The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1136 Crow and Glock

Chapter 1136 Crow and Glock
Huang Xing didn't answer Nail's question, but asked: "How do you know that Yue Pengcha is locked up here?"

Nail said without thinking, "The boss of a friend of mine used to live there. After Peng Naiya came, he killed the boss. Now the place has been occupied by Peng Naiya."

"Well..." Huang Xing nodded, accepted his explanation, and said, "Show me your things."

"Okay!" Nail hurriedly opened the backpack carefully, and said a little embarrassedly, "Although they are not new products, they can definitely be used. I have oiled them! Look, this one, this one, they are all good. .”

Looking at the things inside, Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "I can't see that you have a lot of goods!"

"I've saved it for several years!" Nail took out a handful of black Glocks, "Look at this, it's definitely very useful, and it has a lot of bullets, more than 100! And look at this one, This product is relatively rare, I managed to get it! Russian product!"

Following the nail's instructions, Huang Xing couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "You still have this thing? This one is good, how many bullets are there?"

"There are only two magazines." Nail sighed, "It's just a little less."

This is a pretty good handful of guys.

To be on the safe side, Huang Xing bought the Glock again, after all, the gun is not badly maintained, and has a lot of bullets.

Huang Xing did not give cash this time, but threw a gold bar to Nail. In this war-torn place, gold bars are absolutely hard currency.

Holding the gold, Nail took a bite, looked at the teeth marks with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Sir, you are so generous, I wish you good luck. If you still want to buy something in the future, just tell me, and I will definitely give it to you." Get the best guy!"

Huang Chen waved his hand, "Thank can go."

After the nail was gone, Huang Xing checked the crow and Glock again, then looked at the building, lost in thought.

These two guys, Barochai and Peng Naiya, are very cunning, and they usually don't appear in the Golden Triangle area at the same time. Generally, if one person is in Myanmar, then the other person will definitely be active in other areas. One person is inside, and the other is raising weapons outside. Or sell the opium produced.It is said that the two brothers are very good at doing business, and have sold their goods to the military base of the Stars and Stripes in Afghanistan.

The guy who kidnapped Nangong Yueyue was Balochai's close confidant, Charlie Peng, who had always been with Balochai. Charlie Peng's arrival in Myanmar meant that Parochai was also in Myanmar.

Now Peng Naiya also ran back to Myanmar to sit in town, and the two brothers are here, which is very unreasonable.

As for the kidnapping of Nangong Yueyue, I still don't know what it is for, and since Peng Naiya is also in Myanmar, it is not clear which of the two brothers is going to kidnap Nangong Yueyue.

According to the video where Nangong Yueyue was discovered, if the road goes out of the country, it should go to this place first.Could it be... Nangong Yueyue who was kidnapped by Peng Naia?

Then why did Barrow guess the cronies make the move?

After pondering for a while, Huang Xing came to a little understanding. It might be that Balochai was in trouble, and Peng Naiya was in Myanmar to save him or cooperate with him to get out of trouble.Kidnapping Nangong Yueyue is the way to get Balochai out of trouble.So now that Peng Naiya is here, Nangong Yueyue is likely to be here too.

Judging from the time when the screenshot of the video appeared, even if Nangong Yueyue was sent here, it was only a matter of a day or two. The Burmese country has all eyes and hands, but in China, if you want to take a living person out, it will definitely not be an easy task.

At this time, faint lights appeared in the distance, and there was the sound of a car engine, and a pickup truck painted in camouflage was driving towards this side.

Huang Chen couldn't help rubbing his chin. Could it be that it was such a coincidence that Nangong Yueyue was sent here?That brother doesn't need to work hard, just save people directly.Seeing a big tree by the side of the road, he tiptoed, like a civet cat, quickly climbed up, and quietly hid in the dense branches.

In the compartment of the pickup truck stood two men with chests and stomachs. Under their feet was a sack, which was sealed and wriggling non-stop. It was obvious that there was a person inside.

Huang Xing looked carefully, but he couldn't see who was in the sack. He hesitated for a moment, but didn't do it directly. Instead, he jumped off the tree after the car passed by, and under the shadow of the bushes, he walked towards the building. The three-story building is close.

Although the round moon can help people illuminate the way, it is not conducive to hiding the figure. There are so many secret whistles in this kind of drug lord's residence. Once people find out, it is definitely not friendly champagne and beer that welcomes Huang Xing .

But with Huang Xing's eyesight, he has already seen the positions of those bright and dark whistles. In addition, there are occasional clouds in the sky that cover the moon, and the ground is occasionally dark. Huang Xing is like a civet cat, stepping on the unique Steps, silently sneaked to the shadow of the three-story building.

This kind of kung fu is one of the unique skills of Master Lu Chen's family. He walks quietly and his feet are very light. Even if he steps on an anti-personnel landmine, it will not detonate.Relying on this technique, even in the face of a target whose absolute strength is stronger than his own, he can quietly approach and kill him.

Of course, since his debut, Huang Xing has never met anyone stronger than himself. He was so careful this time, mainly for the safety of Nangong Yueyue. Who knows why those crazy guys arrested Nangong Yueyue? There was a lot of gunfire, what if they hurt Nangong Yueyue?
Finding the right timing, Huang Xing tiptoed, and entered the three-story building without anyone noticing.The corridor was very quiet, most of the rooms were empty, and there were a few bodyguards with live ammunition patrolling the corridor.Huang Xing jumped up and pressed his body against the ceiling, carefully waiting for a bodyguard to pass by below. Just as the bodyguard passed by, he suddenly jumped down, covered his mouth with one hand, and clasped his head with the other. Force a turn.

With a soft sound, the bodyguard's cervical spine was fractured, and he twitched a few times before dying.

Dragging this unlucky guy into an empty room, Huang Xing changed into his clothes, then hid the body in a cabinet, then closed the door, pretended to be a patrolling bodyguard, and wandered around the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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