Chapter 1244
After the soldiers occupied some key positions around, Sazaki Takumi took the rest of the people into the hotel.

Arriving outside Asuka Mochida's room, Takumi Sazaki waited and frowned, "Why is there no sound at all!"

"I'll knock on the door and have a look!" Akiyama Yuken said.

"No!" Sazaki Takumi pointed at a soldier and ordered, "You! Open the door!"

The soldier took the order and walked to the door. The soldier suddenly raised his foot and kicked the door fiercely.

The door of the house was kicked open, and the guarded soldiers behind looked tense, and their fingers moved slightly, ready to fire at any time.

It was quiet inside, and there was still no sound.

Looking at the empty doorway, Sazaki Takumi said in a deep voice, "Go in and have a look."

One of the two soldiers skillfully rolled forward and rolled into the house, looked around, and whispered to the outside, "No one! You can come in!"

"no one?"

Sazaki Takumi frowned suspiciously and walked in.

"What is this?" His eyes were attracted by the white sheets on the bed. The shape of the sheets clearly indicated that there were two people lying there.Sazaki Takumi pointed to the bed sheet, "Open it and have a look! Be careful!"

"As ordered!"

A few soldiers stood guard on both sides, and a soldier stood at the end of the bed, grabbing the sheet and pulling it hard.

The sheets were pulled open without hindrance.


Several soldiers gasped.

Two dead men!The soldiers present all knew these two people, they were the two beauties who looked exactly the same, they were the pair of close-fitting twins of Sazaki Takumi, Takizawa Satomi and Takizawa Narumi.

For Sazaki Takumi, the two sisters are not only his right-hand assistants, but also toys that he never tires of. Seeing his beloved plaything turned into a cold corpse, Sazaki Takumi was furious and shouted: "Bastard! Who did it! Come out!"

Akiyama Yuken was still looking forward to Sasaki Takumi being able to reward this sister to him for a few days that day, but now it was impossible, and he couldn't help but secretly bleed.

Akiyama Yuken came to the bed with a sullen expression, briefly checked the bodies of the two, and said, "Takizawa Satomi died of poisoning, the snake venom on that dagger."

"Then how did Chengmei die?" Sazaki Takumi asked.

"Death by electric shock." Akiyama Yugou seemed to remember something, walked to the door, pointed to a wire underground and said, "Look, young should be a trap by putting the wire on the doorknob!"

"Despicable bastard..." Sasaki Takumi gritted his teeth, glanced at the corpse on the bed reluctantly, and said, "Take them away, I guess the murderer has already run away, tell Xintai to send someone to search this place carefully." The village and surroundings! The Huaxia man's car is still downstairs, so he shouldn't be able to run far!"

"As ordered!"

Several soldiers took the lead and carefully carried the bodies of Sister Takizawa.Looking at the beautiful faces of the two, the soldiers secretly felt sorry for such a beautiful pair of sisters!Someone can do it!
But if they saw the swiftness and indifference of the Takizawa sisters when they killed Mochida Dazhi, they would definitely not think so.

Just as the soldiers lifted up the bodies of the two, there were two "gudong" and "gudong" sounds, and the two round black objects fell to the floor, and Gululu rolled aside.

The two soldiers took a closer look, and couldn't help but be out of their wits, their legs limp from fright. These are two grenades, the safety has been pulled, and white smoke is whistling, and they are about to explode.

They didn't care about lifting people anymore, shouted "get down quickly", and then ran to the door desperately.

The two grenades exploded in the room almost simultaneously, and a large number of steel balls and shrapnel splashed out, filling almost every corner of the small room.

After the smoke dissipated, all the soldiers in the house fell into a pool of blood except for Takumi Sazaki and Yuu Akiyama who had walked out of the door, and the two soldiers standing guard outside the door.

The two nearest hapless ones died instantly, and the others more or less died.

Sazaki Takumi looked back at the mess and gritted his teeth angrily, "Bastard! Damn it! I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

Takumi Sazaki's roar hadn't finished yet, when the teeth-piercing sound of sharp knives piercing flesh suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

A sentry soldier covered his neck, stared in disbelief, and fell crookedly. There was a gleaming short knife stuck in their throats.

"Bastard! Damn it!" Sazaki Takumi glanced at it and recognized that it was the short knife of the Takizawa sisters. Obviously, the other party hadn't left after the murder!Not only set up traps, but also hid in the dark and launched a deadly sneak attack on them!
"Where did the sword come from?" Sasaki Takumi asked while guarding.

The other sentinel looked terrified, and pointed a few times indiscriminately, "Over there... over there... over there..."

After pointing to several places, he couldn't find the right place, and finally he just shook his head dejectedly, "I didn't see..."

At this time, his eyes suddenly swept over the fallen accomplice, and saw that his neck was empty, only a bleeding wound, and the short knife on it had disappeared.

"Look! There is a ghost!" He yelled and pointed to the fallen sentinel.

The others looked in the direction of his finger.

The sound of a sharp knife piercing into flesh sounded again, and a short knife pierced through the neck of the surviving sentry from the side, cutting off his vitality.

With a plop, the Sentinel fell to the ground.

"Bastard!" Sasaki Takumi looked at the wall on the side of the sentinel as if he had seen a ghost. Judging from the incident angle of the knife, it turned out to be emitted from the wall. Is there really a ghost?Sazaki Takumi was fully on guard, he found the Glock stuck in his waist, and opened the safety.

Akiyama Yuken has drawn out a three-foot-long samurai sword, with the shining blade lying in front of him, bowed his body, looking for the enemy's position, and is always ready to fly the hidden weapon that will come out from nowhere .

"Bastard, come out! What kind of hero is sneaky?" Sazaki Takumi shouted.

However, apart from the humming of wounded soldiers, there was no sound around.

Cold sweat dripped down Takumi Sazaki's face. He felt like a goat walking in the forest, and around him, countless hunters had pointed their shotguns at him.


"What happened?"

"There was an explosion?"

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

The explosion just now had already alarmed the sentry soldiers. The squad leader outside had rearranged the sentry positions, and a few people came in to check the situation.

Seeing the reinforcements coming, Sazaki Takumi breathed a sigh of relief and ordered: "Search! Search carefully! The enemy is in the hotel, it is very dangerous, we must find him! I will kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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