Chapter 1191 Dumbfounded

Chen Caiying and the security manager of Dongri Kingdom entered the office, while Huang Chen and the others were waiting outside.

Shen Xiyan looked at the sign hanging outside the office, and frowned slightly, "Isn't this the captain's room? Will the captain come here?"

Huang Xing shook his head, "I'm afraid the captain won't come back, this is the safety manager's office."

"Ah?" Tang Qiqi interjected, "Then why did he lure Chen Caiying in? Murder to silence?"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "What's the use of killing a Chen Caiying? So many people have seen it."

"Shoot the bird! Who made him scream so fiercely!" Tang Qiqi laughed.

Huang Chen nodded, "It makes sense, but I can't refute it..."


While Huang Xing was chatting with the three beauties outside, Chen Caiying was brought in front of a laptop by the security manager.

Chen Caiying couldn't help frowning, "Didn't you say the captain is here? Where is the captain? I want to talk to the captain."

The security manager changed his humble and nervous look, coughed, and said, "Sir, please take a look at this."

He turned on the computer and opened a video, which is the picture of the surveillance camera.

"What is this?" Chen Caiying frowned, only took one look, and his face immediately changed. This is the picture of him accidentally dropping his phone, and there is a window next to it, showing that his phone was broken. A few fragments fell into the gaps in the mechanism.

"Mr. Chen, we have evidence to prove that you violated our regulations." The safety manager said with a face, "It is because of your violation that the accident happened!"

Chen Caiying was taken aback, and argued: "My violation? Even if I have a mobile phone, how can I cause problems with your equipment?"

"Sir, your mobile phone fell, and the debris fell into our mechanical equipment and caused a malfunction!" The safety manager said, pointing to a close-up on the screen.

"You are slandering!" Chen Caiying said, "You are shirking responsibility! Don't try to get away with it! Let me tell you, one yard is worth one yard! I violated the rules, and I admit it! At worst, I will be fined [-] yuan! But, you let me and My friend was frightened and must give us enough compensation, otherwise... I want to sue you, understand? Sue you understand?"

The safety manager's face was as serious as facial paralysis, which was in stark contrast to the smile on his face before. He took out a fragment of the mobile phone and said, "This is what our maintenance personnel found from the gear box. This is the part on your mobile phone. All of our evidence collection processes have been videotaped, and it is these parts that caused our mechanical failure, and the culprit of all this is that you, sir, violated the regulations and brought your mobile phone up."

"This... How could this prove to be mine?" Chen Caiying began to feel uncertain. If it was because of his mobile phone, wouldn't all accidents be caused by him?
"Sir, we have collected all the fragments and confirmed that the fragments come from the same mobile phone and that this mobile phone is yours. If you have any objections, we can do fingerprint identification. There are fingerprints on these fragments." The security experience is serious Said.

"Uh..." Chen Caiying was a little dumbfounded, and after a long pause, she murmured, "That's because your equipment is not strong."

"Mr. Chen Caiying!" The safety manager's voice raised an octave, his waist was straightened, and his face was serious, "You took your mobile phone into the air in violation of the regulations, and the device was damaged and the gear box was scrapped due to the accidental drop of the mobile phone. This is For a serious accident, the responsibility for the accident is entirely yours, and you have to take full responsibility! At the same time, you have to pay for the damage to our equipment!"

"You..." Chen Caiying's arrogance suddenly disappeared, "Why do you say it's me? I'm the victim! Why should I be responsible?"

"Sir! We have evidence. If you don't pay for the repairs, we will sue you!" The safety manager said with a sullen face, "It is serious that the accident caused by your violation of safety rules will bring danger to others. crimes! People like you who flout the safety rules should be sent to prison!"

Chen Caiying subconsciously took half a step back, her face turned pale, the evidence was conclusive, it could be proved that he caused the accident, he had no way to refute, he really wanted to say that Huang Xing was also brought up, why not punish him.But that's too naive, not to mention, people brought their mobile phones up, but they didn't fall off!Who let him slip by himself?
Seeing that Chen Caiying was a little scared, the safety manager was secretly proud and said, "Mr. Chen Caiying, your actions have caused us huge losses. If you can compensate us for the maintenance costs, we can also avoid prosecution against you. After all, you are ours." VIP!"

Chen Caiying hesitated for a while, and finally decided to give up, and asked, "How much is the maintenance fee? But I want to make one thing clear, we are in danger, you should send someone to rescue us immediately, but your rescue speed is very slow! I was frightened, how is this counted?"

The safety manager smiled confidently, "The VIP card will still be given to you two, as long as you give us the maintenance fee of 500 million."

"What? What did you say? 500 million?" Chen Caiying was stunned. He had heard about the gear box. If the gear box of a luxury car breaks down, it can be repaired for only tens of thousands.There are 500 million stupid things on this boat?
"Yes, 500 million..." the security manager said, "These are all high-strength alloy gears, which are custom-made by us, and they are very expensive, and the disassembly and assembly of the gearbox is very troublesome, requiring special tools, labor and tool rental. It's money! And we can't operate until the new gearbox is replaced, which will cause us joint losses. Of course, we don't need you to bear this part of the loss, you only need to compensate us for the gearbox and repairs cost."

Chen Caiying was dumbfounded, tens of thousands of yuan, he can take out without blinking an eye, and 10,000+ can be taken out quickly with a little effort.But 500 million, this is not a small amount, his family definitely didn't give him that much money, he had to contact his family to get the money.

But this matter is too embarrassing!His father would be very disappointed if he told his family!Although Chen Caiying is the youngest in the family, he has great ambitions. He has always felt that with his ability, he must be the heir to the family business. If this embarrassing incident is known to the family, his status in the hearts of the elders will be greatly increased. The magnitude is reduced!

How to do it?

Chen Caiying thought about it, borrow?Who to borrow? 500 million!

Seeing Chen Caiying's ugly face, the security manager sneered, "Mr. Chen, if you can't afford the money for a while, you can borrow it from your friend! According to our surveillance video, your friend also brought his mobile phone up... "

(End of this chapter)

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