Chapter 1257 Unprepared
At noon that day, everyone was enjoying a feast of grilled snake meat, when suddenly the roar of an engine came from a distance.

"It's finally here! I've had enough of these days! I'm going to show them the direction!" Ge Yushan put down the snake in his hand, ran quickly to a tall straight tree, and climbed neatly to a tree on the top. Observe the sentry post and take out a smoke canister.

Orange smoke sprayed out from the chimney and floated straight into the air.

In the distance, five helicopters lined up, flying at a very low altitude, almost brushing the treetops, rumbling towards this side.

As the distance approached, Ge Yushan had already seen the appearance of the planes. There were five planes, two small and three big. The big one was obviously a heavy transport plane, while the small one... turned out to be a bit like an attack helicopter.

Seeing the helicopter getting closer and closer, Ge Yushan showed doubts. The heavy helicopter seems to be a Super Dumas heavy transport plane. Huaxia does not have that type of helicopter at all, and the smaller helicopter is actually AH- The 1W Super Cobra attack helicopter is even less likely to be Huaxia's.

Naturally, these planes were not Huaxia's, but were transferred from the Stars and Stripes by Xi Ai.After learning of the failure of the operation, Sia decided to do it herself.

Through some clues of the open air route, together with the summary of other intelligence, and the non-stop scanning and imaging of low-orbit high-precision reconnaissance satellites, Xi Ai finally determined the approximate location of the warehouse.

Originally, the five planes were still searching in the forest, but Ge Yushan's smoke pipe just attracted them all over.

The pilot of the leading attack helicopter was called Osborn, he saw the white smoke rising from the forest, he grinned grimly, and said to the radio: "Angeola, do you see the man under the white smoke? Let's see who is more accurate!"

"Okay! If you lose, please drink..." Angela's voice came from the radio.

"I'll fire on the count of three..." Osborne said as he flipped the safety of the machine gun, "A... bastard!"

Before he finished speaking, a tongue of flame swept out from the armed helicopter next to him. It was not a machine gun, but several consecutive rockets.

Before the plane fired, Ge Yushan had already sensed that something was wrong. With his tactical skills, he could see that the two planes were aiming at them. He immediately shouted: "Enemy, there are enemies! Rockets! Conceal! Conceal!"

He left the observation post as fast as he could and slipped down.But his action was still too late. Three consecutive rockets hit the observation post. Amid the violent explosion, the observation post was blown into ashes. Ge Yushan was also thrown into the air by the huge impact and fell to the ground. go.

And behind him, a huge tree branch poked towards him at a faster speed. Once it was hit, it would be the end of broken bones.

"Ge Yushan! Be careful behind you!" Nangong Zheng noticed his crisis and shouted loudly to remind him of the danger.

But the shock wave of Ge Yushan's explosion spread, and people were a little dizzy. They couldn't hear Nangong Zheng's cry at all, and they didn't notice the crisis behind them.

Just when the branch was about to hit Ge Yushan's back, a figure flashed by, and Ge Yushan was caught by Huang Xing from the air. Huang Xing kicked the branch into pieces, hugged Ge Yushan and landed firmly on the ground. on the ground.

"Little Ge!" Nan Gongzheng ran to Huang Xing's side as fast as he could, regardless of the flaming branches falling from the sky, and asked, "How is he?"

"It's nothing serious, it should be a slight concussion." Huang Xing said.

At this moment, Ge Yushan came to his senses, and immediately shouted: "Hurry up and hide! Enemy attack! Armed helicopter!"

Needless to say, with the sound of rumbling engines, two armed helicopters had already appeared in the sight of everyone, and their black muzzles were aimed at the camp.

"Spread out! Take cover! Into the woods."

Nangong Zheng and the others ran towards the jungle as fast as they could. Yin Nazha still didn't forget Chitian Asuka's sister, and carried her on his shoulders, even running faster than Luo Guoyuan.

chug chug!
The Gatling machine gun on the armed helicopter opened fire, and the rapid-fire gun with a rate of fire of up to [-] rounds per minute sprayed a rain of bullets. What's more vicious was that the machine gun used explosive incendiary bombs. Ammunition can not only use the shock wave and shrapnel of the explosion to injure people, but also has a powerful arson capability.

In less than a few seconds, the camp was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

For soldiers on the ground, armed helicopters are a nightmare, especially armed helicopters equipped with advanced sighting technology, with infrared imaging functions on them, which can easily determine targets through temperature differences. It is difficult for people on the ground Dodge their search.

However, those who operate the plane are not professional armed helicopter pilots, but agents of Xi'an A. They only think about the power, but they forget one thing. The fire caused by the blasting incendiary bomb can completely make the infrared detection on the plane instrument loses its function.

After a burst of shooting, many places were on fire, and the high temperature seriously interfered with infrared detection. Amid the thick smoke and flames, the people on the plane were almost blind.

Huang Chen and the others hid behind a big tree that was on fire. Luo Guoyuan was hit by high-temperature shrapnel on the way to hide, and his waist was cut open. If Huang Chen hadn't given him a silver needle to stop the bleeding, it would not have taken a few minutes. He would probably die from blood loss.

Looking at the swaggering helicopter outside, Nangong Zhengqi's eyes turned red.But anger is useless. In the face of such a powerful war machine, human power is very limited.Even if he is as strong as Huang Xing, he can only back away, unless he has a more powerful weapon in his hand.

But now, the most powerful weapons on them are two submachine guns.

Against individual soldiers, the power of this submachine gun is not bad.But to deal with armed helicopters, it is not qualified enough.Armed helicopters have bulletproof steel plates, which can defend against light machine guns shooting at close range. This kind of submachine gun cannot even penetrate the bulletproof glass of the aircraft.

As for Browning, Glock and dagger, in front of the gunship, they are almost toys.

The helicopter was still circling in the air, obviously searching for several people, which were further away.Three large transport helicopters kept hovering, and put down the equipment and personnel after the armed helicopters cleared the field.

Due to the serious interference of the infrared equipment, the two planes searched for a long time but could not find anyone, so they simply started shooting indiscriminately, and all places where people might hide became their targets.

Chu Chu Chu!

Explosive incendiary bombs and rockets kept raging in the forest, and the trees around the swamp fell into flames one by one...

(End of this chapter)

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