Chapter 1087 Stupid

Speaking of which, Huang Xing really looked down upon these four so-called executives.They may not do bad things, and they may be competent in their own jobs, but this hospital has been engaged in illegal research for so long, it is impossible that there are no clues exposed, and these four people are not aware of it, saying that they are too young to be dull, It's stupid to say the least.

However, although Huang Xing looked down on these four people, he couldn't just expel them, and he also had other considerations about this hospital, so he decided to give the four people a chance to prove himself.

He paused and continued: "In the next month, I will not send anyone into the hospital. Everything in the hospital will be decided by the four of you. After one month, there will be a special team to review the operation of this month. According to the situation of this month, we will decide on your future work arrangements."

The four supervisors didn't react for a while. Before they came, they also considered various possibilities, even including the option of going to the financial office to check out and leave, but they didn't expect that the new boss came up with a big slap in the face, not only did not arrange When one's own people enter the hospital, it is equivalent to increasing their power.

Huang Xing looked at the time and said: "After one month, the structure of the hospital will be greatly adjusted. This month is a transitional period. Your future in the hospital depends on your performance in this month. Alright, my There are many things to do, let's break up the meeting."

Afterwards, Zhao Min gave each of the four people a business card of Huang Xing, and then sent the four of them out.Huang Xing's business card was very simple, it only had his name and contact number, and he didn't have any titles like general manager and chairman. This strange business card also made the four old guys feel weird.

When the four left, Huang Xing hooked his hands at Zhao Min, and said with a smile, "Come on, give your boss a shoulder rub!"

"Good idea!" Zhao Min snorted and said, "You are really good at pretending. What is your plan for this hospital? If you don't want to take care of it yourself, why don't you auction it off!"

Huang Xing smiled, "I have arrangements, do you want to come here to take care of something?"

"Me?" Zhao Min shook his head, "Not interested!"

"Stupid!" Huang Xing curled his lips.

"Who is stupid?"


"How stupid am I?"

"You are stupid everywhere!"


"I'm right!" Huang Xing said, "Don't you realize that this hospital can be your [-] point? Your layout in Linjiang must be very weak, otherwise this hospital won't grow bigger Yes, I guess your dad is thinking about how to strengthen his strength in Linjiang!"

"Uh..." Zhao Min was stunned for a moment, "What you said seems to make sense, then..."

"It's late!" Huang Xing waved his hand, "The invitation has expired, you have already rejected it, there is no chance."

"You...huh! Who cares! The location of this hospital is not very good!" Zhao Min said, "Besides...I have to...I still have something to do in Haidong."

"What else can you do in Haidong other than keep an eye on me?" Huang Xing smiled, "Be careful that you will fall in love with me if you are too curious about me!"

"You are so beautiful!" Zhao Min gave him a hard look, but felt a little sore in his heart.But she also knew that it was impossible for herself and Huang Xing, unless she left [-], but that was even more impossible.


After staying in Linjiang for another two days, seeing that the hospital was under the supervision of the four supervisors, there was no major fluctuation, so Huang Xing set off for Haidong.

After staying in Linjiang for so long, Huang Xing really wanted to go back to Haidong. For some reason, Haidong would give him a very subtle and down-to-earth feeling, maybe that was the feeling of "home".

After Haidong got off the plane, he separated from Zhao Min. Zhao Min's mind was still on work, and letting her rest for a month probably meant playing the piano to the cow, and Huang Xing was too lazy to talk too much.Fortunately, she recovered pretty well. The anesthetic's effects on the brain had faded, and her intelligence had basically recovered. Even if she took a polygraph test, she probably wouldn't say anything inappropriate for children.So Huang Xing left it to her.

Back at Ziyu Villa, standing in front of his house, Huang Chen couldn't help raising his eyebrows. There was movement at home. Could it be that little girl Shen Xiyan came to practice dancing?Tsk tsk tsk...a must see.

Huang Xing tiptoed to open the door, and walked in carefully.There were two pairs of ladies' shoes at the door of the house, one belonged to Shen Xiyan, and the other must belong to Tang Qiqi.Huang Xing secretly smacked his lips, he hadn't seen these two girls for a while, and he still missed them.Especially Shen Xiyan, I really want to make her angry and play!

I went straight to the dance practice room on the top floor, and there was music playing inside, it should be ballet music.Huang Xing came to the door, gently pushed the door open a crack, and looked inside.Immediately saw Shen Xiyan in a white gauze dance skirt.

With a flawless pretty face, a flawless figure, under the white gauze skirt, those slender and perfect legs wrapped in white stockings, coupled with that elegant dancing posture, Huang Xing couldn't help but straighten his eyes.

Tsk tsk tsk... This little girl Shen Xiyan is God's illegitimate daughter, right?Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh with emotion, why all the beauty was given to her alone.

Feeling that his voyeurism seemed to desecrate that beauty, Huang Xing raised his hand and knocked on the door, and said with a smile: "Xiyan, I'm back."

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan was taken aback. Seeing Huang Xing walk in, a look of joy flashed in her eyes, but she could ignore it in a short time. Then she pouted her lips and said angrily, " Why didn't you say hello first and startle me."

"Are you scared?" Huang Xing started to be unruly again, and stretched out his arms, "Come, let my brother hug me!"

Shen Xiyan immediately rolled her eyes at him, "Go, go! Take your Qiqi!"

"It's not like I didn't hug you when I was dancing..." Huang Xing laughed, and asked, "Have you missed me recently?"

"Are you serious?" Shen Xiyan rolled his eyes at him again, and asked, "Have you finished your affairs?"

Huang Chen nodded, "Yeah, it went well. By the way... This time I gained a lot, I'll talk to you later."

"Hmm..." Seeing that Huang Xing's eyes were always looking at her, Shen Xiyan couldn't help being a little annoyed, and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Appreciation, not random looking!" Huang Xing said seriously, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! Bar none!"

"Cut! Big radish!" Shen Xiyan was a little shy, and pushed Huang Chen out of the practice room as she spoke, "You go to Qiqi first! She's in the gym! I'll get back after changing clothes! Let's go!"

Being pushed out of the door by Shen Xiyan, Huang Xing took advantage of her little hands. Amidst Shen Xiyan's protest, he turned around with a smile and went to the gym, and then saw a more beautiful scenery...

(End of this chapter)

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