The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1153 He must be a big shot

Chapter 1153 He must be a big shot

Almost all the navigable rivers in Myanmar will flow into the Meigong River. Huang Xing drove the boat down the river and entered the Meigong River smoothly. Then he only needs to go upstream along the Meigong River to return to Huaxia territory.

Although the special medicine for malaria is very effective in killing malaria parasites, it also does great harm to the body. Nangong Yueyue has not recovered from it. She lies on the bed every day and does not come down if she can. Huang Chen is in charge.

But there are no tricks on the yacht, they are all semi-finished food in the cold storage, and they can be eaten after heating. Occasionally, Huang Xing will catch a fish from the river and make some fish soup for Nangong Yueyue to replenish her body. Niu'er was moved to tears, but Huang Xing saw the sensual side of this sunny girl.

Going upstream along the Meigong River, gradually, some patrol boats appeared around, and Huang Xing could recognize the logo of the Sha Boxin family, obviously those were Sha Boxin to block the river.

However, Huang Xing's yacht doesn't look like an ordinary person can afford to drive it, and Sha Boxin didn't get any news of the yacht being stolen, so he couldn't imagine that he would want to be on this luxurious yacht. looking for someone.

However, the further north you go, the more patrol boats of the Sha Boxin family, and gradually, someone noticed the boat of Huang Xing. After all, this boat has been going upstream and has been seen in several sections of the river patrolled.

Finally, two patrol boats approached cautiously from behind.

Nangong Yueyue was lying on the porthole looking at the scenery, saw the armed men standing on the patrol boat with guns in hand, quickly picked up the communicator, and said to Huang Xing: "Someone is chasing us."

"Don't worry, don't look up when lying down, don't look out, be obedient."

"Oh..." Hearing this, Nangong Yueyue shrank back obediently on the bed, lay obediently, and said, "I'm lying down, careful."

"The people here are not very clever, and they are easy to fool."

Huang Xing put down the communicator, and used some flour and dye that he had already prepared to smear on his face a few times.

Soon, the fair and handsome Huaxia guy disappeared, and Huang Chen changed into a Southeast Asian man with small eyes, flat nose, thick lips, and dark skin.

He pinned the Glock on his waist very arrogantly, put the cash he got from Chaserjan into his trouser pocket, and half of some bills were exposed, and he walked with money fluttering, extremely arrogant.

Huang Xing changed the boat to the slow autopilot mode, then carried the fishing rod and walked to the deck with a displeased expression on his face.

At this time, two patrol boats were trying to come up.

With his chest folded and his hips akimbo, Huang Chen waved towards a patrol boat, and shouted in the standard local dialect of the capital of Myanmar: "Hi! Who the hell are you? No matter who it is, Come here, come here! Damn, come here!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Xing still didn't feel satisfied, so he picked up the big horn hanging on a shelf on the deck, and shouted: "Fuck, come here quickly! Hurry up! I have something to do with you!"

The armed personnel on the patrol boat were a little confused. They obviously wanted to board the boat for inspection, so why did the people on the boat let them pass?Who is this guy on the boat?Very arrogant!Glock was pinned to his waist, and he didn't seem to intend to use force. The pockets were bulging, all money?Damn... the other money fell out, it just fell on the deck, and that guy didn't even look at it!That guy should be a local, or a big shot, what are we doing?
"What's the matter with you?" the armed man asked.

Huang Xing took out a handful of banknotes from his pocket, and shouted: "Is there a lighter? Give it to me! My lighter is broken! I can't smoke cigars! Hurry up, give me the damn lighter, this for you!"

Looking at the several red and green bills, the armed men showed greedy eyes, and hurriedly shouted for their companions to come up to them, took out their disposable lighter, and shook it at Huang Xing.

"Come here, get on the boat, why don't you let me go and get it? Hurry up!" Huang Xing continued to shout.

The speed of the yacht was very slow, the two patrol boats approached, and Huang Xing said hello to buy a lighter.

There were four armed personnel in two patrol boats, and they took out three lighters. Huang Xing loaded them with satisfaction, lit a cigar in front of them, and took a big puff comfortably.These cigars are high-end goods, and they are stored in the ship's refrigerator. There are three of them in total, all of which are top-quality Cuban cigars. They must have been bought with great difficulty by Chaserjan. They are all cheap before you can enjoy them. up.

Huang Xing nodded in satisfaction, took out a handful of cash, threw it to a few armed men, and asked, "What the hell are you running around on the river? I want to fish, but you frightened me away. Yes Now, you are Sha Boxin's people, right? What's the fuss about?"

An armed man looked embarrassed and said in a low voice: "The two Chinese have offended the general, and we are looking for him."

"Huaxia people?" Huang Chen stared, "Are you so crazy? How dare you provoke Huaxia people? You Taixing people may not know, grandma... Let me tell you, when you see a Huaxia person, hide away Far away! Don’t offend! In the jungle to the south of us, the agents of the Five Hundred Stars and Stripes were all killed. I didn’t know until the bodies were found that they were all chewed up by wild beasts. Elite agents!"

The armed man was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "People from Huaxia did it?"

"Nonsense! Of course they did it!" Lu Chen said seriously, "So, don't mess with Huaxia people! By the way... do you know how to play mahjong? It's Huaxia's square cards, so interesting , play with me."

"Ah?" The armed officers were all dumbfounded. They seemed to know mahjong, but they really don't know how to play a game with complicated rules.A bolder armed man whispered, "We can't, but we can learn."

"Learn?" Huang Chen spat, "I'm such a smart person, I've been learning this for a week, should I teach you idiots? Forget it, get out, I'm fishing, my little sweetheart Still waiting to drink fish soup! Get out! You idiots, you can’t even know mahjong! Get out of the way, don’t delay Lao Tzu’s fishing! If you scare Lao Tzu’s fish away again, I will twist your heads and use them as chamber pots!”

Several armed men were scolded away disheartenedly, while Huang Xing sat carelessly on the deck, smoking a cigar and fishing at the same time.

Neither of the two patrol boats dared to approach, and an armed officer asked, "Oh, who is he?"

"How the hell do I know, it must be a big shot, I dare not ask."

"Hmm...that's must be a big shot...otherwise I wouldn't be so generous..."

(End of this chapter)

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