Chapter 1270 No Joke
When Asuka was drying the snake skin, Huang Xing threw all the herbs washed by Nangong Muxue into the cauldron, and Nangong Muxue looked confused, "What are you doing?"

"Cook medicine soup." Huang Xing said, "I don't know how much poisonous gas has been bred by the fierce eyes in the warehouse, which is very harmful to people. If you don't take precautions in advance, even if the people you brought go back smoothly, I'm afraid it won't take ten years." In two years, half of them will die of illness, and the rest will not recover.”

Nangong Muxue's heart tightened, "Is it so serious?"

"It's still light..." Huang Xing said, "To be honest, I don't even dare to say what kind of thing will be bred below. If the door is opened, the inside is already soaked in water, then it's lucky, there won't be any It’s too much trouble, because no matter what is inside, it is the kind of thing that is suitable for the water environment. If the water is pumped out, it will not be a threat. If there is no water in it, it will be hard to say.”

Nangong Muxue nodded. She had encountered these mysterious things in an old castle in Europe. She was sure that Huang Xing was not alarmist, but... She looked at the soup of unknown color in the pot and asked: " It's all poison, isn't it poisonous?"

Huang Chen smiled, "Of course it's poisonous to eat alone, but it's fine if mixed together. You smell it, it actually tastes smells like Huainan beef soup."

Nangong Muxue shook his head, "I have never eaten Huainan beef soup."

Huang Xing picked Mei Mei, "You... are... a boring woman. Well, I don't have anything to do with you here for the time being. When I need you, I'll call you."

"Do you really need me to do needlework?" Nangong Muxue couldn't help asking.

Huang Xing nodded, "It is very necessary, and in terms of safety, it is also necessary... There must be a lot of evil spirits down here. Before you go down, let go of the negative emotions in your mind, so as not to be affected by the evil spirits below."

Nangong Muxue pondered for a moment, nodded, said "Call me later", and left Huang Xing's tent.

After a while, sister Asuka Mochida came in, she looked at the door, and then said to Huang Xing in a low voice: "That woman just now was so scary."

Huang Chen smiled, "She's just like that... a silly girl who met a silly x master and taught such a silly girl. If she hadn't met me, she would... oh... if she couldn't do it, she would... Become a madman."

"Lu Chen-jun, although I don't understand, what you said must be right." Mochida Asuka said.

Huang Xing was taken aback, laughed a few times, and gave Asuka Mochida a hug, "You should be cuter."

"Lu Chenjun, I want to go to Huaxia..."

"Okay, I'll take you to have fun later."

"It's not traveling, but it's always by your side." Mochida Asuka said, "Always take care of your daily life. You are in Huaxia, and you need someone to take care of you."

Huang Xing couldn't help but think of Chen Caiying, who almost lost his soul when he was served by others during the trip.He waved his hand, "I don't have that habit! Asuka, if you recognize me as the master, it's enough if you have this heart! You are the only one in your Chitian family's generation, and you still have to inherit your family's business. At least, you Chitian This unique chocolate craft must not be lost.”

Asuka Mochida thought for a while, her eyes turned red, "Lu Chen-jun, that is, after this matter is over, I will be separated from you, right?"

"But I will still look for you..." Huang Xing said, "You are such a beautiful and obedient girl, how can I let you stay in the empty room all the time."

Mochida Asuka hugged Huang Xing tightly, "Jun Lu Chen, I will listen to your arrangement. If you let me inherit the family business, I will inherit the family business. If you let me serve by your side, I will serve by your side. Are you My lord, my heart is yours."

Hearing such nasty words, Huang Xing felt that he should do something bottomless.

But Sa Beijiang came back at a very inopportune time. This place is very rich in herbal resources, and Sa Beijiang got all the herbs that Huang Xing needed with almost no effort.

Huang Xing had no choice but to ask Mochida Asuka to turn around, and tidy up the room to hide his unusual expression and messy clothes.

These herbs are not for cooking snake soup. Huang Xing asked Sa Beijiang to wash the herbs and take them outside to dry. In order to dehydrate the herbs quickly, Huang Xing simply asked Sa Beijiang to get a blower from the engineering staff and keep blowing them.

A large pot of snake soup has been boiled for nearly 24 hours, and I don’t know how many times I have added water. By this time on the second day, the snake meat has been boiled to a pulp and dispersed into the soup. Even the bones of the snake have been boiled so soft , breaks into several pieces with a little pinching.

The snake soup has a strange bright red color and exudes the aroma of Huainan beef soup.

The blower was very powerful. After blowing for so long, the herbs were basically dry. Huang Xing asked Mochida Asuka to take out the prepared cloth, and then asked Sa Beijiang to call Nangong Muxue over.

As soon as she entered the room, Nangong Muxue saw the bright red soup of the big country, and couldn't help showing a little curiosity.

Huang Chen smiled, and said: "Before entering the warehouse, everyone who is going down should come and have a few sips."

"This, can I drink it?" Nangong Muxue looked skeptical. Although the smell of this thing is quite appetizing, making people have the urge to break a piece of naan and dip it in soup, but does she know what herbs are in it? They are all highly poisonous herbs!

Huang Xing smiled, took out a spoon, took a sip, then handed the spoon to Nangong Muxue, "Try it, check it, I won't harm you."

Nangong Muxue hesitated for a moment, then took out a tablespoon and drank it.This stuff smells like Huainan beef soup, but tastes more like Huainan beef soup.It tastes really good.

"How is it?" Lu Xing asked with a smile.

Nangong Muxue blushed, it wasn't because she was shy, but because she felt hot in her belly, she frowned slightly, feeling the process of her belly going from hot to warm, and then back to calm, and finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with her, and It seems to feel a very comfortable feeling inexplicably, like... just waking up full of energy.

"Isn't this a stimulant?" Nangong Muxue asked.

Huang Xing shook his head, "No, but it can strengthen your physical fitness, and it's harmless anyway. Drink some more... It's also good for you."


"Well... it can drive away the evil spirit in your body." Huang Xing said, "Drink a few more, and then I will do needlework with Asuka, a man like me doesn't want to do this."

Looking at the herbs on the ground and those square pieces of cloth, Nangong Muxue finally understood that what Huang Xing said yesterday was really not a joke...

(End of this chapter)

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