The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 117 She Is Not That Kind of Woman

Chapter 117 She Is Not That Kind of Woman (Part Two)
Seeing Cheng Yaqiu and Xu Shanshan came out, Huang Chen went up to greet him, and said with a smile: "Shanshan, it's time to go..."

Xu Shanshan yawned and complained, "I'm so exhausted from singing! Where did you two go? Didn't you go to a place where no one is around to make love?"

"Oh, Shanshan!" Cheng Yaqiu hurriedly said, "Didn't I tell you? Huang Xing met a classmate, and we chatted for a while. What are you thinking about!"

"Classmate? Where is it?" Xu Shanshan asked.

Lu Chen smiled, turned to Zhou Yawen and said, "Zhou Yawen, this is Xu Shanshan, a friend of Yaqiu and me."

"Zhou Yawen..." Seeing Zhou Yawen's clothes, Xu Shanshan looked a little weird, and smiled perfunctorily, "Hello, hello!"

"It's getting late, let's go back. I still have to prepare lessons!" Cheng Yaqiu urged Xu Shanshan deliberately, afraid that Xu Shanshan would ask more questions.

"Go back so early?"

"You think everyone is a night owl like you!" Cheng Yaqiu said, "If you still want to play, then Huang Xing and I will take a taxi and leave, and Huang Xing has to go back to school."

Xu Shanshan sighed, "Okay, then I'll go too, I'll drive you off."

Because Zhou Yawen was going home, she was going to pass by the school anyway, so all three of them took part in Xu Shanshan's golf.On the way back, Xu Shanshan handed over the driving task to Huang Xing, and chatted with Cheng Yaqiu in the back row, while Zhou Yawen sat in the co-pilot's seat consciously.

At the gate of Hongxing Community, Cheng Yaqiu got out of the car, called Huang Xing down, shook the suitcase in his hand, and asked, "What about the money?"

"You take it, this is for you!"

"No, you need money more than me, so I'll give it to you!" Cheng Yaqiu said.

"Stop arguing, one person is half, let you go first." Huang Xing said.

"Let me go here?" Cheng Yaqiu looked at the suitcase and frowned, "With so much cash at home, I won't be able to sleep!"

"That's true..." Huang Xing smiled, took out a savings card from Cheng Yaqiu's small bag, put it in his pocket, and said with a smile, "There is a self-service bank near the school, let me deposit the money for you .”

"Okay... then you should be careful."

Huang Chen smiled, "Understood! I won't rob others!"

Cheng Yaqiu couldn't help laughing "puchi". With Huang Chen's ability, safety is indeed guaranteed, "By the way, I heard Zhou Yawen say she was going home at the gate of Xingdu just now?"


Cheng Yaqiu frowned, "Send her home, she must be terrified today."

Lu Chen said with a smile: "Don't worry, with Xiao Qiangwei coming forward and giving that Fan ten courages, he won't dare to make up Zhou Yawen's mind anymore."

"Then it's not safe for her to take a taxi so late alone as a girl!" Cheng Yaqiu said, "I seem to have heard that her home is in the suburbs, you can send her back!"

"Alas..." Lu Xing shook his head and sighed, "You only care about Zhou Yawen's safety, and you don't care about mine? I was alone when I came back, and what should I do if there is a female gangster robbing me? What if that female gangster~ What if the gangster is prettier than you? I will lose the will to resist!"

"You're talking nonsense again!" Cheng Yaqiu angrily punched Huang Xing, "I won't talk to you anymore! When you get to school, tell me, I'll wait for your news!"

"Good drop!"

Afterwards, after a few people drove to the gate of Haidong University, Huang Xing returned the car to Xu Shanshan and got out of the car with Zhou Yawen.

Just as Xu Shanshan was about to drive, she suddenly found that Huang Xing and Zhou Yawen did not enter the school, but were walking towards the self-service bank.

"What are they doing at the bank?" Xu Shanshan's heart moved, and she sat in the car and watched.

Ten minutes later, she watched Huang Xing and Zhou Yawen come out of the bank, and then they got into a taxi together and drove away.

Xu Shanshan frowned immediately. She went to the bank to withdraw money. After withdrawing the money, the two took a taxi and left. Where can they go?Are you going to the hotel?
"It must be!" Xu Shanshan muttered unhappily, "That Zhou Yawen is dressed like a nightclub princess! She is not a good person at first glance! No...I have to tell Yaqiu!"

She quickly dialed Cheng Yaqiu's phone number, and said seriously: "Yaqiu! Let me ask you something, do you like Huang Xing?"

Cheng Yaqiu was silent for a moment, "Shanshan, why are you asking this? It's inexplicable! Didn't I say it? I'm his teacher, at most..."

"Don't be stubborn! I didn't want to interrogate you..." Xu Shanshan said, "I just want to tell you one thing. Huang Xing hasn't returned to school now. He and Zhou Yawen took a taxi away. Be careful with that Zhou Yawen." !"

Cheng Yaqiu smiled, "I said Shanshan, your thoughts are too complicated, right? Zhou Yawen's home is in the suburbs, I asked Huang Xing to deliver it!"

"What?" Xu Shanshan exclaimed, "You asked him to take it? You asked Huang Xing to take Zhou Yawen home in the middle of the night? Are you out of your mind?"

"What's the matter with you? You're surprised...Zhou Yawen is a girl, it's not safe to take a taxi to the suburbs alone!"

"I said Yaqiu, why don't you think about yourself?" Xu Shanshan frowned and said, "Aren't you giving Huang Chen a chance to make mistakes? Think about it... this night, Huang Chen is a young man This young man, facing a woman like Zhou Yawen alone..."

"Wait! What is that kind of woman?"

"Do you need me to say that?" Xu Shanshan said, "Isn't Zhou Yawen the princess of the night show?"

"What? Don't talk nonsense! It's not convenient for me to tell you in front of Zhou Yawen just now, what's going on today..." Cheng Yaqiu then briefly talked about Zhou Yawen's contracting and drinking, but didn't mention that Xiao Qiangwei came forward It's just that Huang Xing drove away the brokers and investors with ulterior motives.

After hearing this, Xu Shanshan suddenly said: "So that's the case... Then I really misunderstood! But Yaqiu, then your heart is big enough, how can you let Huang Xing go see her off alone? You have to Follow! You have to be optimistic about a handsome, talented and protective man like Huang Xing! If you let him be abducted by others, you will have no place to cry!"

"Oh, Huang Xing and I are not what you think!"

" know what it is like!" Xu Shanshan said, "I tell you, a man can't stand the test! Okay... let's not talk, I'm going to drive!"


Cheng Yaqiu hung up the phone and smiled wryly, this Xu Shanshan is simply inexplicable!She flipped through the bank's reminder text messages on her mobile phone, and couldn't help but frowned, "Didn't you say half of each person? Why did Huang Xing deposit all 50 in my card? No, transfer it back to him next time!"

 The second update is here, friends, remember to vote!

(End of this chapter)

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