The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 119 Zhou Yawen's Family Affairs

Chapter 119 Zhou Yawen's Family Affairs (Fourth Change)

Zhou Yawen's room was empty, with only a writing desk, a square stool, a single bed and an old-fashioned large wardrobe. There were no plush toys and knick-knacks that often appeared in ordinary girls' rooms.

In fact, not only Zhou Yawen's room, but all the rooms in this courtyard are empty. Apart from the part-time dining table and a square mahjong table in the main hall, there are only a few chairs, a fan and a small coffee table. None.

Zhou Yawen's home can almost be described as barren.

However, Zhou Yawen's family was not always like this.When her mother was alive, her family lived above the well-off line.At that time, Zhou Zhengye had a stable job. Zhou Yawen's mother was a dance instructor of Haidong Art Troupe, and her income was higher than that of Zhou Zhengye.The family's life is prosperous, and they are even planning to buy a new house in Haidong City.Zhou Yawen practiced dancing since she was a child, and she was also influenced by her mother.

But later, a car accident took the life of Zhou Yawen's mother and destroyed the family.Unable to bear the blow, Zhou Zhengye drank heavily all day long, lost his job, and became addicted to gambling under the instigation of his drinking buddies.

In less than three years, the family's savings have been filled in the bottomless pit of "gambling".Zhou Yawen's college tuition was covered by the sale of furniture and electrical appliances.

Fortunately, Zhou Yawen was able to get a subsidy from the dance club, and when she went to perform outside, she still had to work hard. In addition, she was also working as a tutor to earn some money, so she could barely survive.

Since she went to college, all living expenses, including the clothes she wears and the mobile phone she uses, are all bought with the money she earned.

And her father, Zhou Zhengye, thinks about the poker table all day long, and drinks when he is not playing cards.At the poker table, Zhou Zhengye also lost more than he won, and owed tens of thousands of gambling debts to his gamblers, most of which were owed to the half-brother.

Zhou Yawen even vaguely heard that she parted ways with her father and said that she would use Zhou Yawen's body to pay off those gambling debts.

Although Zhou Zhengye refused, it also frightened Zhou Yawen, so she accepted the olive branch thrown by Bi Xiaojian without much consideration, intending to develop into the showbiz and repay Zhou Zhengye's gambling debt as soon as possible.

The last time she filmed an online drama, Zhou Yawen made some money, and she gave it to Zhou Zhengye. She thought Zhou Zhengye would pay back the money, but she didn't expect Zhou Zhengye to use it for gambling. I owe a lot more.

This time, Zhou Yawen planned to pay off the gambling debts for her father herself, and persuaded Zhou Zhengye not to gamble anymore.But she didn't expect her contract to be signed at all, and she didn't know when she would be able to repay the debt.

Listening to "Red Middle" and "Eight Barrels" yelling outside, Zhou Yawen's eyes couldn't help turning red. She couldn't understand why her father became like this. Although her mother is gone, she still has her daughter , Could it be that he doesn't want this home?
Originally Zhou Yawen didn't want to go home, but today is her mother's death day, so she wanted to burn some paper for her mother.Zhou Yawen wiped away her tears, took a deep breath, took out the paper money she had prepared earlier from the cabinet, found a lighter, and walked out the door.

"Wenwen, what are you doing at night?" Zhou Zhengye asked.

"Burn some paper for my mother!"

"Oh..." A gleam of pain flashed in Zhou Zhengye's eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and he ruthlessly shone the cards in his hand on the table, "Yaoji!"


After sending Zhou Yawen home, Huang Xing returned along the same road. He felt that he had taken a job that lost money. At this time, there was no way to get a taxi in this kind of urban-rural fringe area. He finally walked to the side of the road, and even a black car was too expensive. No.

Standing by the side of the road, Huang Xing was thinking about whether to use his lightness skills and run back, or to use the excuse that he didn't have a car to spend the night at Zhou Yawen's house. When a small truck drove over, it was heading towards Haidong City.

The corner of Huang Xing's mouth twitched, and when the car passed by, he tiptoed his toes, soared into the air, and lightly landed in the compartment of the pickup truck, taking a ride.

When he arrived at the rental place, Huang Xing jumped down calmly. The truck driver didn't notice it at all during the whole process.

As soon as he took the taxi, Cheng Yaqiu called. Huang Xing smiled slightly and pressed the answer button, "Thank you for your concern. I'm already in the taxi on the way back."

There was silence on the phone for a while, and Cheng Yaqiu's voice came, "Stop being so sentimental! I just want to ask for your bank card number, and I will transfer the money to you through online banking."

Huang Xing smiled slightly, and said: "Didn't I say to let you go first? The money is not much, so I will burn you!"

"What do you mean not much? 25! Aren't you afraid that I'll take it all for myself?"

"Go for it! If you think it's not enough, I'll find a chance to get you some more next time!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"What! You're talking nonsense again!" Cheng Yaqiu lowered her voice, "Let me ask you, did you send Zhou Yawen home?"

"Hmm..." Huang Xing smiled, "Of course I have to complete the task you give me with quality and quantity, I'm afraid you will fail my hearing!"

"Hate! Where are you now?"

"Just entered the city, Zhou Yawen's house is really far away, I guess the school will turn off the lights, I'm going back to the Red Star Community."

"Oh, well then, let me know when you get home."

Hanging up the phone, Huang Xing put away the phone, smiled slightly, Cheng Yaqiu seemed to care about him very much, this shows that the relationship between the two has improved a lot, not bad!


Arriving at Hongxing Community, Huang Xing saw that Cheng Yaqiu's house was still lit downstairs, so he went directly to knock on Cheng Yaqiu's door.

Sure enough, Cheng Yaqiu hadn't slept yet, and soon opened the door, "Are you back?"

"Hmm..." Huang Xing smiled, looked at Cheng Yaqiu who was wearing home clothes, "won't you invite me in?"

Cheng Yaqiu hesitated for a moment, "You can just sit down, come in."

"Trust me so much?" With a teasing look on his face, Huang Xing deliberately looked at the touching whiteness of her neckline with malicious intentions.

Cheng Yaqiu's face tightened, "If you act recklessly, then your hearing..."

"Don't think about passing, right?" Huang Chen laughed, stretched out his hand and pinched her face, "Okay, it's getting late, and I'm sleepy too, go to bed early, good night!"

After Huang Xing finished speaking, he turned around and opened the door of his room. Cheng Yaqiu was stunned for a moment, feeling a little lost in his heart, "Then... good night, when are you leaving tomorrow?"

"I'm very tired today. You can wake me up tomorrow. You'd better buy breakfast." Huang Xing smiled, opened the door, and went back to the room.

"You..." Cheng Yaqiu stomped her feet and muttered, "Who bought you breakfast? I don't care! Hmph!"

 Today is just these four updates. The old wolf is begging all over the place, asking for tickets, asking for clicks, asking for rewards, asking for spread, asking for book reviews, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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