The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1101 That Was No Ordinary Accident

Chapter 1101 That Was No Ordinary Accident
In the stock market, through the operation of "sell high and buy low", you can reduce your own holding costs.The so-called "sell high and buy low" simply means buying the same stock when the price is low, selling it when the price is high, buying it when the price is low, and selling it when the price is high.Such non-stop operations can gradually reduce the cost of holding a stock.

In the past few days, the stock price of Tang Corporation has been like a wave, and Huang Xing can always accurately find the peaks and troughs, sell high and buy low, and the cost of holding positions has been reduced to half of the issue price of Tang Corporation's stock. This trading technique is absolutely top-notch in the world.

"Xiao Lu...I admire it!" Father Tang raised his thumb and asked, "How many chips did you get?"

The so-called "chip" was actually asking how many shares Huang Xing held in the Tang Corporation.

Huang Xing thought for a while, and said, "About 30.00% of the circulation."

Tang's father was even more surprised. He couldn't figure out how could Huang Xing get so many bargaining chips in such a short period of time. With 30.00% of the stock in circulation, Huang Xing could already be said to be a considerable shareholder in the Tang Corporation.Then another question made him have to think about it, what is Huang Xing going to do after buying so many stocks?Do you want to control the Tang Corporation?it's out of the question!Tang Corporation is listed on the stock market of the Stars and Stripes, where a limited partnership system is implemented, one of which is the separation of equity and management rights.The company's stock purchased by an investor in the stock market does not mean that he has the management and decision-making power corresponding to the number of shares. The investor can only get the company's dividends, but has no say in the company's development and operation.

Therefore, no matter how many stocks Huang Xing got, it was impossible to affect the operation of Tang Corporation.

Seeming to see Tang's father's doubts, Huang Xing smiled, and continued: "Qiqi and I are friends, investing in the stocks of Tang Corporation, I just intend to help stabilize the price. Otherwise, this time, Tang Corporation I’m afraid it would be scary if the stocks plummeted.”

Father Tang smiled awkwardly, "Yeah, we didn't expect such an accident from Intellis."

Huang Chen waved his hand and said, "Do you think it was an accident? Uncle Tang, you are so naive!"

"No one wants that kind of thing to happen..." Tang's father sighed, "I also suspect it is a conspiracy, but the current situation is that Intellis has also suffered a lot of losses."

It turned out that the Down Group and Intellis of the Stars and Stripes were cooperating to develop a chip with broad market prospects not long ago. Both sides invested a lot of manpower and force. The chief researcher of the project actually had a traffic accident on the way to report to the head office, and all the research materials and results he brought were reduced to ashes in the accident.

This accident dealt a fatal blow to the research and development project. You must know that for the sake of confidentiality, there is only one copy of almost all the materials and phased research results, and there is no copy at all.The data destroyed in the accident not only included the part of Intellis Corporation, but also the part of Down Corporation.This means that the two sides have invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources in research, almost to zero, and almost all of the investment has been in vain. Basically, most of the research needs to start from scratch.

In order to make up for the loss of funds, Tang Corporation had no choice but to list on the stock market, hoping to raise funds to solve the funding problem.Despite the twists and turns, Father Tang still has confidence in the research and development project, but Intellis seems to be scared off by the loss and intends to withdraw from the project.Currently, the two companies are negotiating the future of the project.

The relevant content was originally an absolute commercial secret, but there was a loophole in some link and some leaked out. This was equivalent to extremely negative news, and the stock price of Tang Corporation also fluctuated due to this.If it wasn't for Huang Xing's manipulation with almost heaven-defying means, the stock of Tang Corporation would at least have fallen below the issue price.If that happens, Tang Corporation will not only be unable to raise funds from the stock market, but also the company's funds will be even tighter due to the shrinking market value.

Huang Xing smiled lightly, and said, "Intris has suffered a lot? Uncle Tang, you may not know that Intels and Sesselins have already started to build a new security laboratory."

"What?" Father Tang stood up with a "chuckle" in surprise.The Stars and Stripes Country's Cessrins Corporation is the biggest industry competitor of the Down Corporation, and Intellis has always been a partner of the Downs Corporation. If they cooperate with the Cessels Corporation, it means they have betrayed the Down Corporation .You don't need to think about it, the products they cooperate with must be the same as those developed by the Tang Group.Father Tang's expression became very ugly, and he asked, "Xiao Lu, how credible is this news?"

"Tenty percent, but I can't produce evidence, because my channel is quite special, and you can only rely on your judgment to believe it or not."

Father Tang was silent for a moment, and said, "Could it be that the traffic accident was really not an ordinary accident. Could it be that they were trying to steal our achievements?"

Huang Chen shook his head and said: "It's really not an ordinary accident, but I guess the data and materials should be damaged, otherwise they wouldn't have released the results until now."

Father Tang thought for a while and nodded, "Well, that's true. If they stole our achievements, it should be easy to make a product! But...what benefits will Intris get by doing this? You need to know their Share prices have also been affected by the negative news.”

Lu Xing rubbed his chin, and said with a smile: "Uncle Tang, the Star-Spangled Banner's attitude towards the companies here is no different than it was a few years ago. They are still blocking the bosses in the communication industry! You probably don't know them Why do you want to block that company?"

"I don't know the specifics, that's what I know, because the company rejected the request of the Stars and Stripes' intelligence agency to install a backdoor on the equipment. There is no way to eavesdrop. And the Star-Spangled Banner's own company is not strong enough, so that's why it banned that company... But we are not basic communication!"

Huang Xing smiled, "But you are in the field of information security. It is difficult to eavesdrop on the next-generation communication network. With your security chip, will you let the intelligence department of the Stars and Stripes country drink the northwest wind?"

"..." Tang's father was stunned for a while, then smiled wryly, "So that's the case! No wonder Intellis Corporation would rather suffer losses than quit. It must be the intelligence department of the Stars and Stripes that put pressure on them."

Huang Xing smiled faintly, "That's fine, but you also think too highly of the integrity of Stars and Stripes..."

(End of this chapter)

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