The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1213 Can't Eat

Chapter 1213 Can't Eat
Tang Qiqi turned her head to look, showing a surprised expression, Huang Xing was walking over there, dragging a large branch behind her, walking towards Shen Xiyan.

"Xiyan, Qiqi, Xiaoyao, come here, by the way, Chen Caiying, come here too!" Huang Chen said loudly as he walked.

Shen Xiyan seemed to know what Huang Xing was doing before, so she ran over immediately and asked, "Did you really find it?"

Huang Xing smiled, "Of course I found it. If I say it is there, I will definitely have it. Eat it quickly, it will be sour in a while."

While talking, he broke off a banana-like fruit from the branch, but it was only one-third the size of an ordinary banana, and it was still red.Peel off the skin like a banana, revealing the snow-white flesh inside.Huang Xing handed it over, and said with a smile: "Eat it, it's said that only this island has it..."

What Huang Xing gave Shen Xiyan was a local specialty, a fruit like a banana.The taste is similar to that of a banana, but it is tougher than bananas, and has more water content than bananas. It tastes very unique. This food is only delicious when it is ripe. It is very bitter when it is early, and it becomes sour like a raw orange later. When it's delicious, it's only a few days before the ripening period, so it's lucky to get it.

Shen Xiyan took a sip carefully, "It tastes good!"

She immediately shouted to Tang Qiqi and Shen Xiaoyao: "Come on quickly! Come and taste it."

"Brother, sister, what is this? A red banana?" Shen Xiaoyao asked.

"According to the local pronunciation, this thing is called Hulijie Fascalon, which should mean a delicious and rare fruit..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "It's only delicious for two or three days, and it's hard to get it."

"Wow! It's delicious!" Shen Xiaoyao took a bite and said, "It's better than bananas, haha ​​my little brother is really amazing!"

Tang Qiqi was amazed while eating, "I've never heard of this stuff, it's delicious, give me another one."

At this time, Chen Caiying ran over and saw that several people were eating unknown fruits, she couldn't help but turn pale with shock, "Don't eat it! Wild fruits are not allowed to eat! It's too dangerous! What should I do if it's poisonous? Don't eat it, don't eat it!"

Tang Qiqi grabbed another one without hesitation, and said with a smile, "Then don't eat it, don't snatch it from us!"

"Xi Yan!" Chen Cai said earnestly in English, "This kind of wild fruit must never be eaten, many of them are poisonous!"

"It's such a delicious thing, I'm poisoned." Tang Qiqi said with a smile, "That's right, Xiyan."

"It's really delicious and has an endless aftertaste. It would be great if I could take it home." Shen Xiyan said.

Chen Caiying was a little anxious, "Xiyan, don't eat it! Lu Chen, you are so irresponsible! How could you give Xiyan something to eat indiscriminately? Don't eat it! It's too dangerous...too..."

"Look over there!" Huang Xing was really too lazy to chat with Chen Caiying, stretched out his hand, pressed Chen Caiying's head and twisted it [-] degrees, "Look at what those natives eat."

Not far away, a few aborigines yelled happily and were eating this red "banana". For the locals, it is also a rare thing to eat this thing.

"Uh..." Chen Caiying ran out of words, and smiled, "I'm just worried, and I also have good intentions."

"Yeah, brother Chen Caiying, our teacher also said that the fruit outside can't be eaten casually, but my little brother must know that it can be eaten!" Shen Xiaoyao took a banana and handed it to Chen Caiying, "Here, it's delicious. "

Chen Caiying smelled the sweet smell in the air, and she really moved her index finger, but before he took it, Tang Qiqi snatched it over and said, "Xiaoyao, your brother Chen Caiying has a delicate body, and he dare not eat this kind of wild fruit. Have loose bowels."

"Oh... Sister Qiqi, let's eat." Shen Xiaoyao ignored Chen Caiying and continued to eat bananas.

Chen Caiying smiled embarrassingly, "I'm really a little scared..."

Speaking of this, the scent in the air made him swallow involuntarily, "I won't eat it!"


When asked about the delicious taste, people will spit a lot. This is instinctive and basically uncontrollable. Chen Caiying actually likes to eat fruits like bananas. When he smells the smell in the air, his mouth spit more and more. If you can't spit it out, you can only swallow it.

So, Shen Xiyan and the others were eating the fruit beautifully, while Chen Caiying swallowed saliva without image.


Finally, Chen Caiying realized that his image was too frustrating, he quickly turned his attention elsewhere, and then remembered that he had just done something that could attract Shen Xiyan's attention, he took out his phone, opened a photo, and took Going to Shen Xiyan's side, he said loudly: "Xiyan, look, I have captured a beautiful scene! Look at how blue the sky is! And look at how beautiful the clouds are in the sky! Look at what I captured! If every day How wonderful it would be to see such a beautiful view!"

"'s really pretty." Shen Xiyan said.

Chen Caiying was secretly proud, looked around, and found that the cloud was still there, and it seemed to be approaching, and immediately cheered: "Look, Xiyan, look quickly, it is that cloud, how beautiful! I really want to see it every day." See it! Never get tired of watching it."

Huang Xing turned his head and took a look, and said angrily: "Don't be crowed, the locals will kill you if they hear this! Let's go back quickly, a storm is coming, it's a strong convective cloud cluster!"

"Stop alarmist!" Chen Caiying pointed to the blue sky above her finger, and said, "Look at how blue the sky is, how could there be a storm? I think the locals will kill you when they hear your words."

Before he finished speaking, several service personnel on the Royal Calbee ran over with high-pitched speakers, shouting in several languages ​​while running, "Attention all tourists, the storm is coming, please return immediately Get on board, and get back on board at once!"

Tang Qiqi sighed, looked at Chen Caiying, "Crow mouth!"

"Let's go back." Shen Xiyan said regretfully, "Xiaoyao, let's go!"

"Oh..." Shen Xiaoyao followed Shen Xiyan, reluctantly walking towards the pier, she hadn't had enough fun yet.

Huang Xing shrugged his shoulders towards Chen Caiying, put the remaining red bananas into a grocery bag, and carried them to the pier.

Chen Caiying scratched her hair, looked at the cloud in the sky, and couldn't help muttering, "Are there really going to be thunderstorms? But the sky is still blue! Could it be a mistake?"

"This tourist, this tourist, please go back to the boat immediately. The storm is coming soon, and the beach is very dangerous. Please obey the command and go back to the boat quickly."

A staff member saw Chen Caiying standing on the beach and seemed unwilling to leave, so he ran over quickly, holding up a tweeter and shouting at the top of his lungs.

(End of this chapter)

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