Chapter 135

"The props are naturally fine!" Huang Xing smiled, "Didn't I say that these props are all consumables? They need to be prepared on site."

"Just don't lose the chain!" Shen Xiyan snorted, and turned around to make preparations before going on stage.

"Then we're going too!" Chen Yan and the others waved at Huang Chen, and followed Shen Xiyan away.

Huang Chen smiled, "Come on, beauties!"

He was about to leave the backstage, but Mu Ziqin stopped him and said, "You are the magic performer, Huang Chen?"

"Hmm..." Lu Chen smiled, "Mu Ziqin? I've heard of you for a long time!"

Mu Ziqin smiled slightly, "Don't dare to act, dare not to act, how can I compare with you these heavenly pride... By the way, can you tell me the general content of the magic? I want to see if I can add some small tricks to mobilize the atmosphere on the spot. Trivia."

Huang Xing thought for a while, snapped his fingers, and said in a low voice: "It's absolutely fine! When it's time for my show, you..."

As Mu Ziqin listened, she couldn't help showing a surprised expression, "You can do it?"

"Of course!" Huang Xing smiled, "Don't worry!"

"I didn't expect you to be so good..." Mu Ziqin said, "I'm preparing a variety show. If you are interested, you can participate!"

Huang Xing opened his mouth and asked, "Is there any bonus?"

"There is no bonus, but there is an appearance fee. This depends on your program level. We will discuss it at that should not be less than [-]." Mu Ziqin said.

"That's not bad..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Then let's leave a phone number, and you can contact me when the time comes."


When Huang Chen and Mu Ziqin were talking and laughing, the girls on the other side who were about to play were all looking this way.

Xu Jie couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "Tell me, why are Lu Xing and Mu Ziqin so familiar?"

Cheng Caixin sighed, "Lu Xing is such an excellent boy, of course girls like him, and he is so cool now!"

"Yeah..." Li Jingjing's eyes were full of little stars, "Lu Xing is so handsome! What do you think he will perform today? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"I guess I will give everyone a surprise..." Chen Yan said, "I think he should be well prepared!"

"Sufficient?" Shen Xiyan dissatisfied, "I really have to be fully prepared, can I prepare the props now? Don't be distracted, you guys, it's time for us to play!"

Soon, it was the turn of Shen Xiyan and others to show up, and Huang Xing also returned to the auditorium to watch.In fact, many boys who came here today came to see Shen Xiyan.

Miss Shen!
New School Belle!

And it is said that she is the most beautiful among the four campus beauties!
Since Shen Xiyan kept a low profile on weekdays, except for the classmates who attended the class together, other people rarely saw her. Today, many people even brought their binoculars.

Seeing that Shen Xiyan was on the stage, Gao Xiaodong also concentrated his energy. He suddenly noticed that many people had taken out their binoculars, he couldn't help but frowned, and cursed in a low voice: "These wretched~wretched guys, what's the matter? Are they really for boys? Shame! Hmph! Isn't it Shen Xiyan? When I get married in the future, I'll take it out every day for others to see! I'm so envious of you!"

At this time, he suddenly noticed that Zhang Sanyuan next to him was busy hiding something behind him, so he asked, "Sanyuan, what are you doing? What is it? Show me!"

Zhang Sanyuan showed embarrassment, slowly took out the binoculars behind him, and said cautiously: "Young Master Gao, I'm not looking at my sister-in-law...I'm looking at others."

"Fuck!" Gao Xiaodong stared and cursed, "Don't tell me you have a telescope, give it to me!"

Before Zhang Sanyuan could speak, Gao Xiaodong snatched the binoculars and couldn't wait to use them.

While watching, Gao Xiaodong smacked his mouth, "My Yanyan is still pretty! It's so beautiful! Yanyan, I must catch up with you! Love you..."

In the cheerful Western Region-style music, Shen Xiyan and other beauties dance on the stage like butterflies among flowers. Although every girl has her own beauty, Shen Xiyan is undoubtedly the most beautiful in the field. flower.Coupled with her professional dance level, everyone in the audience was mesmerized.

While admiring Shen Xiyan's dancing posture, Lu Xing couldn't help sighing secretly, this girl should only exist in the sky, how can there be so many times in the world?Shen Xiyan, Haidong's No. [-] school belle, really deserves her name... But her little temper is really not that good!

At the end of the dance, the audience burst into warm applause. At least among the programs that appeared, this dance should have the best effect.

Huang Chen strolled back to the backstage again, just in time to meet Shen Xiyan and the others, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to the beauties for their successful performance!"

Listening to the endless applause, Shen Xiyan was also quite proud. From the movement design to the choreography of this dance, she completed it all by herself. She also had a great sense of accomplishment for the successful performance just now.So she had a rare good look towards Huang Xing, and said with a smile, "Thank you!"

At this time, Meng Jiaojiao came to the backstage, and said to Huang Xing a little embarrassedly: "Can you do me a favor later?"

"What do you need help with?" Huang Xing asked.

"That's it..." Meng Jiaojiao plucked up her courage and said, "At the end of my show, can you give me flowers? My show is behind you, so it won't affect your preparations, and the flowers I'm ready! I just want to mobilize the atmosphere, nothing else..."

"Okay!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"By the way... do you need me to stir up the atmosphere in your show?" Meng Jiaojiao asked tentatively, "For example... I'll give you flowers?"

"That's not necessary!" Huang Xing said, "You should concentrate on preparing your show, and strive to be like Xi Yan and the others, making everyone popular. Well, I should be on stage soon, I'll go get ready first."

"Yeah!" Meng Jiaojiao nodded vigorously, "Come on!"


Shen Xiyan and the others took off their makeup and returned to the auditorium.

As soon as she sat down, Xu Jie said angrily, "Meng Jiaojiao is too much! You are a scheming bitch!"

"That's right!" Li Jingjing echoed, "You did it so quietly? Damn it!"

Chen Yan was also indignant, "It's so embarrassing, she dared to eat alone! I won't lend her the notes next time!"

Shen Xiyan asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with you guys? Why did Meng Jiaojiao offend you?"

"Didn't you hear that just now?" Cheng Caixin said angrily, "Meng Jiaojiao asked Huang Xing to present flowers to her! She didn't tell us before! She actually thought of playing such a trick!"

"Presenting a flower is just to mobilize the atmosphere, what about you?" Shen Xiyan said with a smile.

"I knew we should have asked Huang Xing to give us flowers!" Chen Yan said angrily.

"It's a good thing you didn't tell me. If I knew he was here to present flowers, I'm afraid I wouldn't be in the mood to jump." Shen Xiyan said happily.

"Stop talking, stop talking, it's time for Huang Xing's show!"

Li Jingjing's words attracted everyone's attention to the stage.

The host Mu Ziqin was the first to take the stage. She was holding a microphone and looked back as she walked, making a very nervous look. When she got to the middle of the stage, she didn't speak, but continued to look around, as if she was looking for something. who.

Chen Yan and the others all stared wide-eyed. What does this mean?
Shen Xiyan's heart skipped a beat, did Huang Xing run away?
 The fourth update is here, the old wolf is begging all over the floor, asking for clicks, tickets, rewards, and spreading!Beep!

(End of this chapter)

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