The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 127 I am a big villain

Chapter 127 I am a big villain

Zhou Yawen's skeleton is small, and her every move reveals a delicate temperament. Holding her knees and crying like this, she looks even more pitiful.

Lu Xing leaned over, patted Zhou Yawen's shoulder, and said, "If you want to cry, why don't you go to another place, someone will come here. Maybe people will think what I did to you!"

Zhou Yawen cried less and less, stood up slowly, wiped her tears and said, "I'm sorry..."

Huang Xing waved his hand, "What is there to be sorry for... I heard from your phone that your father owed gambling debts and is waiting for your signing money to pay back, right?"

Zhou Yawen nodded, choked up and said: "Yes... Now, I don't know how to tell him, so I can only delay."

Huang Xing rubbed his forehead with a strange expression, "I said, is your brain lacking a string? Since you need money, why didn't you pay for mental damage that day?"

"I..." Zhou Ruolan was stunned for a while, "I didn't think about it that much...I was afraid...I just wanted to break off relations with Bi Xiaojian and the others!"

Huang Chen sighed, "It's been so long, and it's a bit pricey to ask for it again... Sigh, it's all your fault for not telling me earlier!"

"I..." Zhou Yawen bit her lips, and suddenly remembered that they gave Lu Chen 50 that day, saying it was for Cheng Yaqiu's mental damage. Father's gambling debt is paid off, how about slowly paying it back to Cheng Yaqiu in the future?But thinking that this is not a small number, Zhou Yawen was afraid that it would be useless to say it, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

"You can say whatever you want..." Huang Xing shook his head, "You are such a girl who can't hide her face, and you still want to be an actress, you are really a sheep!"

"I..." Zhou Yawen almost bit her lips before she said, "Can you take me to see Teacher Cheng?"

"See Teacher Cheng?" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Looking for a loan from her?"

"You asked her for 50 yuan for mental damage that day..." Zhou Yawen's head was almost lowered to her chest, and she said with a flushed face, "I didn't borrow it for nothing, I paid the interest! I will pay back the money every month! Teacher Cheng I must know, I have a salary in the dance club, and I have to work hard to perform outside, I can pay back the money..."

"How much do you want to borrow?" Huang Xing asked.

"[-]..." Zhou Yawen added, "I asked my dad, the total amount of gambling debts including interest is [-]!"

Huang Chen nodded, "[-]...don't bother Teacher Cheng, I'll lend it to you! The mental damage fee for that day, Yaqiu...ahem, Teacher Cheng gave me half of it."

Zhou Yawen felt relieved, but quickly shook her head, and said cautiously: "I... think, I'd better borrow it from Teacher Cheng..."

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Why, do you think my money is hot? Or, you don't believe what I say?"

"No, no..." Zhou Yawen quickly shook her head, "I am..."

"Are you worried about me blackmailing you?" Huang Xing sighed, "I really didn't wrong you when I said you were out of your mind. Do you think I'm the kind of person Fan Jie'an is?"

Zhou Yawen shook her head quickly.In fact, in Zhou Yawen's mind, Huang Xing was probably more terrifying than Fan Jie'an. He not only injured so many people that day, but also ate Fan Jie'an to death, and finally even asked for 50 yuan from him!

Huang Xing looked at her, and suddenly burst out laughing, "I know, I'm not a good person in your heart either! Right?"

Zhou Yawen shook her head again, "I... thank you very much, I..."

"All right, all right..." Huang Xing waved his hand, "Let's just say that you can't pretend, the answer is written on your face! In fact, you're right, I'm really not a good person."

"No... I didn't mean that, you... don't get me wrong."

"What about me..." Lu Chen patted Zhou Yawen on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "It's true that they are bad people, but they are much worse than Fan Jie'an and the others. I don't like the bad things they do. So I lent you the money, you don’t have to worry about anything, just return it to Yaqiu as you plan to! Who made your natal hero be Luban No. [-] just like your brother..."

"..." Zhou Yawen was stunned for a while, then nodded cautiously, "Thank you then!"

"Hmm..." Huang Xing smiled, shook a bank card in his hand, and asked, "You are the one who opened the account, right?"

"..." Zhou Yawen was stunned for dozens of seconds before she realized that the card in Huang Xing's hand was actually her own. She hurriedly took out her wallet and saw that there was indeed a missing card, and it was her most important one. All living expenses and tuition fees are stored on it, and her first reaction was to grab it, "Give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

Huang Xing smiled, "Don't be so nervous, I'll transfer the money to you right away! You're right, if you didn't tell me when you saved the money that day, it will cause trouble now!"

"..." Zhou Yawen didn't know what to say, she looked at Huang Xing with a little fear, "How did you get my card?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "I said I'm a big villain, basically I can do all the bad things, it's just a bank card, what a joke! Can you transfer money with this card?"

"Yes." Zhou Yawen was silent for a moment, "Then...shall I write you an IOU first?"

"Don't be so anxious..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Anyway, you are studying at Haidong University, and I know where your family lives, so I'm not afraid of your refusal."

While speaking, Huang Xing transferred 8 yuan to Zhou Yawen's card with the online banking client on his mobile phone, then returned the bank card to her, and said, "When I ask your dad to pay back the money, remember some important documents!"

"Yeah!" Zhou Yawen said gratefully, "Thank you so about we go to the classroom! I'll write you the IOU right away!"

"Don't be in a hurry!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "I'm helping you with this great favor, you have to express it, right?"

"Show it?" Zhou Yawen was a little nervous again, subconsciously took half a step back, "How do you say it?"

Huang Xing smiled faintly, "How about treating me to a supper? You don't have any money with you, do you?"

Zhou Yawen felt relieved, "I thought you..."

"Think I'm going to coerce you, don't you?" Huang Xing smiled, "Why do you use your vigilance on me? That Bi Xiaojian is so crooked, you trust him so much? Are you blind?" you?"

"I..." Zhou Yawen's eyes turned red, "I didn't mean that, I just..."

Huang Xing said with a smile: "Okay, don't think about it anymore, invite me to the food street to eat cold noodles, I want the extra spicy one..."

"Okay!" Zhou Yawen nodded, and followed Huang Xing to the outside of the school.

The food street that Huang Chen mentioned was the same place that Shen Xiyan and the others were going to. When Huang Chen and Zhou Ruolan first arrived, they happened to walk across from Shen Xiyan and the others who were about to go back to school...

 In another chapter, the old wolf continues to beg for clicks, votes, rewards, and spread, blah blah!

(End of this chapter)

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