The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1304 You Are My Wife

Chapter 1304 You Are My Wife
While lamenting the unpredictability of the world, Huang Xing's cell phone rang, and it was a video call from his junior sister.

After pressing the answer button, a pretty face appeared on the screen of the phone, "Hey, Second Senior Brother."

"Hmm... have you found the big brother?"

"Found it... we are all in South America."

"Are you still in South America? I thought you were all starting to live without shame!"

"Oh, we've been shameless so many times! Let's not talk about that, we found a funny thing."

"Oh? What?"

"Wait, let me show you something..."

Huang Xing waited for a while to operate, and a picture appeared on the screen. It was a hole, and the hole was filled with white smoke. , and there are countless small whirlpools inside.

Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, "Where is this?"

"It's hard to tell. In the South American rainforest, the big brother has been here. I'll let him tell you."

Not long after, a disheveled man appeared on the screen, and Huang Xing was taken aback, "Fuck me, big brother, why do you look like a savage?"

"Junior brother! Listen to me, do you believe me when I say that I have lived for thousands of years?"

"I believe it!" Huang Xing smiled, "I've lived for tens of thousands of years."

"Fuck, what I said is so real! I came back so hard! I almost died! Thousands of years, I'm going crazy."

Huang Xing frowned, "Don't be crazy, speak clearly."

"I've been to that ghostly place I showed you just now... There's a fucking world in there, a shit-like place, and it took me thousands of years to come back. Do you really understand?"

"Are you stunned by reading novels?"

"Fuck, I'm telling the truth!"

"Then have you practiced for thousands of years and then shattered the void?"

"How can I come back if I don't break the void?"

Huang Chen laughed loudly, "Then you are awesome now? Can one person hit me three times?"

"...It doesn't seem to work. In this world, my strength has not changed."

"Second Senior Brother..." Hu Lingling's voice came, "Second Senior Brother's strength has not changed, I have verified it."

Huang Xing smiled, "Brother, open your mouth and show me the coating on your tongue."

"What are you doing looking at the tongue coating?" The "savage" on the screen opened his mouth and moved the camera in front of him.

Huang Xing looked at it, and then said: "Show me your eyes again, and open your eyelids yourself."

Savage complied.

After reading it, Huang Xing said, "Brother, it's unbelievable that it's been thousands of years or something, but there might be something wrong with that hole. Your current tongue coating and eyes look like you just woke up after being general anesthesia."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I think you may be anesthetized, or in a coma, what broken void is your dream!" Huang Xing said.

"Huh? is this possible? I was anesthetized and I didn't know it?"

"You're even anesthetized and you know what a fart!" Huang Xing said, "Hurry up and leave that hole, go back first, give birth to the baby, and then let's go and have a look together."

"Having a baby?" Hu Lingling's voice sounded, "Second Senior Brother, are you kidding me? I'm still young, I haven't played enough."

"After giving birth to the baby, throw it to your father, and then you can do whatever you want? Your father is too busy looking after the baby, so he doesn't care about you."

"It makes sense...haha, second senior brother is smarter...Eldest senior brother, let's have a baby."

"Junior Sister... You... Take it easy!"

Seeing that the picture on the screen was indescribable, Huang Xing quickly turned off the video, shook his head, "These two treasures! But... that place is really interesting, the pattern formed by the airflow seems to be somewhat regular. Wait for a time to go Explore..."


In the past, Huang Xing liked to explore very much, but now, he always has some nostalgia for this colorful world, to be exact, he is nostalgic for this charming beauty.

People who are not flirtatious are in vain for young people!

Early the next morning, Huang Xing originally wanted to ask Shen Xiyan if she had any plans to go out to play, but unfortunately, Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi went to ride early in the morning. For children, it is enough to have girlfriends, but as for the boys they like, it is optional.

Just as Lu Chen sighed regretfully, Qin Yushi called and asked Lu Chen to play mahjong, three missing one.

Anyway, it's okay to be idle, and if you go to Qin Yushi's, maybe you can practice yoga, so I happily go to the appointment.

The three missing one were Qin Yushi, Cheng Yaqiu and Nangong Yueyue.Huang Xing is the missing one.

Playing mahjong with these three beauties, Huang Xing was not polite at all, and quickly turned their faces into green.Not only did they lose all the money in their pockets, but they all owed Huang Xing a lot.The three beauties lost their temper and started playing tricks, Huang Xing had no choice but to fight three, the details of which are beyond the understanding of outsiders.

I thought that the four of us could do yoga together at night, but in the evening, Shen Kuohai called.

Huang Chen answered the phone, "Hello, Uncle Shen, what's the matter?"

"Little Lu, let's have dinner at home tonight, uncle has something to tell you."

Shen Kuohai has always been nice to Huang Xing, and Huang Xing was too embarrassed to refuse, so he said, "Okay, I'll be there in a while."

After arguing with the three girls for a while, Huang Xing saw that it was almost time, so he went home first, dealt with some long hair, lipstick marks on his body, took a shower, changed his clothes, and went to left the Shen family.

Shen Xiyan and Tang Qiqi just came back from going crazy outside and are taking a bath upstairs, while Shen Kuohai and Shen Xiaoyao are at home.

Today, Huang Xing always felt that Shen Kuohai was looking at him strangely. After exchanging pleasantries, he couldn't help asking: "Uncle Shen, do you need me?"

Shen Kuohai waved his hand, "We'll talk about it after dinner."

