The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1184 You Have Taste

Chapter 1184 You Have Taste

Shen Xiyan looked at Shen Xiaoyao who couldn't open her eyes, and said helplessly: "This girl, it's true."

Shen Xiaoyao yawned, "Sister, why don't you carry me behind your back, just like when you were a child."

Shen Xiyan smiled wryly and said: "How old were you at that time, and I could still carry it. Now that you weigh dozens of catties, how can I carry you? Huang Xing, why don't you come here."

"It's okay..." Shen Xiaoyao looked at Huang Xing, "Little brother, carry me on your back, I'm quite light."

"I don't feel comfortable carrying you! How about..." Lu Xing smiled, and gave Shen Xiaoyao a princess hug.

"It's better, little brother... Then I'm going to bed, I don't want to watch the sunrise, you can record it for me..." Shen Xiaoyao closed her eyes after finishing speaking, and continued to catch up on sleep.

Tang Qiqi curled her lips secretly, Xiyan, why are you acting like a fool?Yesterday I went to Huang Xing's room alone, and when I got back, you didn't even ask a question, but now, it's good, Xiaoyao is acting like a baby with Huang Xing, you don't think you've seen it, Xiaoyao is almost seventeen, right?No matter how simple she is, she is almost sensible!Just do it!

After a few minutes, the sky in the east began to brighten, and some light appeared on the surface of the sea. Everyone cheered up, raised their mobile phones and cameras, and prepared to record the moment when the sun rose.

As a golden edge appeared on the distant sea surface, within a few minutes, the red sun seemed to jump out, and it had already appeared in the eastern sky. As the distance from the sea surface increased, the red disc also became dazzling white...

The sunrise was over, and the crowd watching the sunrise dispersed one after another. Many people chose to go back to their rooms to catch up on sleep.There are also a small group of people who are going to the dining area first.

On the way back to the room, seeing Chen Caiying's sleepy look, Huang Xing couldn't help but secretly smiled.He patted Chen Caiying on the shoulder and said, "If you want to change someone, you can talk to the housekeeping department during the day. If you say it today, it won't affect their work."

Chen Caiying hesitated for a while, then shook her head: "Forget it, it might affect her performance, don't change it, just make do with it."

Huang Xing nodded, "You are a good person."

Tang Qiqi curled her lips, secretly disdainful, cut!man!


Chen Caiying didn't make a replacement yesterday, and left the waitress half-heartedly.

He was very lucky, the waitress was a very dedicated woman from the Eastern Japan, and not long after her training, Chen Caiying was his first customer.

I don't know how the two of them communicated, but Chen Caiying was very satisfied with this waitress anyway.

When they returned to the guest room, the guest rooms of Huang Chen and the others were all empty, except for a beautiful woman standing at the door of Chen Caiying's guest room, with her head slightly lowered, looking respectful.

Shen Xiyan recognized that this was the waiter that Chen Caiying was going to change yesterday. Thinking of Chen Caiying's attitude yesterday, her sense of justice immediately exploded, and she couldn't help but blame Chen Caiying, "Chen Caiying, look at how dedicated this waiter is, and he started working at just what time , You actually wanted to replace someone yesterday, I really don't know what you think."

"My...forget it, I'll give her some more tips later, okay?"

Chen Caiying has no face to talk about the details of yesterday!

Huang Xing thought it was funny, looking at Chen Caiying's dark circles under his eyes, he felt that this guy should eat more sea sausage or something like that to make up for it.

Shen Xiyan and the three beauties went back to their room and had a sleep. Huang Xing didn't need to make up for it. He ordered a cup of freshly ground coffee and enjoyed the sea breeze for a while.And the door of Chen Caiying's room was closed, so I don't know what he was doing.

At eight o'clock, the whole cruise ship seemed to wake up at the same time, and the cruise suddenly became lively.

Several people met in the dining area, Xiaoyao was wearing jeans and a loose beige T-shirt, the hem was so dangling that it couldn't reach her waist.Shen Xiyan wore a set of loose casual clothes, gray and white, with plain patterns, paired with an exquisite sun hat and big sunglasses, she looked like a goddess.Tang Qiqi wore the simplest, black shorts and a red T-shirt with a navel, full of heat.

Huang Xing glanced at Chen Caiying's clothes, and couldn't help but secretly smacking his lips. The woman from the East Japan Kingdom is also quite professional in taking care of men. There is no wrinkle on Chen Caiying's shirt, and the line of the slacks is straight and clear, obviously just now. Ironed, the leather shoes are so shiny that they can reflect the figure, they must have just been polished, tsk tsk... what a happy day for this kid!

Huang Chen is super casual today, a T-shirt with some strange patterns printed on it, loose trousers, still nine points, a pair of casual leather shoes on his feet, ankles are empty, no socks, and he hasn't worn clothes for two days. The shaven stubble looks like a decadent artistic youth.

Looking at the image of Huang Xing, Chen Caiying couldn't help muttering, hum, it's only been two days, the image of a vulgar nouveau riche has come out, right?After a long time, Shen Xiyan will definitely be dissatisfied with you.Don't even look at it, how can such a delicate woman as Shen Xiyan live with a nouveau riche like you for a long time?

Seeing Huang Xing holding hands with Shen Xiyan again, Chen Caiying couldn't help but said under jealousy: "Lu Xing, the Royal Calbee is also a luxury yacht, and most of it is people from the upper class. After all, you are Xi Yan's boyfriend, how about a little bit of taste in clothes?"

Huang Xing was taken aback, looked down at himself, and asked doubtfully, "Is it tasteless if I dress like this?"

Tang Qiqi rolled her eyes, smiled like a little fox, and said, "This suit is okay, it fits pretty well."

Shen Xiaoyao looked at Lu Chen, and suddenly smiled, "Hahaha, little brother, you forgot to wear socks."

Chen Caiying smiled secretly. Although Tang Qiqi's words did not say that Huang Xing's taste was problematic, it was definitely not a compliment. As for Shen Xiaoyao, it was even more childish.

Shen Xiyan's expression was a bit strange, she didn't look at Huang Chen, but at Tang Qiqi.Chen Caiying analyzed it a little bit, and felt that Shen Xiyan should be blaming Tang Qiqi, how could she not give face to her boyfriend?
Chen Caiying, who thought she had a grasp of the psychology of several people, was very proud of herself, and continued: "Lu Xing, I have no other intentions, I just think that a girl like Xi Yan, who is as heavenly as Xi Yan, and her boyfriend, can't Embarrass her..."

"Wow! Wow!"


A few surprised screams interrupted Chen Caiying's words, and three blond and blue-eyed western beauties ran over, and one with blue eyes stuttered and said to Huang Xing: " ……you……"

Huang Xing smiled, and said in fluent French: "I am from Huaxia, but I can speak French."

"Oh! My God, that's great!" The blue-eyed beauty smiled, "Can we take a photo with you? Your dress is the most popular style at this year's Paris Fashion Show, right? Where did you buy it? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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