The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 142 The Battle of Hackers

Chapter 142 The Battle of the Hackers ([-])

Shen Xiyan coughed lightly, and said seriously: "I repeat, it is purely a coincidence that I am on stage today! I will not cooperate with him at all! Also! Today he dared to drag me on stage to make a fool of himself, Your votes are not allowed to be given to him, but all to our dance! You all remember, and no one is allowed to vote for him..."

Before Shen Xiyan finished speaking, everyone's mobile phones rang one after another, all of them were text messages, and they were all from Cheng Yaqiu.

Text message content: Today, the program that Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan collaborated on was very successful, and it was the best program in the whole party. I hope everyone will vote for this magic program.


After reading the text message, Xu Jie couldn't help but raised her head, "Xi Yan, you lied to us? This program is really your cooperation!"

Shen Xiyan said anxiously: "I didn't cooperate with him!"

"But Teacher Cheng's text message said that you cooperated!"

"That's right!" Chen Yan also joined the ranks of doubts.

Looking at the students with doubtful faces, Shen Xiyan had beautiful cherry lips, not knowing how to explain it.

After holding back for a while, Shen Xiyan said: "Teacher Cheng must not know the actual situation! She didn't care about the party before, and I was responsible for it!"

Seeing that everyone still didn't believe it, Shen Xiyan became a little anxious, "Chen Yan, you also heard that at the time, I didn't want to go on stage at first!"

"But you are still on stage, and you and Huang Xing have a great time working together!" Li Jingjing said.

"That's that annoying bastard, Huang Xing, who shamelessly threatened me with class honor!" Shen Xiyan looked depressed, she took a deep breath, and said, "You don't believe it, right? Then I'll call Huang Xing now , listen to whether we secretly practiced together!"

As Shen Xiyan said, she quickly turned on the hands-free function of her phone, and dialed Huang Xing's number, but she hung up after two or three rings.

"You didn't answer my phone?" Shen Xiyan gritted her teeth and dialed again.

Still got hung up this time.

Shen Xiyan dialed again.

Got hung up again.

Just about to make the fourth call, Huang Xing sent a text message, only one word: Busy!

Shen Xiyan was so angry that she almost dropped her phone, "Damn it! What are you busy with! Damn it!"

Seeing that Shen Xiyan was really angry, Chen Yan and the others looked at each other a few times, knowing everything in their hearts.It seems that Shen Xiyan really hates Huang Xing, so it doesn't matter whether they secretly cooperated in practice or not.

Chen Yan said with a smile: "Xi Yan, don't be angry, we trust you! You hate Huang Xing so much, how could you cooperate with him? Then... what do you think about this vote? We haven't voted yet."

Shen Xiyan let out a long breath, and said: "Teacher Cheng has spoken, just listen to her! But... I won't vote for Huang Xing! Don't tell Teacher Cheng!"

"Okay...then let's go vote!"

"You can vote on your mobile phone!" Xu Jie opened the voting website while talking, but she couldn't get on it. She frowned, "What kind of broken website is this? Why can't I connect?"

"I can't even connect to the computer!" Chen Yan looked helplessly at the blank web page on the notebook.


At this time, in the entire campus, there was only one person who could connect to the voting website, and that was Huang Xing.

Just now, after returning to the dormitory, Huang Xing wanted to see how the voting results for the best program were, but he was very puzzled after seeing it. It wasn't his magic trick or Shen Xiyan's dance that got the most votes. , but a dance by a girl named Ma Lirong from the Department of Literature.

That dance didn't have any outstanding features except for some flamboyant movements, and what made Huang Xing even more strange was that the number of votes for the magic show was actually the lowest!

Jin Xin noticed something was wrong when he was voting, and said puzzledly: "Brother Chen, there is something wrong with the website! I just voted for you, but your votes didn't increase!"

"I'm stupid! Really!" Zhang Jianing came over and glanced at the computer screen, and said in surprise, "I voted 5 minutes ago, and your votes now are the same as back then! No increase!"

Huang Xing frowned, it was definitely not a matter of the website data being refreshed slowly, because with just these two sentences, he saw that Ma Lirong's votes were increasing.

He sneered and said, "I guess this website has been hacked...Let me see!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Xing's fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, and the crackling sound formed a line.

Zhang Jianing poked Jin Xin, "What are you doing, Brother Chen?"

"I don't know, it just looks like..." Jin Xin also looked confused.

"I'll go to the backstage of the website to have a look!" Huang Xing said, while pressing the "Enter key", a text box immediately appeared on the screen, displaying lines of code.

Jin Xin was surprised and said: "Fuck me! Brother Chen, you also know how to be a hacker?"

"Hmm..." Huang Xing nodded noncommittally, "So-so... Try to see if you can still log in to the website now!"

Huang Xing had already hacked the voting website during the operation just now, and now no one else could log in except himself.

Jin Xin tried, but the pages were all blank, "Brother Chen, the website can't be accessed."

"Hmm..." Huang Xing nodded, and continued to look at the lines of code. A few minutes later, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he pointed at the screen and said, "Look, this website has been put into a Trojan horse!"

Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing leaned over together, looking at the characters and relationship symbols all over the screen, they all looked confused.

"I don't understand!" The two said in unison.

At this time, Zhang Jianing tried the website again, and said in surprise, "Brother Chen, the website is now available again! Your votes still haven't moved!"

"Are you able to log in?" Huang Xing tapped the keyboard quickly again, and sneered, "Someone has gone to the backstage of the website again, this guy may be the one who put the Trojan horse... This kid is so brave, he tried to track my IP? Let's see how I deal with you!"

At this time, Cheng Linfeng was also typing on the keyboard quickly in the student dormitory of the computer department in Building [-] of the boys' dormitory.He wanted to see how the Trojan horse he put in was running, but unexpectedly found that the website had been hacked.

He hurriedly resumed normal access to the website, not because he was so dedicated, but because he had already agreed with Gao Xiaodong that if Ma Lirong didn't get the best show, he would refund Gao Xiaodong's deposit twice!

After Cheng Linfeng restored the website and entered the background of the website, he suddenly found that the hacker who invaded the website hadn't left yet, so he immediately tried to lock the hacker's IP address.

After a burst of "crackling" keyboard tapping, Cheng Linfeng scratched his messy hair and muttered, "A master! But my brother has probably locked your's actually in Haidong!"


 The first update is here, and the old wolves in the early morning are rolling all over the floor and begging for tickets, rewards, clicks, and spread.

  There will be an update later, please wait patiently, Lao Lang writes quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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