The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 15 Let them develop naturally

Chapter 15 Let them develop naturally
Shen Group Building, Chairman's Office.

Shen Kuohai sat on the boss chair, looking at a stack of documents with a smile.He is the chairman of the Shen Group and the father of the school belle Shen Xiyan.

Although he always appeared on the outside with a serious face, but now he has only Li Qiang who has followed him since he was a child, and the expression on his face is naturally very relaxed.

After reading the information, he couldn't help laughing again, and said to Li Qiang: "Old Li, our Xiyan family has met a nemesis! I didn't expect that kid Lu Chen to have such a personality!"

However, Li Qiang said with a little worry: "Chairman, Miss has such a stubborn temper. If things go on like this, it may be difficult for the two of them to get together."

Shen Kuohai waved his hand, "You're wrong! Xiyan is spoiled by me, if it's an ordinary man, he definitely can't stand her. It's good to be like Huang Xing! A man! You must have principles! You must be able to restrain yourself woman!"

"This..." Li Qiang frowned, "Will the eldest lady suffer in the future?"

Shen Kuohai shook his head, "Don't worry, if Huang Xing really likes Xi Yan, he will make her happy! Sigh! This daughter of mine is really my biggest heart disease! Originally, I still had some doubts about Huang Xing, but after the past few days of observation, He really likes me!"

"Then do you want to clarify the matter?" Li Qiang asked, "to avoid complications."

"No, no, no!" Shen Kuohai laughed, "I discussed it with Huang Xing's master, whether it's Huang Xing or Xiyan, they are very stubborn, and they even found a substitute to meet each other last time, it's really annoying! If They know that now it's an arrangement at home, and if they don't make it right, something will go wrong, so let them develop naturally! This way the resulting relationship can last longer!"

Li Qiang nodded and said, "By the way, isn't it too hard for the eldest lady to live in the dormitory alone? Do you want the lady to go home and live?"

"Others can live in that dormitory, why can't Xi Yan live there?" Shen Kuohai frowned, "My daughter can be proud, but not squeamish! Did she mention it?"

"That's not true! Miss didn't say that."

Shen Kuohai calmed down a little, and said: "Xiyan has a stubborn temper, unlike Xiaoyao. Except for Qiqi, she has no friends since she was a child. I also hope that Xiyan can make a few friends in college."

"The chairman is still thoughtful..." Li Qiang nodded.

"Xiyan probably hasn't attended class today, so you pick her up in the afternoon, and tonight we'll have a family dinner at Yuejianglou. I haven't had a good meal with Xiyan for quite a while."


At this time, Huang Xing still didn't know that the real reason why he was forced to go to university was his marriage with Shen Xiyan.

He moved his belongings back to the dormitory from the rented house in the morning, and just after lunch, he saw Zhang Jianing ran into the dormitory like crazy holding his mobile phone.

"Hahaha! Huang Xing, Jin Xin, I won the lottery!"

Jin Xin rolled his eyes, "What award? Another bottle?"

"Pull you down!" Zhang Jianing smiled and said, "The voucher for Yuejiang Tower, 500 yuan! Hahaha!"

Yuejiang Tower is recognized as the first floor in Haidong by the gourmet circle, because it is the oldest existing restaurant in Haidong with a history of more than a century.

The Haidong cuisine made by this time-honored restaurant is also recognized as the most authentic.Many Haidong celebrities, especially those born and bred in Haidong, often come to Yuejianglou for dinner.

Due to the booming business, the price of vegetables at Yuejiang Restaurant has also risen. Zhang Jianing was born in an ordinary family and has never been there a few times since he grew up. Therefore, this five hundred yuan voucher is definitely a blessing from heaven for him.

Jin Xin also knew the fame of Yuejiang Tower, so he got up from the bed~ with bright eyes, and shouted: "I~Cao Yuejiang Tower? Brother Ning! Where did you draw the prize? I'll try it too! "

Zhang Jianing said with a smile: "I got a student communication card and gave me a chance to draw a lottery. Today's prize is over, and this activity is over! I hate this voucher, it can only be used today, and it will be invalid when it expires!"

"I'm such a sucker! I heard that Yuejiang Tower is hard to find. If you want to have dinner, you have to make a reservation at noon! You should reserve a table quickly."

"Yes, yes, I'll call right away!" Zhang Jianing hurriedly started looking for the number of Yuejiang Building on the Internet. After dialing several times, he finally reserved a table, and he needed someone to confirm before 05:30 in the afternoon, otherwise he would be dismissed. Seat canceled.

After Zhang Jianing finished his work, Jin Xin suddenly said: "Jia Ning, after dinner, bring me some roasted goose in the hanging stove. I heard that it is the signature dish of Yuejiang Restaurant."

"Isn't it cold? Of course, let's go together! And Brother Chen and Bowen! My parents have long said that they invite their classmates to eat at home, and it happens that today I invite you to go to Yuejiang Tower for a meal! You wait for me to give My parents are calling!" Zhang Jianing then went to call his parents again.

Jin Xin looked at Huang Chen and asked, "Brother Chen, are you going?"

Huang Chen smiled, "Go, get some luck."

Zhou Bowen shook his head, "We will have a fellowship gathering tonight, you go."

At this time, Zhang Jianing finished the phone call. His parents were all on night shifts, so they didn't have this kind of luck. In the end, only he, Huang Xing and Jin Xin went there.

Before 04:30, Zhang Jianing couldn't wait to pull the two of them off.

It was just after five o'clock when the three of them took a taxi to Yuejiang Tower. Although it was not time for dinner, several tables were already filled, and some tables had even started to be served.

As soon as he entered the door, the rich aroma of vegetables and meat rushed to his face, Jin Xin couldn't help swallowing, and said with a smile: "I'll fuck it! It smells so good!"

Seeing the welcoming waiter approaching, Zhang Jianing quickly took out his phone, flipped to the winning page, and asked, "Can this coupon be used today?"

The waiter looked at it and said with a smile: "It can be used, but it is a one-time use, and there is no change."

Zhang Jianing was finally relieved, "Okay, the three of us! We have made a reservation at noon, and my name is Zhang Jianing."

"Three, please..."


The dining table in Yuejiang Building is an antique square table, and the three of them can sit very loosely. As soon as they sit down, the waiter serves some cold dishes.And gave each of the three people a menu.

Hanging stove roast goose, jar meat, and hot duck liver, these three signature dishes of Yuejianglou are must-orders.Huang Xing added another iron plate seafood, Jin Xin ordered a stir-fried dish, and Wang Jianing added a dry pot, plus three beers and staple food, the five hundred yuan was almost used up.

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing and said: "These are all ordinary ingredients, how dare Yuejianglou sell them so expensive!"

Jin Xin showed off: "You don't understand that, do you? People sell handicraft money, and ordinary ingredients can make extraordinary tastes, which is rare!"

Huang Xing smiled, picked up a toon peanut with his chopsticks, tasted it, nodded, "It's not bad!"

After a while, the food and wine came to the table. The first dish was Yuejianglou's most famous roast goose in a hanging oven. It was golden in color, charred on the outside and tender on the inside.The three of them immediately moved their index fingers, and began to feast on the dishes as soon as they were served.


Due to the early arrival, a large number of diners arrived when the three of Huang Xing were halfway through eating.Suddenly, Huang Xing's eyes lit up, he looked towards the gate, and said with a smile: "Jia Ning, Jin Xin, who do you think is over there?"

"Wow...the school belle!"

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(End of this chapter)

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