The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1201 This guy is hopeless

Chapter 1201 This guy is hopeless

Hearing that Shen Xiyan actually cared about her, Chen Caiying trembled with excitement. Although skating with Shen Xiyan could please her, but when she was thirsty, sending her a drink in time is what a heart-warming man should do. of.Huang Xing, this time I won the round, right?Hahaha!

Seeing Huang Chen stand up, Chen Caiying realized that he must come to help, Chen Caiying hastened her pace quickly, absolutely not letting Huang Chen have a chance to help, otherwise his kindness would fade, so he shouted loudly to Huang Chen : "Sit down, I'll be right there! Sit down, sit down!"

Pushing his feet, Chen Caiying's speed increased a little, and he was in front of the three of Shen Xiyan, but at this moment, a figure flashed in front of him, and a child slid past him, acting like a prank "Ah" shouted.


Chen Caiying also yelled in fright, her body trembled, her ankles went limp, and she immediately fell on her back. He also threw out several drinks in her hand, and a bottle of fruit juice swirled towards Shen Xiyan's face. fly away.

This thing is really hopeless!
Huang Xing quickly stretched out his hand, and grabbed the bottle twenty centimeters in front of Shen Xiyan's pretty face.

Tang Qiqi couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Shen Xiyan shook her head secretly, this person... how to describe it?To say he's an idiot seems like an understatement.

Chen Caiying fell to the ground with sprawled legs. Except for the bottle of juice that Huang Xing received, the other drinks all slid along the ice surface for an unknown distance, and some even broke, staining a large area. Ice.

Seeing Chen Caiying lying there motionless, Tang Qiqi yelled, "Hey, Chen Caiying, get up quickly! Don't stand up!"

"Chen Caiying!" Shen Xiyan felt that something was wrong, she stood up and took a look, and said anxiously, "Look quickly, Lu Xing, what's wrong with him? Why is his face purple?"

Not only her face turned purple, but Chen Caiying's whole body was violently convulsed.

Huang Xing quickly squatted down to take a look, then lifted Chen Caiying up, made him face the ground, and pressed hard on his breastbone.

"Cough...cough...cough cough..." Amidst the violent coughing, Chen Caiying spat out something unknown.

Then with a "wow", he vomited violently.

Immediately there was a sour smell all around.

Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi hurriedly covered their noses and backed away, but after all, Chen Caiying was a companion, so they had to ignore it, so they stood there enduring their nausea.

With one hand, Huang Chen grabbed Chen Caiying to keep him away from him, so as not to get the vomit on his body, and with the other hand, he patted his back several times, finally stopped his vomiting.

"Okay, it's okay..." Huang Xing said to Shen Xiyan and the two, "You guys back off, the smell is too strong here."

"What happened to him?" Shen Xiyan asked.

"When he fell, he shook the back of his head, causing him to vomit... But because he was facing upwards, he was a little dizzy, and the vomit he got entered the trachea, causing suffocation." Huang Xing smiled, "This guy is really unlucky .”

"Are you all right now?"

"Well, it's all right, the foreign body in the trachea was coughed up, and the vomiting stopped."

Just as she was talking, Chen Caiying slowed down and let out a sigh of relief, but she was still a little dazed.

Huang Xing took him to a clean place, handed him a bottle of mineral water, "gargle."

Chen Caiying was stunned for a while, and then he took the water. He had already remembered what happened, and while rinsing his mouth, he said in a low voice, "Thank you, Lu Xing."

"You have to thank Huang Xing very much. Foreign objects in the trachea are very dangerous. If Huang Xing hadn't dealt with them in time, you might have died." Tang Qiqi chimed in.

"Yeah, thank you, Lu Xing." Chen Caiying was ashamed, she lowered her head and thanked her repeatedly.

He felt that he was so unlucky that he finally had a chance to show his courtesy, but he ended up like this. It's really... so disgusting!
Chen Caiying made a mess, Shen Xiyan took advantage of his time to rinse his mouth, and hurriedly went to the staff to explain the situation, the staff also understood that it was an accident, and did not embarrass the few people, quickly sealed off the messy place, and then Arrange for someone to clean up.

After this incident happened, everyone felt embarrassed to stop skating. After Chen Caiying had a rest, they went to the beginner area to find Shen Xiaoyao.

Sister Xiaoyao was excited to play alone. Simple-minded people can easily get happiness. She took the ice pick and poked the ice surface one by one. She never tires of it, as if it is the most interesting thing in the world.

Looking at Shen Xiaoyao's innocent smiling face, Lu Xing really couldn't bear to let her end this simple happiness like this, so he said: "Just wait, we will leave when Xiaoyao is tired, anyway, no one here knows us .”

"Okay..." Shen Xiyan nodded and said, "Xiaoyao is in high spirits, let him play for a while."

"Hmm..." Tang Qiqi smiled, "I'm going to get some drinks and snacks, let's wait in the rest area."

When mentioning the drink, Chen Caiying immediately remembered the embarrassing moment he had just now. He was really embarrassed to hang out in front of Shen Xiyan, so he said: "Then I'll go back first, I still feel a little uncomfortable, I want to take a rest."

Shen Xiyan thought he had broken it, "Why don't you let Huang Xing check it out for you, Huang Xing is good at medicine."

Chen Caiying's heart tightened, medical skills?Huang Xing, a nouveau riche, also has medical skills?

"It was Huang Xing who gave you first aid just now, did you forget?" Shen Xiyan asked.

"Uh..." Chen Caiying was stunned for a moment, "That's first aid, it's not medical skills... Actually, I'm not feeling sick, it's just... my stomach feels a little uncomfortable when I vomit, I'll just go back and have a rest, you guys play first Son, I'm leaving."

Seeing Chen Caiying leave the skating area, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but frowned, "Why doesn't this person know good from bad!"

Tang Qiqi smiled disdainfully, "Xi Yan, this guy still wants to chase you! How comparable do you think he is to Huang Xing?"

Shen Xiyan sighed, "It's really troublesome! But my dad can't help it. After all, Uncle Chen has a good relationship with him, and Uncle Chen was also kind to us when we were young."

Tang Qiqi nodded, "That's right, Uncle Chen is a good person, hehe, I remember Uncle Shen said that I seemed to break a piece of jade brought by Uncle Chen. I went to buy drinks..."

Tang Qiqi went to buy drinks and snacks. Shen Xiyan poked Huang Chen and asked, "Do you think Chen Caiying should give up? He's so embarrassing today!"

"That's enough... Men are very thick-skinned at this time." Huang Xing said, "If he is that kind of extreme person, even if we get married, he still won't give up."

Shen Xiyan immediately pinched Huang Chen, "Fuck you, who will marry you!"

(End of this chapter)

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