"Uh...Okay." Huang Xing felt a little uneasy, and muttered to himself, did Shen Kuohai know about the matter between himself and Xiyan?He is a father, and he feels a little unwilling?But me and her, it's just that the horoscope has just crossed!

This time, the dinner was no different from the usual time when Huang Xing came to eat, except that it was a little richer.

After the meal, Shen Kuohai smiled and said, "Lu Xing, Xiyan, come to my study, I have something to tell you."

Shen Xiyan and Lu Chen didn't know why, so they followed Shen Kuohai into the study.

After closing the door, Shen Kuohai sat upright, looked at Huang Chen, then at Shen Xiyan, his face sank, and said: "Lu Xing, I have no objection to you dating Xiyan, but you young people have to consider the consequences when you do things! Although The two of you have been engaged for a long time, but you are still in school, how can you be so careless? Huang Chen, how can you let Xi Yan go to school like this? Xi Yan, why don't you drop out of school, and get your certificate quickly with Huang Xing , I hold a banquet, and I always have to hold the wedding banquet before showing my body! I can't hold a wedding with a big belly."

"Uh?" Shen Xiyan looked confused, "Dad, what are you talking about?"

Lu Xing was stunned for a moment, vaguely understood what Shen Kuohai meant, and also thought of the reason why Shen Kuohai said that, he coughed lightly, tugged at Shen Xiyan, and said, "Xiyan, that kid Chen Caiying won't keep his promise, right?" ?”

Shen Xiyan was taken aback, "Huh? Ah? Dad... Did you hear something?"

Shen Kuohai smiled slightly, "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. I didn't hear something. Let me ask you, how long do you two guys want to hide from me?"

As he spoke, he took out a crumpled test sheet, which was the one faked by Huang Xing.

Seeing this list, both of them understood, Shen Xiyan was about to cry, this list was held by Tang Qiqi later, she didn't know which tendon was wrong, she went online for each item on the list After checking the information and popularizing science, Shen Xiyan repeatedly told her to tear up and throw it away after reading it, and it was best to throw it in the toilet and flush it away.But obviously, Tang Qiqi didn't do it, she didn't even tear it up!
"Dad... this list is fake, I'm not pregnant with that one!" Shen Xiyan said with a bitter face.

"Fake?" Shen Kuohai frowned, "Your Aunt Lan found this in the trash can! If it's fake, why did you throw it away? Xi Yan, I understand you young people, even if it's a little too early, but thousands Don't do anything that hurts your body!"

"Oh, Dad! Things are not what you think!" Shen Xiyan was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"Don't worry, let me tell you." Lu Xing held Shen Xiyan's hand from below, and said to Shen Kuohai, "Uncle Shen, that's it. This matter starts with Chen Caiying..."

Huang Xing told Chen Caiying about the falsification of the list.

"So that's the case, it seems that I'm overthinking, it's fine if it's not true..." Shen Kuohai said.

Although Shen Kuohai said so, Huang Xing felt that his expression was a little strange, why did he look a little regretful?Suddenly, Huang Xing's heart moved, what did he just say?Xiyan and I have already been engaged?

Who ordered it?
Why don't I know?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at Shen Xiyan.

Shen Xiyan also remembered this sentence, looked at Huang Chen, and then they both looked at Shen Kuohai.

"Uncle Shen..." Lu Xing swallowed, "You said... I'm engaged to Xiyan? Why didn't I know?"

"Dad...Dad... What did you say just now that you are engaged?"

"Uh... this..." Shen Kuohai laughed, "I haven't told you two little guys about this... Actually, Huang Xing's master and I have known each other for a long time. Your marriage was also arranged a long time ago, and, besides, Remember your blind date? That was the one that arranged for you to meet."

"Blind date? With Huang Xing?"

"Blind date? With Xi Yan?"

The two looked at each other, their eyes met, and suddenly they pointed at each other.

"It wasn't you that day?"

"It wasn't you that day?"

Seeing this scene, Shen Kuohai couldn't help laughing again, "That's right! You two ghostly little fellows got together, but in the end, your shrewdness was misunderstood by your shrewdness, and you even found a substitute!"

Huang Xing wanted to give himself a mouthful when he heard it, yes, shrewd ass!I almost missed such a good wife!

He hurriedly said to Shen Kuohai: "Uncle Shen, this matter... I was wrong! I shouldn't have found a substitute! I like Xiyan very much! Really."

Shen Xiyan immediately gave Huang Chen a blank look, and suddenly realized that she was still holding her hand, so she wanted to pull it back, but although Huang Chen didn't hold it tightly, she couldn't pull it back, and stepped on Lu Chen angrily. Chen kicked his feet and said in a low voice: "Let go, idiot! Hurry up!"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "If you don't let it go, you won't let it go in the future, you are my wife."



(End of the article)

Originally, the content of this book is not only so much, but there is a giant beast called "River Crab" that is too ferocious. If it is written according to the previous outline, it will definitely be swallowed by the giant beast without any scum.If it is too painful for me to completely change the outline and content, and it is equivalent to redesigning a book, it is better to write a new book.Anyway, Huang Xing, who is a big turnip, finally realized that the person he loves the most is Shen Xiyan, and the important emotional line of this article has been completed.As for what will happen on Zhou Yawen’s birthday that some readers will never forget, let’s write it according to the original intention. It will definitely be eaten by giant beasts. cough.

Thanks to the readers and friends who have accompanied me all the way. It may be because of the style of writing that Lao Lang’s writing journey is not smooth. Next, Lao Lang will pay attention to this problem. As for the new book, it is planning...

(End of this chapter)

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