The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1078 I have to act, you can figure it out

Chapter 1078 I have to act, you can figure it out

From the messages on the mobile phone, Huang Xing noticed something strange, and he immediately went to Nangong Zheng and Xue Renqiang's room.Nan Gongzheng and Xue Renqiang have been living in seclusion recently, living a life in a fat house.Fortunately, the room is relatively spacious, and the two of them do some physical training and confrontation from time to time, so as to avoid the sad story of people gaining ten catties after the mission is over.

Huang Xing said straight to the point: "There was an accident at Zhao Min's place. I'm going to the hospital right away. You should prepare for the response and evacuation according to the plan."

"Ah?" Nangong Zheng was taken aback, then turned on his laptop, looked at it for a while, and said, "No problem! Zhao Min's vital signs are normal, and there is no alarm message coming out!"

"What equipment do you use to transmit vital signs, and what do they include?" Huang Xing asked.

"Heart rate, body temperature, and steps..."

"Is it funny?" Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "You think the sports bracelet? The sports bracelet also has location information!"

"Where is there location information in the building? What Zhao Min wears is a bracelet, a watch." Nangongzheng explained.

"I don't have time to ramble, trust me, Zhao Min had an accident, and now we have to follow the plan of attack!" Huang Xing said, "I have other information channels, and the result of my information is that Zhao Min was plotted against. ! Does your sports bracelet still have a signal?"

"No..." Nangong Zheng said, "But the signal in the hospital is not good, and there is often no signal, which is normal, but if Zhao Min finds something is wrong, the alarm signal will definitely be sent out!"

"She can't send it now!" Huang Xing has now determined that Zhao Min is in trouble, because he can still receive Zhao Min's signal intermittently, which is the result of the information collector he gave Zhao Min constantly rubbing the WIFI, But where Zhao Min is now, even the WIFI signal is very weak, and the information he got is very incomplete.But only based on this limited information, Huang Xing has already discovered the problem from Zhao Min's physical signs. Zhao Min's heartbeat is too steady, this should definitely not be her normal state, because as a nurse, she often needs to be in a hurry When rushing to work, or even running around, the heartbeat often fluctuates.

If the heartbeat is too steady, the most likely reason is that her person has fallen into a coma!
"Lu are you so sure?" Nangong Zheng asked, "What is your information channel?"

Huang Chen waved his hand and said, "I don't have time to chatter with you now, I didn't come here to discuss with you, I came to inform you! Now I'm going to act! You can handle the rest of the matter yourself!"

After speaking, Huang Xing left the room.

Nangong Zheng and Xue Renqiang looked at each other for a while, Xue Renqiang asked, "Boss, what should we do?"

"What else can I do? Do whatever you want!" Nangong Zheng sighed, "The third plan, you go to prepare, and I will report it!"



At this time, in a sterile room in the underground laboratory of the private hospital, Zhao Min was lying on a bed with her eyes closed. Her expression was peaceful, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep.

The middle-aged man who attracted Zhao Min was standing at the head of the bed. He had already put on a sterile suit, and there was a white man standing next to him. It was the man who killed Kojiro Kawai, who was also involved in the virus experiment. room manager.

His real name is Qiao Pusi. He joined the "Sons of Hua Ye" organization since he was a child, and has served the organization for decades. He is considered an elite figure in the "Sons of Hua Ye" organization.

Qiaopusi folded his arms and looked at Zhao Min, smacking his lips, "What a beautiful oriental woman, Jet Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Lianjie was the man who attracted Zhao Min, he smiled disdainfully, "Since she has worked for Huaxia, she is no longer a woman in my eyes!"

"What? What do you want?" Jops asked. "Kill her? What a pity, isn't it? Looking at such a pretty face, you don't have any ideas?"

Jet Chen smiled coldly, "In my eyes, she is just a...a humanoid...experimental product made up of cells with different functions."

"What about her genetic tests?" Jops asked.

"Wait a moment..." Chen Lianjie walked to a nearby instrument, looked at the various data flashing on the jumping screen, raised the corners of his mouth higher and higher, and said, "Perfect, really perfect! This is a typical, genetic level. A very pure Chinese woman! Her genes are of great value to our research! My latest No. [-] preparation needs a genetically pure experimental product! This woman is very suitable!"

"Preparation No. [-]?" Jops asked in surprise, "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"The seventh-generation iteration of the CHI virus!" Jet Chen said proudly, "The sixth-generation iteration has no experimental value, so I destroyed it all. The seventh-generation was mature last night, and I haven't told you yet!"

Qiaopusi nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Although your work is progressing very quickly, I have to say that the seventh-generation virus should be the last experiment conducted here! This woman is from the Huaxia [-] Internal Guard. If you are doing an experiment, you have to hurry up! Because I don’t know if they will attack here immediately after they find out that their people are missing!”

Chen Lianjie curled his lips in disdain, "Don't worry, there is time! This is Linjiang City with a large population density and a high flow of people. The officials will be wary. Even if they want to do it, they have enough time to prepare for us to finish the experiment. !"

Jops was silent for a moment, then nodded, "You are right! But for safety, 60.00% of the personnel have been withdrawn here. Your experiment is very important. I'm afraid I will be your assistant myself!"

"I am very honored to have you as my assistant!" Chen Lianjie smiled slightly, "Actually, you don't have to worry too much, I have taken off the bracelet that this woman is wearing and put it on the simulated prosthesis. Signal, in the eyes of those idiots in Huaxia, everything is normal. It is not a short while before they find out that she is missing, I only need three days to get the final result!"

Jops nodded, "Shall we start now?"

"Yes..." Chen Lianjie said, "I only did a genetic test just now, I need to give her a comprehensive examination first, starting with the blood."

Afterwards, Jet Chen picked up a vacuum blood pump and took three test tubes of blood from Zhao Min's left arm, and then put the test tubes into the detector one by one.

"Does she need to be awake?" Jops asked. "If not, we should increase her dose of anesthesia..."

(End of this chapter)

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