The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1098 Raw Egg Corn Juice

Chapter 1098 Raw Egg Corn Juice
In Niu Baoyu's eyes, Li Sijia is really a girl with eighteen changes, and the more she changes, the more beautiful she becomes.Especially now that she has some star quality, she looks even more radiant.

Looking at the beautiful Li Sijia, Niu Baoyu really wanted to slap himself a few times, he was really blinded by lard, such a beautiful girl, how could he not get it?Simply inexcusable!Now that we have met each other by fate this time, we must not let her run away again!Lao Tzu's ex-boyfriend status is definitely a good card!Looking back to find some sailors to stir fry, I said that I have been in love with Li Sijia for many years, and I have been searching for it. By the way, I have arranged some hypocritical love stories for the two, so that those stupid fans will definitely support it. of.

But the troublesome thing ahead is that Li Sijia is actually with an elder of hers, and this elder doesn't seem to be easy to deal with.

Uncle from Moscow?Grandma's!Really can not offend.

Niu Baoyu put on a respectful expression, and said to Huang Xing: "Hello, Uncle! My name is Niu Baoyu, I'm Li Sijia's friend, and I used to be a college classmate!"

Li Sijia held back a smile, and said a few words to Huang Xing in Russian.

Huang Chen examined Niu Baoyu up and down, and said in Russian: "Young man is very energetic, sit down, if you haven't eaten, you can just eat with us."

"Niu Baoyu, my uncle asked if you want to eat together?" Li Sijia said.

Niu Baoyu was overjoyed, stay for dinner?It seems that he left a good impression on Uncle Li Sijia!If he gets the favor of Li Sijia's elders, then the matter between him and Li Sijia will become three points!Li Sijia!star!From now on, the goddess in the hearts of those fishing lines will be the little girl in my bedroom. I must unlock all kinds of poses!

Thinking about some unknown things, Niu Baoyu felt that his blood began to concentrate in some places.He quickly collected himself, bowed to Huang Xing, and said with a smile: "Thank you uncle, then I will not be polite."

Li Sijia pretended to talk to Huang Xing again, and Huang Xing smiled at Niu Baoyu and made a gesture of please.

Niu Baoyu sat down respectfully, seeing that Huang Xing's wine glass was more than half empty, he quickly picked up the beer bottle next to him to pour wine for Huang Xing.

Huang Xing blocked his hand, and murmured a few more words.

Li Sijia quickly translated: "My uncle said that drinking alcohol is not good for your health, so stop drinking. The corn juice here is good, let's drink the corn juice."

Niu Baoyu quickly echoed, "Yes, yes, corn juice is healthy, and I drink corn juice too!"

Afterwards, Li Sijia asked the waiter to withdraw the wine and served hot corn juice.

When the corn juice was on the table, Niu Baoyu took the initiative to pour a glass for Huang Xing, Li Sijia and himself. He picked up the cup and said with a smile, "Uncle, I will substitute corn juice for the wine, and I propose a toast to you!"

Huang Chen smiled, covered the mouth of the cup with one hand, waved towards Niu Baoyu, and babbled a string of Russian words.

Niu Baoyu looked at Li Sijia in bewilderment, "Sijia, what did your uncle say?"

Li Sijia said: "My uncle said that corn juice is not drunk like this, he asked you to wait."

"Oh..." Niu Baoyu was suspicious, how could he drink corn juice?But he didn't dare to ask, he just smiled at Huang Xing.

Not long after, the waiter brought a small plate with four raw eggs on it. Without saying a word, Huang Xing directly picked up an egg, skillfully smashed the egg into his cup, and cracked two.Afterwards, he directly took Niu Baoyu's cup, cracked in two raw eggs, and pushed the warm corn juice in front of Niu Baoyu.

Although the corn juice is hot, it is only [-] to [-] degrees, and the eggs will not solidify in it, but some fishy smell will be forced out.

Under Niu Baoyu's puzzled gaze, Huang Xing picked up his chopsticks and stirred in his cup, and the two eggs quickly melted into the corn juice.

He pointed to the cup towards Niu Baoyu, and chattered a bunch of Russian again.

Niu Baoyu smelled the smelly "corn juice", and an ominous premonition arose in his heart. Your uncle, do you want to drink this stuff?Is this thing drinkable?He looked at Li Sijia with a guilty conscience, and asked, "What did your uncle say?"

Li Sijia suppressed a smile and said: "My uncle said that corn juice with eggs is a very good drink, especially for men, it is a good thing for strengthening the body! But it is not suitable for women, so I won't drink it Yes, he asked you to stir it before drinking..."

At this moment, Huang Xing murmured a few more words.

Li Sijia nodded, reached out to pick up Niu Baoyu's cup, and stirred it for him.

Niu Baoyu looked at the unknown liquid in the cup, and swallowed hard.If this was coffee with sugar, and Li Sijia stirred it himself, Niu Baoyu would be vain and crazy, but it is a pity that it is the thing that exudes an inexplicable smell, and when he thinks of drinking it, Niu Baoyu has the urge to turn around and run away .

After Li Sijia finished stirring, Huang Xing picked up the cup, smiled slightly at Niu Baoyu, then poured it in with a "gudong", and looked at Niu Baoyu with a smile.

Huang Xing's recipe is much wider than that "Grandpa Pei". Raw eggs and corn juice are nothing to Huang Xing, and he quite likes the smell of eggs.

Niu Baoyu really didn't want to drink, but under Huang Xing's gaze, he was too embarrassed to refuse, mainly because he didn't want to make this elder unhappy.Niu Baoyu gritted his teeth secretly, picked up the cup, closed his eyes and took a sip, not daring to taste it, and swallowed it directly.

But the fishy smell coming back from his throat made him almost retch.

He breathed a sigh of relief, put down his cup, smiled at Huang Xing, and said, "Thank you uncle, I haven't drunk this stuff yet."

Li Sijia pretended to communicate with Huang Xing, and then Huang Xing laughed and patted Niu Baoyu on the shoulder, then picked up the corn juice, and made a toast to him.

Niu Baoyu couldn't help but his liver trembled, and he picked it up bravely.

Huang Xing raised his head and drank it in a few gulps, then looked at Niu Baoyu.

Niu Baoyu was about to cry. He looked at the beautiful Li Sijia, and with a cruel heart, he also raised his head and drank heavily.

This time, it was impossible not to taste the taste. The fishy smell in his mouth became heavier and heavier, and Niu Baoyu drank more and more slowly. Have self-control, did not spit it out.

However, Niu Baoyu's nightmare was not over yet, Huang Xing picked up chopsticks and added a few slices of raw beef, put them into his mouth and started chewing, chattering while chewing.

Li Sijia was about to burst out laughing, and she said to Niu Baoyu, "My uncle said that raw egg and corn juice should be eaten with raw beef! The beef here is the best, eat some!"

As she spoke, she picked up a large chopstick of raw beef and put it on the plate in front of Niu Baoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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