar with the environment of Linjiang.Among other things, it summarizes the information sent from the server.

The source of these information is Zhao Min, including Zhao Min's physical condition, as well as surrounding sounds and electronic information.Zhao Min's physical condition includes various physical indicators that can be collected, such as heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, etc. Zhao Min should have put that thing next to his body, these indicators are very complete, and sometimes Huang Xing even makes malicious guesses Looking at where Zhao Min would put that small oval thing.

As for sound and electronic information, it includes various sound waves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and even ionizing radiation that it can collect.The so-called electromagnetic radiation refers to the electromagnetic waves of ordinary mobile phones and radio communications, which are generally harmless to people.Ionizing radiation is more dangerous. The deadly nuclear radiation is ionizing radiation, which is completely different from mobile phone radiation and signal tower radiation.

But now there are always some sensitive people who always feel that the communication base station is very harmful. As long as there is a base station in sight, they will feel panic. It seems that a certain community can gather dozens of people to oppose it to prevent the installation.It is easy to gather dozens of people in a community where thousands of people live. In this way, some communities have no base stations and mobile phone signals are extremely poor.

Huang Xing can now be sure that there are many sensitive people around that private hospital, because these days, Huang Xing has found that the signal from Zhao Min's side is often unstable, after he analyzed the data channel, When it is found that the signal is relatively good, it is the information uploaded when the information collector can steal Wifi.Without Wifi, when using the mobile communication network, the signal is very poor.

Huang Xing deliberately went to look around the hospital, and found that there was only a signal tower far away in this kind of place with a lot of people.In the modern communication system, the bandwidth of a signal base station is limited, if too many people use it, the bandwidth allocated to each person will be pitifully small.With so many people using only one tower that far away, it's surprising that cell phone reception isn't bad.

In fact, there is a large community near the hospital. According to common sense, there should be many small base stations in this community. When people in the community go to work during the day, the nearby areas, including the hospital, should have good signals.And inside the hospital, there should also be a portable base station to strengthen the signal.According to common sense, the mobile phone signal should not be so bad.

Huang Xing went around the community, and soon found a notice posted in the community, saying that there was no small base station installed in the community because enough people opposed it.Huang Xing couldn't help curling his lips secretly, the radiation from the base station is actually not that big, so there's no need to be so sensitive.

And the internal signal in that hospital was bad, probably caused by some nervous patients.However, this does not rule out the ghosts of the hospital. They can use their identity as doctors to spread information about the dangers of mobile phone signal radiation to people around them, so that people will help the hospital create an "information black hole" unconsciously.

After the field trip, Huang Xing was thankful that the information collector had the ability to steal other people's Wi-Fi, otherwise, once Zhao Min entered the hospital, it would be difficult for the information to spread out.

Judging from the information, Zhao Min has passed the interview at the hospital and has become a nurse, usually responsible for taking care of patients.And the staff inside the hospital she was waiting for hadn't connected with her yet.According to the information, this is a private hospital with good operating conditions and a normal relationship between doctors and patients.

But what looks normal on the outside may not be normal on the inside. There is a special garage door on the second floor of the underground parking lot of this hospital. After entering this door, it is indeed a garage for an ambulance, but the ambulance has never been opened. I went out, and on the wall next to this car, there are a few spots that look like the wall is peeling off.Those spots are actually an excellent hidden password input device, as long as they are pressed in a certain order and with a certain force, they can be used to open the secret door on the wall.

Behind the secret door is a steel security door, which is not only heavy, but can only be opened after triple confirmation of iris, fingerprint and electronic password.Behind the security door is an elevator, and after the elevator runs down two floors, it arrives at the evil place under the bright appearance of this private hospital-a secret virus research laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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