Chapter 1230

In the dimness of the night, Tang Qiqi could only see that the woman was tall, with long legs and thin waist, very sexy.

She quickly tugged at Shen Xiyan, "Xiyan Xiyan, wake up, there is something wrong!"

Shen Xiyan fell asleep in a daze, "What, what are you doing? What time is it?"

"Oh! Come here, come here, look!" Tang Qiqi couldn't help but pull Shen Xiyan to the window, "Look at Huang Xing."

"What's wrong over there?" Shen Xiyan rubbed her eyes and looked, "There's a car, there's a person, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter?" Tang Qiqi had a look of resentment, "Think about it, it's already midnight, don't you think it's strange that a woman came to look for Huang Xing? Look... Huang Chen has come out."

"Hmm..." Shen Xiyan regained consciousness and continued to watch.

Huang Xing opened the door to the yard, let the sexy woman in, and they entered the room together.

"Lu Chen is too outrageous!" Tang Qiqi said indignantly, "You actually called a messy woman to your house! Hmph! Where do you think he put his current girlfriend and ex-girlfriend?"

"What messed up woman?" Shen Xiyan frowned, "Are you so sure?"

"It's the middle of the night! What kind of decent person is the woman who ran to Lu Chen's house right now?" Tang Qiqi said earnestly, "Xiyan, I know you are not a narrow-minded person, but you have to have a bottom line! Don't let me What a fool, Huang Chen! He openly called a woman to come here in the middle of the night, doesn't he take you seriously? "

"What does he have to do with me?"

"He's your boyfriend!"

"That's acting!"

"Cut! Acting has to be real!" Tang Qiqi said, "This is the minimum respect for you! No, I have to go and see what kind of woman is here. If it is a messy woman, I will drive her away !"

"Ah? Isn't that bad?" Shen Xiyan frowned.

"Why not!" Tang Qiqi said, "Don't forget, he is our boyfriend!"

"Uh..." Shen Xiyan scratched her hair, thinking why Tang Qiqi's statement was so weird, she shook her head, "Don't go, maybe it's business, it's embarrassing to go!"

"Please!" Tang Qiqi said, "Who does business at night? Oh no, it's not at night, but at 02:30 in the morning! Only that kind of woman runs out at this time, understand?"

"Lu Xing...he won't." Shen Xiyan thought for a while and said, "It's not that he can't find a girlfriend, and there are quite a lot of girls around him."

"It is said that a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief! Men...hehe, they are all low bones!" Tang Qiqi put on her clothes neatly, and said, "Are you going? If you don't go, I will go! If that kind of woman, look at me How did you deal with Huang Xing! I live next door to the big beauty, I don't know how to chase after her, you can't chase after me, can't I chase after you? To find such a mess! It's too much!"

"I said Qiqi, what kind of nonsense are you talking about, oh... you really are going!" Shen Xiyan quickly put on her clothes, "Wait for me, slow down..."

Tang Qiqi angrily dragged Shen Xiyan to the door of Lu Chen's house. When the night wind blew, Shen Xiyan became more awake. She grabbed Tang Qiqi and said, "Qiqi, wait..."

"What are you waiting for?"

"I read in the news that those kind of women are all taxi taxis. You can see that their cars are all parked outside. It's not what you think."

"What's wrong with driving? That kind of person is rich, what's so great about buying a car, this is not a good car!" Tang Qiqi looked around and said depressedly, "I forgot to bring a knife."

"What are you doing?"

"Pin the tire!"

"..." Shen Xiyan was speechless for a moment, she pointed to Lu Chen's house, and said, "The lights are still on! It must be business, let's go back!"

"No, I want to see what's going on... Let me look at the license plate first..." Tang Qiqi looked at the license plate with a strange expression on her face, "This license plate seems to be from a public company! Could it be that this woman is a public official? , and then part-time this..."

Shen Xiyan rubbed her temples depressedly, "Qiqi, go back, this must be a business, please don't embarrass yourself? Let's go..."

Tang Qiqi also calmed down, feeling that she was a little too sensitive. She looked at the license plate and muttered, "It's still a car from Kyoto... Or, let's go back and ask him tomorrow..."

"That's right, let's go quickly, you don't feel ashamed!" Shen Xiyan pulled Tang Qiqi and walked back.

"Ahem... Xiyan, Qiqi, just sit down and go, I just don't have to bother you at night." Huang Xing was already standing in the yard, looking at the two of them with a smile
Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi had a big blush.

It's so embarrassing!
This night, the two girls are sneaking around in front of other people's houses. What are they doing?

Shen Xiyan took a deep breath, and said calmly, "Lu Xing, we saw a car parked in front of your house. It's so late now, we're worried about thieves, so we want to come over and remind you."

"Oh..." Huang Xing pretended to nod seriously, "Thank you, but you guys misunderstood, the one who came was not a thief, but a beautiful woman."

"Beauty?" Tang Qiqi's eyes were wrong again, and she pulled Shen Xiyan behind her, "It's late at night, why did a woman come to your house?"

Huang Chen smiled, and pouted towards the room, "Come in and talk, I have to leave soon."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Where are you going?"

Tang Qiqi and Shen Xiyan followed Huang Chen into the house suspiciously.

Seeing the woman sitting on the sofa, both of them were a little surprised.

It's so cold!

He has a hot body, but his temperament is so cold that he doesn't seem like a living person.

"Let me introduce you, Nangong Muxue, a public official!" Lu Chen smiled and said, "Miss Nangong, these two are my classmates, Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi. They thought you were here to steal something, so they came here to remind me .”

Nangong Muxue has a weird expression, do you look like a thief?
Huang Xing took a bottle of juice and handed it to Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi, and said, "Since you are here, I will save trouble. Didn't I say that I want to go out to do some errands? I will leave in a while. If you can't make it back after school, Just take a leave of absence for me."

"Why did you leave in the middle of the night?" Tang Qiqi wondered.

Huang Chen shrugged, "It's urgent... there is no way."

Nangong Muxue looked at the time, stood up, and said, "Lu Xing, let's go now."

Lu Xing made a helpless expression towards Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi, "Go back, I'm leaving, remember to come and help me water the flowers from time to time."

"Okay..." Shen Xiyan said, "Then be careful all the way."

"Be careful all the way..." Tang Qiqi echoed.


Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi returned to Shen's house. After going upstairs, through the window, Tang Qiqi happened to see Nangong Muxue's jeep driving away. She frowned and said, "Xiyan, I still feel something is wrong. Why is it so late at night?" Yes, let a beautiful woman come to pick up Huang Xing? Could it be that they are doing something shameful when they go out? "

Shen Xiyan yawned, "Are you reading too many unhealthy books? Nangong Muxue is not that kind of person at first glance! Can I go to sleep? I'm so sleepy!"

"You're the only one with a big heart! Hmph, when I saw my boyfriend and a woman leave, I didn't go into it, I'm too lazy to talk about it..."

"What boyfriend? It's important to sleep... Good night!"

(End of this chapter)

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