Chapter 1121
Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Huang Xing arrived at Qin Yushi's home.Qin Yushi pulled Huang Xing in with a smile, and said, "Come in quickly, I didn't expect you to come early, I'm not ready yet."

Huang Xing looked at Qin Yushi who was wearing tight red yoga clothes, and looked at the time, "I'm only 10 minutes earlier than our appointment time, as a beauty, you can take a shower, change clothes and put on makeup in 10 minutes ?”

Qin Yushi blushed, "That...that..."

"You greet me like this on purpose, right..." Huang Xing suddenly smiled, "You know, I thought of something."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Qin Yushi asked with a smile, her eyes were like water, and deep affection was rippling in the water.

"What I think of can be regarded as a scandal in the financial circle, related to yoga." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Have you heard of it?"

"I'm not familiar with that circle, what's the matter?"

"Also related to yoga."

"Oh?" Qin Yushi took a graceful yoga pose, with an elegant figure, "I really want to hear it, so tell me quickly."

I have to say that Qin Yushi's state is really beautiful, and Huang Xing couldn't help admiring it for a moment before saying: "The matter of a certain big investment bank, a beautiful woman, only graduated from a third-rate university, and her major is not finance. Just reached the position with an annual salary of 400 million, isn’t it amazing?”

Qin Yushi was surprised and said: "How is this possible? The investment bank seat is not so easy to sit in! In three years, let alone 13 years, it is impossible for a non-financial professional to sit in the position of 400 million annual salary. Unless...she is The chairman's daughter!"

"You are wrong, she is not the daughter of the chairman! She just has a specialty."

"What specialty?"

“Good yoga!”

"You are my king!" Qin Yushi's eyes fluttered, "Let's do yoga together... I have been practicing for a long time. Do you know, Huang Xing? I, Qin Yushi, am not a shameless woman, I just want to have a A solid shoulder can let me lean on it once in a while, okay?"

Qin Yushi's development in Haidong can be said to have completely escaped the protection of the Qin family. It took a lot of hard work for her to gain a foothold in Haidong, a place full of fish and dragons. She is also a woman who refuses to give in to the opposite sex. Otherwise, they would not be single until now.

But the appearance of Huang Xing completely opened her heart. She completely gave up the nobility, aloofness, pride, and even self-esteem in the past, and only wanted to get some support and comfort from Huang Xing.

In fact, Huang Xing had a good impression of Qin Yushi. It was not easy to be clean and keep one's own heart in the circle of the capital.With Qin Yushi's conditions, she couldn't find any boyfriend she wanted, but she only wanted to pursue what she liked, and kept her heart.

If you want to rely on, let her rely on it, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, Huang Xing thought rather self-deprecatingly, isn't there just one more person who needs to be taken care of!Although being alone and unencumbered seems chic, but after such a long time, people may not find the value of their own existence, especially for people like Huang Xing who are at the top.

Huang Xing took Qin Yushi's hand and said with a smile: "Okay, sister Yushi, I haven't done yoga before, you can teach me."

Qin Yushi's face was filled with joy, her beautiful eyes twinkling, "Okay... I'm willing to do anything."


Dinner was not eaten until supper time. Although Qin Yushi was a little tired, she was in high spirits and insisted on cooking for Huang Xing herself. Huang Xing also became a good man and helped her in the kitchen.Qin Yushi kept humming a ditty happily, only children in Kyoto could hum it, and Lu Xing secretly laughed when he heard it, "Yushi, you're so childish."

Qin Yushi said quietly: "I am no longer young, no matter how childish my state of mind is, I really feel old."

"Old?" Huang Xing shook his head, "Apple is not old when it is the sweetest."

Qin Yushi had a sore nose, "If I lose my face, I will leave silently, and you don't want to look for me."

Huang Chen shrugged, "Speaking so miserable, it's as if I'm a bad man Wait, I'll give you something."

After he finished speaking, he went to Qin Yushi's study, found a pen and paper, wrote a prescription, handed it to Qin Yushi, and said, "Take it once a week, it's nourishing, and it will make you more beautiful for 40 to [-] years." question."

"This..." Looking at the hundreds of medicines on the prescription, many of which are very precious Chinese herbal medicines, Qin Yushi asked in surprise, "What kind of prescription is this?"

"Don't worry about it so much..." Huang Chen smiled, "It's mainly for nourishing the body, and by the way, it's for the face, and it's for women. All my teachers and wives are eating it, and the oldest one is seventy. It's like a bone spirit who just graduated from college."

"Ah? So amazing?" Qin Yushi is not new to the world. She has heard of the so-called secret method of maintaining beauty in Kyoto, but at most it can make people in their 50s look like people in their 30s, and with the help of cosmetics, People in their 70s still look like female college students. This stuff has only been heard of by charlatans.Is Huang Xing a liar?Obviously not!Therefore, Qin Yushi couldn't help but think that this prescription is too valuable!if……

"A shrewd woman like you is sometimes quite annoying..." Huang Xing seemed to see Qin Yushi's thoughts, and said, "The effective Chinese medicine prescriptions are all for a certain person, and the amount and even the type of medicine are different. Targeted, changing another person may not only be useless, but may even have side effects, if you want to make money with this thing, you can try..."

Qin Yushi quickly shook her head, and said flatteringly: "I just think habitually, I won't take out what you give, really! Don't be angry, I will pay attention to it in the future, really! Don't Are you mad at me..."

The big beauty started acting like a baby, and Huang Xing also knew that Qin Yushi didn't really want to make money with the prescriptions, so he smiled and said, "Yoga is quite interesting, you can give me some pointers later."

Qin Yushi nodded quickly, "No problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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