Chapter 1187 Emergencies

The cantilever brought the viewing cabin and began to move out of the ship's side. It was getting farther and farther away from the ship's side. Chen Caiying had already recovered from the embarrassment just now. Although he couldn't take pictures anymore, it satisfied his desire to play alone with Shen Xiyan after all. What's more, in this sea and sky, there are only myself and Shen Xiyan, what a great opportunity this is!

Naturally, Chen Caiying couldn't give up such an opportunity, he said with a smile: "Xiyan, look at how wide the sea is, how warm the sea breeze is, and how blue the sky is, without any clouds. I can enjoy the beauty of the sea and sky with you. , I am really honored."

Shen Xiyan built a pergola with her hands, feeling a little depressed, the sun was too strong, and the reflection of the sea made her eyes dizzy. She regretted playing this project at this time. alright.When Xiaoyao went up just now, it seemed that there was a large cloud covering the sun. How could there be no clouds at all when it came to me?
At this moment, Shen Xiyan frowned when she heard Chen Caiying say "the sky is blue and there are no clouds". It must be this person who cursed her!He was the one who said there were no clouds!What an annoyance!Come and cover the sun with a cloud, it will kill you!There are no clouds, and a gust of wind can cool you down!

Perhaps God heard Shen Xiyan's call, "Huh" it was really windy, and the clouds also came, and the large expanses were like magic, covering the sky in less than ten seconds, and the whole sky was dark down.

The weather at sea is changeable, especially in summer, due to intense evaporation and strong sea convection, thunderstorms come almost instantly.

As a gust of wind blew by, the waves suddenly rose.

A streak of lightning across the sky.

The thunder exploded, shaking people's ears.

Storm is coming!
At this time, the viewing cabin project must be stopped. In addition to the fact that the viewing cabin is unobstructed and people will be drenched, the towering cantilever is also easy to be struck by lightning. Although there are lightning rods on board, it cannot Guaranteed absolutely no surprises.

The staff quickly operated the cantilever to retract, but at this time, an accident happened.

Although there is a protective cover on the mechanical device, it is anti-foreign matter and waterproof.

However, Chen Caiying's mobile phone fell from a height of nearly 20 meters, and many small fragments fell out. Several of these fragments fell into the mechanism with a clang.

The most terrible thing among them is the small sim card, which is stuck in the gear, and this sim card is also metal, and it is also a particularly tough metal.

With a few teeth-gritting sounds, a puff of white smoke rose from the mechanical compartment of the cantilever, and then the cantilever shook and stopped moving.

The staff was dumbfounded, because the viewing cabin was still hanging more than ten meters away from the side of the ship, unable to see the world or the ground.Even if they activated the emergency device, the cantilever could not be retracted. Not only could it not be retracted, but it was shaking, and it seemed a little precarious.

If the cantilever breaks and the viewing cabin falls into the sea with tourists, something big will happen.Even if nothing major happens, a storm is coming soon, and tourists will be complained to death if they are allowed to hang in the air and get caught in the rain.The staff at the console hurriedly yelled and went to the maintenance department.

Shen Xiyan and Chen Caiying, who were in the viewing cabin at this time, also sensed that something was wrong. They should definitely be taken back at this time, but they were hanging outside the side of the ship and did not move. Moreover, the viewing cabin, which was originally very stable, unexpectedly A little swaying, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the shaking is getting bigger and bigger.

It was very dark, but it was still possible to see the staff on the deck frantically organizing the crowd away from the area of ​​the cantilever base, and many people were looking here, pointing while watching.

problem occurs!
Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, looked at Chen Caiying, and saw that he also looked nervous.

"Xiyan... don't be afraid!" Chen Caiying suppressed the fear in her heart and said calmly.

"I'm not afraid, the big deal is falling into the water, I can swim..." Shen Xiyan unbuckled her seat belt, planning to leave and jump away if the viewing cabin falls, so as not to be taken into the sea.In addition to the seat belt, there is also a fixed bracket stuck on the shoulder, but as long as you turn to one side, you can get out of the bracket. It seems that the viewing cabin has already taken into account the emergency escape situation.

Seeing that Chen Caiying was holding on to the bracket tightly and not letting go, she reminded: "Chen Caiying, take off your seat belt, if you fall later, you won't be dragged to the bottom by it."

"Seat belt?" Seeing that Shen Xiyan had already unbuckled her seat belt, Chen Caiying exclaimed, "How did you unbuckle it? It's too dangerous, fasten it, fasten it!"

"It's dangerous if you don't untie it, untie it quickly!" Shen Xiyan said a little annoyed loudly.

"Can't untie it! Fasten it! It's dangerous! Xiyan! It will fall." Chen Caiying said loudly, her body still trembling a little, "Why is this broken item so unsafe? I must complain! Complain to them!"

Shen Xiyan frowned, thinking about complaining at this moment, does this Chen Caiying know the priorities?
A bolt of lightning pierced the sky and hit the sea directly.

The explosion of thunder made people's ears buzz.

Another bolt of lightning!
"Look what that is! Look!"

People on the deck pointed to the oblique front of the cruise ship, where there was a black cloud with a golden light rolling in, and there was a rumbling sound in the cloud, and lightning struck from time to time, and it fell heavily on the sea.

It was a very low thundercloud!Below it is a large area of ​​thunderstorms.

The thunderstorm moved very fast. Although the ship had already started to adjust its course, it was absolutely impossible to avoid it.

"Go back to the cabin!" The staff shouted loudly, organizing the crowd.It is very dangerous to wear it on the deck through a thunderstorm area, or you will be struck to death by lightning.

The people on the deck were very dangerous, and Shen Xiyan and Chen Caiying who were hanging outside the ship's side were even more dangerous.The place where lightning is most likely to strike is the tip, and the viewing cabin just protrudes beyond the side of the ship. Once it enters the thunderstorm area, it will be a large lightning rod.

Tang Qiqi was so anxious that she was about to cry, "Lu Xing, what should I do? Xiyan is trapped."

"Sister! Sister!" Shen Xiaoyao knew that something had happened no matter how slow she reacted, she grabbed Lu Chen's arm with tears in her eyes, "Little brother, hurry up and save my sister! Hurry up and save my sister!"

Needless to say, Lu Xing naturally wanted to save Shen Xiyan. He had already seen Shen Xiyan unbuckle her seat belt from a distance, and secretly praised Shen Xiyan for her calmness.

"Qiqi, take Xiaoyao back to the cabin, and leave Xiyan's safety to me." Lu Xing said, "It's not safe on the deck, hurry up and take Xiaoyao away!"

(End of this chapter)

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