The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1240 Let's Cooperate

Chapter 1240 Let's Cooperate

The drug Mochida Asuka got is very harmful to people. After a person drinks it, if it cannot be excreted within an hour, it will cause permanent damage to the human brain. A slightly larger dose will cause life. Danger.

During the interrogation just now, Asuka Mochida said that she would not kill Huang Xing, so she must not have known that the potion was fatal.I just don't know if the person who gave her this potion knew about it.

Asuka Mochida poured the whole bottle into a glass of water, what she drank was enough to kill her.

If Asuka Mochida had murderous intentions towards Huang Xing, Huang Xing would definitely not mind letting her suffer on her own, but she had no intention of killing Huang Xing, and wanted to hide him to lie to her family.What's more, Huang Xing found out that Asuka Mochida was not a bad person, but just a beautiful woman who didn't know what to do.

"Who made you look so beautiful! My brother has to save you..." Huang Xing shrugged, took out the silver needles that he carried with him, and only used less than a third of a set of Shenmen thirteen needles. Mochida Asuka A large amount of sweat was expelled, and the deadly medicine also came out along with the sweat.

A few minutes later, Asuka Mochida's sluggish gaze gradually regained clarity, and when she was fully awake, she sat up from the bed with a bang.

"Lu Xing...Captain?" Asuka Mochida rubbed her aching temple, and gradually remembered something.

that glass of water?
That glass of water!
Huang Xing seemed to see her thoughts, and smiled, "Unfortunately, you drank that glass of water."

"Ah? I drank it?" Asuka Mochida looked terrified, "I...did I say anything?"

"Ms. Mochida Asuka... I'm looking forward to tasting the chocolates you made yourself..." Xing Xing said with a smile, "It just so happens that I have a friend who can also make chocolates. I wonder if yours is as delicious as hers!"

"" Asuka Mochida retreated subconsciously to the corner of the bed with a look of fear.

Huang Chen waved his hand, "Don't look at me like that, I won't do anything to you, call your accomplice over here! Let's discuss it, maybe we can cooperate."

"Cooperation?" Mochida Asuka's eyes lit up, "You won't kill me?"

"Why did I kill you?" Huang Xing smiled, "Actually, I saved your life, you really dare to use any kind of medicine! That kind of hallucinogen will kill you if you take it! You will be executed Let them tell the most important secrets before they die. Just the measurement of that glass of water can kill you ten times.”

"Ah? I don't know!" Asuka Mochida had an innocent face, "Wouldn't it mean that you would die if you drank it? I really didn't want to kill you! I didn't..."

"I know, otherwise why would I save you?" Huang Xing smiled, "It was your kindness that saved your life, girl, this quality is very precious, don't lose it in the future!"

"Then..." Mochida Asuka asked cautiously, "What do you know?"

"I even know which middle school you went to..." Huang Xing said, "You said you have half a map, and the other half is with your brother, right?"

"..." Asuka Mochida had a bitter look on her face. Obviously, she had kept the most important secrets in the family.She didn't know what to say and could only keep silent.

Huang Xing smiled and said, "You actually want to cooperate with us, right?"

"Yes..." Mochida Asuka nodded, "But my brother didn't arrange it that way."

"It's okay, I like to cooperate with beauties, especially those who can make chocolate." Huang Xing smiled, "If you give us the map of the inner labyrinth, I can promise to return the token of your family ancestors and let you take it back Restore the honor of the family."

"Really?" Mochida Asuka asked, "You won't lie to me?"

"Even if I lied to you, you don't have any other choice, right?" Huang Xing said while fiddling with the green dagger.

Seeing that Huang Xing actually clamped the blade of the dagger with his fingers, he made the dagger move and rotate quickly on his fingertips.Mochida Asuka couldn't help reminding: "The dagger is poisonous, you are very dangerous!"

Huang Chen laughed, "You are so concerned about my life and death that you are in danger. You are so kind, I will not lie to you! Besides, for us, the token of your ancestors is just a worthless thing. It’s just cultural relics, meaningless.”

"'re right!" Asuka Mochida bit her lip and said, "Then I only have half a map, and the other half is with my brother. I have to convince him to cooperate with you."

"It's okay, I'll help you convince him. I'm the best at persuading others." Huang Xing stretched out his hand, "Let's go, go to your brother, let's convince him together."

Mochida Asuka hesitated for a moment, but still stretched out her hand, let Huang Xing pull her, and stood up.

Huang Xing pointed to the bathroom and said, "Go take a shower first, the hot water is ready, there is medicine in your sweat, that thing is not good for your health. Wash it yourself, I won't wash it for you .”

"Oh..." Asuka Mochida blushed and went to the bathroom.


In a residential house not far from the small hotel, an obese young man was sitting on a recliner, with a woman on each side of him, kicking her legs and massaging her.The two women were all wearing the traditional costumes of the East Japan Kingdom, the kind of clothes that were colorful and complicated on the outside, with a small cushion on the back, but extremely simple on the inside.

The two women have beautiful faces, and at least [-]% of them look alike, they are actually twins.Apart from their different hairstyles, they all look exactly the same in terms of facial features and body shape.But the young fat man on the recliner can easily distinguish the two, because he has just carefully understood the subtle differences between the two.

The fat man was Mochida Asuka's older brother, Mochida Dazhi, and Mochida Asuka was suffering with Huang Xing and his party every day in fear, but Mochida Dazhi had been living a life of hugging left and right.

This pair of twin sisters is called Takizawa Satomi and the other is Takizawa Narumi. They are both top-notch beauties, and their ability to serve people is also unique.

Since Mochida met this pair of children and sisters, although his fat has not decreased, he has lost at least a dozen catties in weight. I don't know what he lost.

"Bring me some water!" Mochida Dazhi squinted his eyes and ordered.

Takizawa Satomi responded softly, poured a glass of water for Mochida Daichi, and said, "Chida-kun, why hasn't your servant come back?"

"Don't worry! I hid the map far away."

"Then why don't you take it with you?"

"Where do you put it on your body?" Mochida Dazhi smiled, "The clothes... If you take them off and put them on, the map will be lost if you take them off."

(End of this chapter)

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