The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 112 Representing the Moon to Teach You

Chapter 112 Representing the Moon to Teach You

Zhou Yawen is Bi Xiaojian's cash cow, so Bi Xiaojian's attitude towards her is acceptable.Bi Xiaojian also has a bit of foresight, just now when he saw Huang Xing, he immediately cleaned up Fan Jie'an's bodyguards. He knew that he was looking for abuse, so he purposely spoke loudly to Zhou Yawen, hoping to lure Fan Jie'an out from the nearby room.

But now Fan Jie'an hasn't come out yet, seeing that Zhou Yawen is leaving, Bi Xiaojian is also anxious.

"Zhou Yawen, you can't go!" Bi Xiaojian yelled, while carefully avoiding Huang Xing's angle, he reached out to grab Zhou Yawen.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he felt that he was hit by something.

Bi Xiaojian was kicked a few meters by Huang Xing, landed on the ground and rolled a few times.When he was desperately trying to get up, a pair of shiny crocodile leather shoes suddenly appeared in front of him. Bi Xiaojian was overjoyed that Fan Jiean finally came out!

Fan Jie'an is not tall and overweight, especially with a lot of fat on his face, and the corners of his mouth drooped a bit. He spat out the toothpick in his mouth and frowned, "What's going on?"

Bi Xiaojian said with a mournful face, "Young Master Fan, Zhou Yawen has been snatched away! It's over there, and I haven't gone far!"

Fan Jie'an nodded and waved his hand, "Stop them!"

The five strong men chased up together and blocked the three of Huang Xing.

Looking at the strong men with fierce eyes in front of her, Zhou Yawen turned pale with fright, grabbed Cheng Yaqiu's clothes, trembling all over, for fear that Cheng Yaqiu would hand her over.

Cheng Yaqiu was also a little scared, but compared to Zhou Yawen, she was calmer. She put her hand into her pocket carefully, planning to secretly call 110 to call the police.

But before she had time to dial, Huang Xing's hand had already grabbed her arm, and said with a smile: "The police have worked very hard, don't trouble them."

Cheng Yaqiu's face tightened, "There are so many of them! Don't be brave!"

Seeing Cheng Yaqiu's eyes full of concern, Huang Xing smiled slightly, "I found that you really care about me."

"You!" Cheng Yaqiu said urgently, "Are you still in the mood to joke at this time?"

"Don't be nervous, relax!" Huang Xing had expected this to happen, he smiled indifferently, stopped in his tracks, and looked at the people in front of him.

Fan Jiean had two personal bodyguards, and they followed him out of the box just now. These two are reconnaissance soldiers who have retired from the army. One is A Yuan and the other is Xu Chunyou. They are both real swords and guns. People who have performed military missions and seen blood.

Taking advantage of this time, they had already woken up the two unconscious people. Seeing the man's twisted arm, the two gasped.

"The tricks of the rivers and lakes!" Xu Chunyou said in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Ah Yuan nodded, "That one is fine, but this one, the arm is gone!"

Xu Chunyou said to Fan Jie'an in a low voice: "Boss, don't rush to do anything."


"That kid is not easy to deal with!"

Fan Jie'an frowned and asked, "You and A Yuan can't deal with it either?"

"That's not..." Xu Chunyou said in a low voice, "His method is not simple, I'm worried about his background."

"Fart's background!" Fan Jie'an said impatiently, "Look at what rags that kid is wearing? Can he have a hairy background! Let's go together! Take it down! Hurry up!"

"Yes!" Xu Chunyou nodded helplessly, taking money from others to eliminate disasters for others. As Fan Jie'an's subordinate, he had to obey his orders.

Xu Chunyou winked at A Yuan, said "You protect Fan Shao", and then quickly walked in front of Huang Xing. He was cautious by nature, and he still had scruples about Huang Xing's methods, knowing that this kind of quack character is not good He didn't make a move as soon as he came up, but said with a sullen face: "Friend, which way are you? You have gone too far!"

Huang Xing smiled, "Are you a soldier? How can you give your life to such a person?"

Xu Chunyou's complexion changed, and he sneered, "Don't bother your Excellency! Take this woman by your side and leave! Leave Zhou Yawen behind, Fan Shao doesn't mind!"

At this time, Fan Jie'an and A Yuan had already walked over, and Fan Jie'an had another toothpick in his mouth at some point, "Xu Chunyou, what are you talking about? Why are you whining? Ouch...wait a minute..."

While speaking, Fan Jie'an had already seen Cheng Yaqiu, and his eyes lit up immediately, "Beauty, do you want to develop in the film and television industry? With your conditions, you can become a star! You and Zhou Yawen will work together, and I will invest for you!"

"Bah!" Cheng Yaqiu spat, but said nothing.

Fan Jie'an looked at Zhou Yawen again, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhou, you are wrong! Since you want to enter this circle, you must follow the rules!"

Zhou Yawen shook her head, "No! I don't want to film anymore! Just let me go!"

"Don't want to do it anymore?" Fan Jie'an sneered, and pouted at Bi Xiaojian, "If Xiao Zhou breaks the contract, how much should I pay you?"

Bi Xiaojian got kicked by Huang Xing, but before he recovered, he knelt on the ground and rubbed his stomach while struggling, "Three... 320... 210... [-], three yuan and seven cents..."

"Did you hear that?" Fan Jie'an glared, "Xiao Zhou, take out this money, and you can leave! Otherwise... just obediently follow me into the private room and drink!"

Zhou Yawen stepped back in fright, shaking her head desperately.

"Young Master Fan, right?" Lu Xing smiled faintly, and protected Zhou Yawen and Cheng Yaqiu behind him, "These two are my girls, tell me what you have to say! What's the point of yelling at women?" mean?"

Fan Jie'an picked out his ears and smiled disdainfully.

He was in the entertainment industry as a film investor, and he had played with many new female artists.Some female artists calm down after getting what they want, but there are also some female artists who harbor resentment towards Fan Jie'an and seek revenge after they become rich and famous.Relying on the protection of A Yuan and Xu Chunyou, two masters, Fan Jie'an has not been injured so far, and those female artists who want to take revenge on Fan Jie'an will either be ruined by him, or they will make up for it, and come back and let him ruin it in order to continue in the circle Mix in.

Everyone in the circle knows that Fan Jie'an is not easy to mess with. Apart from his family's wealth, the most important thing is that he has two masters, Xu Chunyou and A Yuan, who are also known as the two tigers of the Fan family.

Fan Jie'an turned to Xu Chunyou and said, "What's the matter with you today? Didn't you see a puppy barking? Break your leg! Drive away!"

"Yes!" Xu Chunyou responded, pulled himself together, looked at Huang Xing coldly and said, "Boy, since you are so strong, you can't leave now even if you want to! You asked for it! "

Lu Chen said with a smile, "Help the evildoer! I wanted to let you go because you have been a soldier. Since you are obsessed with wanting to be a dog's leg to this kind of person, then I... will teach you a lesson on behalf of the moon!"

 A new set of tricks is on the stage, friends, come and pick up the set.

  Post a chapter first to quench your thirst. Today is a bit of a chore, and the rest will be posted later. Friends, remember to vote!Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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