The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 122 You Are Too Stupid

Chapter 122 You Are Too Stupid (Third)

In a restaurant not far from the school, Gao Xiaodong was the host, accompanied by Liu Hongkai and Zhang Sanyuan, accompanied by Wan Jiangliu, and was hosting a banquet for a tall and strong man.

After exchanging pleasantries, Wan Jiangliu took the initiative to say: "Our company attaches great importance to Gao Shao's matter, and the company's President Xiao specially arranged for Brother Liu to help Gao Shao."

Hearing the word "Mr. Xiao", the image of Xiao Qiangwei immediately appeared in Gao Xiaodong's mind. Since the last time he saw Xiao Qiangwei, the image of that charming and enchanting beauty has been lingering in his mind.Hearing that Mr. Xiao attached great importance to it, Gao Xiaodong couldn't help laughing and said: "I saw you Mr. Xiao last time, and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!"

While talking, Gao Xiaodong secretly compared Shen Xiyan and Xiao Qiangwei. Although Shen Xiyan was beautiful and flawless, she was still not as charming as Xiao Qiangwei.

After he finished speaking, Wan Jiangliu couldn't help but look weird, and said in a low voice: "Young Master Gao, the Xiao I'm talking about is always Xiaoshan Manager Xiao, and you're talking about the deputy manager. This matter was personally explained by Xiaoshan Manager Xiao."

"Uh..." Gao Xiaodong smiled awkwardly, "So it's the general manager of Xiaoshan! I can't always tell you two, Mr. Xiao!"

"Young Master Gao..." said the expert invited by Wan Jiangliu, "President Xiao ordered me to do my best to help you deal with the enemy. In fact, Wan Jiangliu's skill is already pretty good, I don't know who it is. Can't handle it?"

Wan Jiangliu sighed, "Brother Liu, I never had a chance before. Today, in front of Young Master Gao, I will tell you about the situation that day. I am absolutely not exaggerating! That kid is so difficult to deal with, that's why I invited you here!" "

Afterwards, Wan Jiangliu recounted the experience of being beaten by Huang Xing with a basketball that day.Brother Liu was silent for a moment, and said: "So, that kid should be very fast, and he has the skill of concealing weapons. There seems to be nothing special about him?"

Wan Jiangliu nodded, "Brother Liu is the best! I think it's the same! To deal with this kind of person, Brother Liu's golden bell shield and eagle claw skills will definitely kill him!"

"Well, it's natural. Then when do I make a move?"

Gao Xiaodong thought for a while, and said: "That kid still has to attend the school's welcome party, just the day before the party! Break his hand, and I'll see how he gets on stage! You can do whatever you want, and I'll take care of the rest! "

"What's that kid's name?"

"Huang Xing!" Gao Xiaodong said through gritted teeth.

"Lu Xing?" Brother Liu's complexion changed.

"What? Do you know him?" Gao Xiaodong wondered.

Brother Liu shook his head, "It's nothing, a genius doctor surnamed Lu visited Vice President Xiao yesterday, he should not be alone."

"That's definitely not the case. How could that boy Lu Chen be a genius doctor?" Gao Xiaodong smiled disdainfully and said, "After you break Huang Chen's hand, I want him to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy. When the time comes, Wan Jiang will let you Remember to record the video, and then take off Huang Xing's clothes and tie him to the lamppost!"

Wan Jiangliu chuckled, "Don't worry, Young Master Gao, take care of me!"

Gao Xiaodong smiled with satisfaction, and winked at Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai. The two immediately understood, and hurriedly began to toast Liu Ge with food.


As the welcome party approached, the performers began to rehearse quickly. It was more or less a pity that Zhou Yawen, whom everyone was looking forward to, did not attend this year's party.

However, since Shen Xiyan's name suddenly appeared on the program list, the majority of students are still looking forward to it. This is a new school beauty, and she is also the daughter of the Shen Group. She will perform on stage in person. The party has not yet At the beginning, many boys were clamoring to vote for her for the best program.

The time soon came to the day before the welcome party, while eating in the cafeteria, Chen Yan suddenly said to Shen Xiyan: "Xiyan, I have thought about something, but I still think I should tell you, don't be angry when you hear it. "

Shen Xiyan was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yan whispered: "I told you, you must not let them know..."

"Who? What are you going to say?" Shen Xiyan asked strangely.

Chen Yan sighed, "You should have heard that many boys from other departments are now saying that they want to vote for the best program for the dance of our class."

The corner of Shen Xiyan's mouth twitched, "Yeah, I've heard it too, this time Huang Xing is doomed to lose! Then let's listen to him barking like a dog!"

"Well, Cheng Caixin and I also think that Huang Xing has lost..." Chen Yan paused, and then continued, "Since he is destined to lose, we feel... After all, he is in the same class, so we still can't let him do that." Miserable, I plan to vote for him..."

Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, "You guys want to betray, right?"

"No! It's not much anyway, just a few votes... can't exceed ten votes..." Chen Yan said with some embarrassment, "Just treat it as a classmate and take care of it. Anyway, you don't lack these ten votes. Right?"

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, then smiled proudly, "That's true! Those few votes, just treat it as my giving up to that idiot! In case he feels that the betrayal of relatives is nothing to love! Maybe my votes will be lost at that time." Take care of him!"

Chen Yan giggled, "I know that Xiyan is generous!"

"Of course!" Shen Xiyan suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, "By the way, when Huang Xing learns how to bark like a dog, remember to record and record it!"

"This..." Chen Yan wondered, "Isn't it good?"

"What's wrong?" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "This time I must take advantage of that idiot! Teach him a lesson! Hmph!"

Seeing Shen Xiyan gnashing her teeth, Chen Yan couldn't help asking: "Xiyan, why do you hate Huang Xing so much? Many people think he's pretty good..."

"How do I know what kind of poison you have been poisoned?" Shen Xiyan said a little annoyed, "Everyone thinks that Huang Xing is good, what is so good about him? Why can't I see it at all?"

"But what's wrong with him?" Chen Yan asked.

"He has flaws all over his body, and he exudes an annoying aura all the time..." At this point, Shen Xiyan saw Chen Yan's strange expression, and couldn't help but wondered, "What's the matter, what's wrong with your eyes?"

"Ahem!" With a light cough, Huang Xing sat next to Shen Xiyan with a lunch box, and sighed, "Shen Xiyan, is it really okay for you to speak ill of me behind my back like this? Sigh... If you look I'm not pleasing to the eye, so you can fight me face to face, but it's too cheap to say bad things behind your back?"

Without waiting for Shen Xiyan to speak, Huang Xing smiled disdainfully, and continued: "And most importantly, you can say bad things if you say bad things, and even let me, the client, hear it. Are you too stupid?"

 This is the third update, and today, the old wolf is desperately trying to catch up on the manuscript, first rolling all over the floor asking for support, asking for clicks, asking for collections, asking for rewards, and asking for spread.

(End of this chapter)

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