The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1080 A Little Trouble

Chapter 1080 A Little Trouble
"Ridiculous!" Chen Lianjie smiled disdainfully, "Sacrifice? What can you get in exchange for your so-called sacrifice? Does the leader get promoted and get rich? Does it make those corrupt officials more at ease? The pension cannot be obtained in full, and the money will become fat in the belly of corrupt officials!"

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Huang Xing smiled, "I'm about to sacrifice, how can I have time to think so much? Besides, the sacrifice is for the majority of people in this land, so it's worth it after all! What you said is right I am useless, your heart is dark, and all you see is darkness. My heart is light, and all you see is light. There may be a lot of scum in this land, but there are more people who are hardworking, brave and wise. I can't let you hurt them."

After Huang Xing finished speaking, he couldn't help but glance at Zhao Min. What Brother Xindao said might be the voice of a person like Zhao Min.From Zhao Min's point of view, it is not difficult to know a lot of scum that can't be seen in the light, but she still fights for her faith without complaint or regret, and she always has some reasons to persist in her heart.

"Okay! I'm done with the impassioned words..." Huang Xing smiled, "Actually, what I said was all to lie to you. I'm not that tall. I'm a greedy, lustful, narrow-minded person, really!"

Jet Chen and Qiaopus looked at each other, they were a little confused by Huang Xing's words, what the hell did he mean?
Jobs frowned, and asked tentatively, "How much do you want?"

Huang Chen laughed, "It's not just about money, I said I'm lustful, you seem to have hurt a beautiful woman I like, so you have to pay the price."

"For women? How funny!" Jet Chen sneered, "You came here unprotected, and now you have been infected with many deadly viruses, and you still want to save some beautiful women? I think you and beautiful women will meet in hell go!"

As he spoke, he turned around and raised the injection gun in his hand to stab Zhao Min's arm.

However, before the injection gun touched Zhao Min's arm, Jet Chen felt a figure flash in front of him, his wrist seemed to be clamped by iron clamps, and he couldn't move at all.


Amid the crisp sound, Jet Chen screamed loudly.His wrist was crushed by Huang Xing, the bones were broken into countless pieces, and his wrist took on a strange shape like plasticine that had been squeezed randomly.Huang Xing also held the injection gun in his hand.

Seeing that his companion was injured, Qiaopus immediately turned his hands over, showed the scalpel, and scratched towards Huang Xing's neck.

The corner of Huang Xing's mouth twitched, and he stretched out his hand to grasp, and accurately grasped Qiaopus' wrist, and then turned and pressed.

The sharp scalpel sank entirely into Jobs' other arm.Joeps screamed in pain, and the most terrible thing was that the scalpel tore through his protective clothing, and he would be infected with some inexplicable virus all the time, and Joeps screamed in despair: "Bastard! You too will die!"

Huang Xing sneered: "I won't die before you."

After finishing speaking, Huang Xing took out the scalpel casually, and gently wiped Qiaopus' neck, killing him.

Although Qiaopus is a very valuable guy, Huang Xing is too lazy to leave anything alive. Not only is it difficult for this guy who has been brainwashed by extreme thoughts to find any valuable information, but it is also difficult to be sure what he said What comes out is true or false.Besides, if such a guy full of evil is not slaughtered with a single knife, why should he still keep it for the New Year?As for the person behind him, anyway, Huang Xing has already asked the name "Hua Ye's son" from other people, and then let the Huaxia officials check it out by themselves.

After killing Qiaopus, Huang Xing patted Chen Lianjie on the shoulder, pointed at Zhao Min and said, "If you don't want to suffer, bring her back to life immediately, inject some virus, and immediately inject her with antibodies."

Chen Lianjie hugged his wrists, looked at Huang Xing fiercely, and laughed crazily: "She doesn't have any virus on her body, I even helped her get rid of a little bit of cold virus, but she was anesthetized, ten times more Anesthesia metering, hahaha! Can't wake up! Wake up forever...uh...uh..."

Huang Chen tapped Chen Lianjie's throat, breaking his throat.Hearing that Zhao Min was not injected with the virus, Huang Xing felt a little relieved, but he was really angry when he heard that he was injected with more than ten times the amount of anesthetic.

If she is infected with the virus and can still be saved, Zhao Min will be in serious trouble if she is given this overdose of anesthesia. If she fails to do it well, her brain will fall into deep anesthesia and she will never be able to wake up. He was seriously injured and couldn't even take care of himself.

The smart and beautiful beauty is about to turn into a silly girl who can't take care of herself.

Chen Lianjie held his throat and kicked his legs for a while, then he died completely motionless. Huang Xing didn't bother to pay attention to the two stinking corpses, he closed the door of the aseptic room as quickly as possible, and got into the disinfection compartment by himself. Started the disinfection program, and washed all the unknown bacteria and viruses on my body along the way.

After cleaning himself up, Huang Xing immediately came to Zhao Min's hospital bed and took her pulse. The vital signs were normal, but there was Zhao Min's brain wave displayed on the screen next to it, which was almost a straight line, except for occasional Apart from a few small fluctuations that symbolized autonomic nerve impulses, there was no movement.

"Fuck! It's really troublesome..." Huang Xing's complexion became more and more ugly, Zhao Min was deeply anesthetized, and it might not be easy to wake up.The brain is the most important organ of the human body. With the current development of biomedical technology, as long as there is no brain death, no matter the cost of treatment, people can always be saved. If the heart, liver, spleen and stomach are broken, the big deal is to change it, even if there is no match. For organs, you can completely replace it with artificial ones, and then replace it with your own stem cells. If you grow your own cells, there will be no rejection reaction.Even if it is AIDS, which everyone is talking about, as far as Huang Xing knows, a research institute in Huaxia has already achieved a basic cure, and has applied for a patent, but the cost is too high to promote it.

However, if there is a problem with the brain, everything will stop. Human beings have not yet figured out the function and principle of the brain. If the brain is damaged, there is no way to replace it.

"Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor!" Lu Xing sighed, stretched out his hand to pinch Zhao Min's peaceful pretty face, and muttered: "Girl, I will do my best to save you, and try not to make you become a lying-in-law who eats and drinks. You idiot on the bed, do yourself a favor..."

(End of this chapter)

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