The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1134 Clue, departure

Chapter 1134 Clue, departure

Many things were unclear on the phone, so Huang Xing quickly met Qin Yushi.This is a very secluded tea house, in the box, Qin Yushi told about Nangong Yueyue.

Nangong Yueyue successfully became a tour guide. Not long ago, she took a group to Likun, Huacheng. Just as she was about to return, Nangong Yueyue suddenly asked her assistant to bring the tour group back, while she herself stayed at Li Kun.

Now that the tour group is back, Qin Yushi originally wanted to ask Nangong Yueyue when she would come back, but suddenly found that Nangong Yueyue's phone couldn't be reached at all, and when she called, it showed that she was not in the service area.

Nangong Yueyue is now carrying two mobile phones, just to prevent the phone from running out of battery and unable to contact her, and the numbers on the two mobile phones cannot be reached.Qin Yushi didn't know how many phone calls she made, but no matter which number it was, it was a reminder that she was not in the service area. Only then did she realize that something might happen to Nangong Yueyue.

After listening, Huang Xing was silent for a few seconds, and asked, "Did you report the crime?"

"Nangong Yueyue has a special identity. I didn't report the crime, but asked my father to inquire about the Nangong family, but the Nangong family didn't speak clearly, and seemed to be hiding something on purpose..." Qin Yushi said with a worried face, "The Nangong family has always been very utilitarian. , I am worried that Yueyue may be used as a bargaining chip by them again."

"Although there is a possibility..." Huang Xing said, "but it doesn't have to be done so quietly. I'm afraid... it's something else. The Nangong family may know it, or it may not know it, or it may not know it completely... What do you say Yueyue last appeared in Likun, Flower City?"

Qin Yushi nodded, "Her assistant said so, and I also verified it with people from the tour group, and it is indeed the case."

"Any other clues?"

Qin Yushi shook her head, "I'm gone now."

"Huacheng Likun..." Huang Xing nodded, "I see, I'll start looking for it now!"

While talking, he uploaded Nangong Yueyue's photo to his server via the Internet.I just searched for the big brother before, and I just used that system to find Nangong Yueyue, and I know that Nangong Yueyue appeared in Likun, so I can use the system to get a lot of information about Nangong Yueyue in Likun.

When they drove to the Hongxing community, the system had already matched many results. Huang Xing and Qin Yushi watched a picture and a video.

At night, Huang Xing finally picked out two high-definition pictures and said, "I found a!"

These two pictures are from Likun's city monitoring system. Generally, Huang Xing does not invade the domestic monitoring system, that would easily cause trouble, but Nangong Yueyue can be regarded as his own woman, so causing some trouble is nothing.

The first picture shows Nangong Yueyue leaving with two people from a hotel, which is the hotel where the tour group stayed.Judging from the actions and expressions of the three of them, Nangong Yueyue was not forced.

The other is an image of the front of the vehicle, from a relatively low-position high-definition camera. The driver was one of the two people who took Nangong Yueyue away, and the other person was not in the co-pilot, passing through the front row Between the two seats, Nangong Yueyue could be vaguely seen leaning against the back seat with her eyes closed, she didn't know if she was asleep or passed out.

"This is on the way to the border port..." Huang Xing frowned, "This road is the border road to Myanmar."

"Ah? Has Yueyue gone abroad? What is she going to do in Myanmar?" Qin Yushi asked doubtfully.

Huang Xing pointed at the man driving, "This man has a problem! There is a big problem!"

He then entered the person's face into the system as the search criteria, and within ten minutes, the system gave the answer.

Seeing the result, Qin Yushi was surprised, "This is... this..."

Huang Chen sneered, "This is Charlie Peng, the number one confidant of Balochai, the biggest warlord in Myanmar, hehe, Barochai actually kidnapped Yueyue, how courageous he is!"

"Then what should we do now?" Qin Yushi said worriedly, "Should I tell the security department? Let them save Yueyue."

Huang Chen shook his head, "Don't forget the Nangong family's attitude, this matter...seems to have a lot to say."

"Don't you want to care?" Qin Yushi asked.

She asked a little anxiously, "Then what should we do now?"

"I'll go to Myanmar personally. Now that I know who did it, I'll have a good talk with him."

"The country of Myanmar is at war, it's too dangerous."

Huang Chen smiled faintly, "Isn't that called war in Myanmar? It's just playing house! Don't worry, I'll set off right away. I'll go to Baro and have a good talk!"

"How about I ask the experts at home to help you?"

"No need, the experts around you are there to protect you!" Huang Xing said, "And recently there is an organization called Son of Hua Ye who is very active, recruiting elites from all walks of life, the means are not so glorious, you are still considered an elite , or to protect yourself."

"Then... well, you must be careful, do you need me to get you some equipment?"

"No need, I'll get materials locally when I get there. The country is strictly controlled, and I don't want to ask for trouble."

"Then... you must be careful! What can I do?"

Huang Xing thought for a while, and said: "Keep in touch, maybe you need to arrange for us to go back to China when the time comes."

"Okay! Then I'll wait for your news."

Afterwards, Huang Xing communicated with Shen Kuohai, Mr. Xiao and the others, told them that he was going on a business trip for a while, and arranged some company matters, and then drove the Mercedes Benz big G all the way to Myanmar.

Although Nangong Yueyue disappeared from Likun in Huacheng, her destination must be the country of Mira, so Huang Xing didn't need to go around in Likun of Huacheng anymore, he drove directly to the port and went directly to the country of Mirao.

When he was about to reach the border, Huang Xing learned that the border to the country of Myanmar had been sealed off. No need to ask, the conflict in the country of Myanmar must have become fierce again.

Due to historical reasons, there are large and small warlords and drug lords in that country, relying on the Doo business, these large and small forces have good financial resources, and they have bought them either openly or secretly. A lot of arms, coupled with the weak official control of the Burmese country, armed conflicts broke out in the whole country every three days.

Huang Xing couldn't figure out what Barrow guessed was the purpose of kidnapping Nangong Yueyue. Now that the conflict in Myanmar and Luo is in full swing, will the Nangong family be involved here?As far as Huang Xing knew, Barochai and Nangong's family were completely irreconcilable. What kind of grievance would they have to kidnap Nangong Yueyue?
(End of this chapter)

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