The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1127 Suspended Death

Chapter 1127 Suspended Death
"Grandpa!" Xu Wanying cried sadly, "Wake up quickly! Don't go!"

Huang Xing patted her thin shoulder lightly, smacked his lips secretly, and said that women are born to be actors, this is true, this girl really pretends like that.

The way he came up with was to have Mr. Feng fake his death and hold a funeral.Those who harmed Mr. Feng will definitely go to the funeral to see how Mr. Feng is doing, and they will take back the Gu they played.

Xu Wanying's crying alarmed her parents. Considering that Xu's father and Xu's mother were not mentally qualified, they were not told about the suspended animation.Xu's mother thought that Mr. Feng had really passed away, so she cried so hard.

Feng Lao's suspended animation was naturally written by Huang Xing. Relying on the magic power of Shenmen thirteen needles, even if Feng Lao used the most advanced scientific instruments to test, he could only conclude that he was dead.

Xu's mother also specially asked Qian Jiashen to show it to Mr. Feng. Although Qian Jiashen's medical skills were good, he was not at the same level as Huang Xing. Of course, the result of the examination was that Mr. Feng passed away.

There was also a small episode. Xu's father seemed to have some opinions on Huang Xing, thinking that it was because of Huang Xing's inappropriate treatment that Mr. Feng passed away, so he insisted on going to the court to sue Huang Xing for practicing medicine illegally.Xu's father made Huang Xing very helpless, if it wasn't for Xu Wanying's father, he wouldn't mind using his big ear to wake up Xu's father.

Relying on Xu Wanying's dissuasion, Xu's father agreed to wait until Lao Feng's funeral was held before going to trouble Huang Xing.

It doesn't matter to Huang Xing, anyway, after the funeral, Mr. Feng must have woken up.

Mr. Xiao was a man who had experienced big storms. Huang Xing secretly told him the real situation, and asked him to quietly arrange manpower to spread the news that Mr. Feng had a strange disease and passed away.

Mr. Feng was a well-known old Chinese doctor, and his books were included in the textbooks of the highest medical institutions. His death basically shocked the entire medical world.

In order to prevent long nights and dreams, Elder Feng's funeral was arranged three days later. During these three days, Xu Wanying never left Elder Feng's side, because someone needed to quietly ventilate Elder Feng's coffin. Staying in the coffin means that the fake death has become real.

Although there were only three days to prepare, under the arrangement of Mr. Xiao, Mr. Feng's funeral was very grand. People from the medical field, especially the field of traditional Chinese medicine, came here, even the Qin family who were far away in the capital. Send someone over here.Huang Xing greeted Qin Yushi before, but Qin Yushi didn't come over.

On the day of the funeral, there was a lot of mourning and joy, and Feng Lao’s relatives and students laid wreaths, weeping and weeping. There is a special room for Feng Lao’s relics, including his collection of books and used computers.

Huang Xing is waiting outside this room, this is the most likely place to catch big fish.Rebirth Gu, if you don't take it back, something big will happen.The gang of Hua Ye's sons are targeting Mr. Feng, and they certainly don't want to make things get out of hand.Mr. Xiao was watching at the funeral, and those who behaved suspiciously would naturally be dealt with by special personnel.


The funeral was fake, and the coffin was empty. Feng Lao had already been transferred out by Huang Xing, and now he was being taken care of by Xiao Qiangwei, so Huang Xing didn't have to worry.

Just as the funeral was halfway through, two men in black suits walked cautiously towards the room where the relics were kept.

Seeing the two of them pried open the door and slipped in, Huang Xing narrowed his eyes and didn't move.

These two guys are not big fish. Although they came to fetch things, they are not the real masters.

After a while, two guys sneaked out of the room. One was carrying a big bag with unknown contents in it, but the other was holding a case, which was exactly the one Mr. Feng used before his death. .

As they walked, the two murmured.

"I said brother, how much do you think this case is worth?"

"I don't know, it looks normal."

"That person paid [-] yuan to buy it, tsk tsk... he said he wanted the information in it, what information did you say there was in it?"

"I don't know why you have so many questions."

"I just think that the old man who died today is a master of medicine, and he may have a terrible secret on his computer. Why don't we take this thing away and have a look."

"We don't understand it, and we can't understand it even if we look at it."

"That's true, but that person attaches so much importance to the computer, do you think we should ask him more?"

"That's okay... That guy is not authentic, saying that there are many valuable things in the old man's relics, but I've been searching for a long time, and there is nothing too valuable at all."


Listening to the discussion between the two, Huang Xing curled his lips, "You two idiots, if brother hadn't suppressed the Rebirth Gu in it, even if the two of you get 1000 million, you won't die!"

Following the two people who left the funeral scene, the two did not leave in a car, but pulled out an electric tricycle from an alley, one person sat in the carriage with things, and the other drove.

Huang Xing smiled, "They're still two poor thieves, they don't even have a car."

The two of them didn't drive, and Huang Xing couldn't chase after him. When he saw a shared bicycle at the entrance of the alley, he reached out and broke the lock, and followed it on his bicycle.

The electric tricycle drove westward for more than two kilometers, and then entered a park.

This park is not big, but the environment inside is good, with tall trees and winding roads.

The two parked the car, got into the park with their things, and quickly left the sidewalk and got into the dense woods.

After walking tens of meters, a man put his things on the ground, took out his mobile phone, and dialed, "Hey, we are here, where are you? We brought the things. What? 5 minutes... good! Hurry up, we are busy, if you don't come, we will throw things into the river!"

Huang Xing was already standing in the canopy of a tree, waiting quietly.

Five minutes later, an old man in a gray tunic walked slowly into the woods, holding a cane in his hand.But judging from his steady steps, the crutch in the old man's hand is only for decoration.

The old man coughed lightly, took out a wad of banknotes from his pocket, and said, "Take the money, but keep the things."

A man hugged the case tightly, "Ten thousand is too little, fifty thousand! Otherwise, I'll throw this thing into the river!"

"Looking for death!" The old man turned cold, and suddenly jumped to the side of the two, waving his cane.

Twice it hit the legs of the two men.

The two of them were in pain, and they all knelt on the ground, and tears came down from the pain.

The old man looked stern, "You two greedy bastards, if you want to live, take the money and get out, otherwise I don't mind beating the two trash to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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