The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 188 Here Comes the One Who Finds Differences

Chapter 188 Here Comes the One Who Finds Differences

Gao Xiaodong saw the scene of Feng Xiaohe being deflated from a distance, and couldn't help but said to Zhou Bin: "Brother Bin, it looks like Feng Xiaohe can't do it!"

"What the hell, I overestimated Feng Xiaohe too much! It seems that Huang Xing doesn't like her..." Zhou Bin frowned, and suddenly smiled, "I said Xiaodong, why are you so stupid? Didn't see Is your girl on the order? What are you still standing here waiting for? Go up! I'll let someone hold that brat Huang Chen back!"

Gao Xiaodong was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Yes, Brother Bin is smart! I'll pass! Thank you, Brother Bin!"

"Go, go..." Zhou Bin waved his hands, seeing that Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai were going to follow, he immediately grabbed them and cursed, "You two have water in your head? When the boss is picking up girls, you follow him What are you doing? Making trouble? Follow me to deal with Huang Xing!"

"Brother Bin is right!" Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai nodded quickly and followed behind Zhou Bin.

Zhou Bin called a boy in denim, pointed at Huang Chen and said, "Did you see that kid? He took advantage of Feng Xiaohe just now, and asked the brothers to come together and clean him up!"

"Brother Bin... Isn't that kid with two girls? How could he take advantage of Feng Xiaohe?" The boy didn't react for a while.

"Fuck!" Zhou Bin slapped him on the head, "Are you questioning me? Hurry up! Clean up that kid, and then bring that girl in hot pants! I want to get to know each other!"

The boy rolled his eyes, "Understood Brother Bin! But the other girl is also good, she looks very interesting!"

Zhou Bin smiled, "It's up to you! If you're happy today, I'll help you pay for the rent."

"Thank you, Brother Bin! Look at mine!" The boy's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly went to call his classmates.

Seeing that Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai were standing still, Zhou Bin kicked him alone, "Are you two stupid? Why don't you follow him! What the hell does Gao Xiaodong usually teach you?"

Liu Hongkai and Zhang Sanyuan quickly staggered and followed, wondering why Zhou Bin didn't go up as they walked?Why do you let your subordinates come up?

This is actually Zhou Bin's style of handling affairs. He wants to maintain his good image, and he usually asks his subordinates to take the lead when encountering problems. In this way, even if his subordinates mess things up, he still has a chance to turn things around.

The sports department of the school’s student union is basically Zhou Bin’s office now. All the people who came to play with him today are his confidants. Zhang Yang’s fall has not slowed down yet. When they saw Zhou Bin asking Feng Xiaohe to take action just now, they all held back for the time being.

But it was clear that Feng Xiaohe's plan could not go ahead. When everyone was waiting for Zhou Bin's order, the boy in denim brought Zhou Bin's latest instructions.

The subordinates who are familiar with Zhou Bin's temper can see that Zhou Bin is angry, and now he doesn't even make excuses, and let everyone take action directly.

The boys in the sports department usually like sports and are very strong. Including Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai, a total of eight boys slid towards Huang Xing.

When they got near Huang Xing, Feng Xiaohe also joined the team. Nine people surrounded him in a fan shape, forcing the three of Huang Chen to the safety fence.

Huang Xing had already discovered that something was wrong.In fact, although these people are aggressive, they are not enough in Huang Xing's eyes. However, there are Chen Yan and Yang Mengjun beside Huang Xing. These two people's skating skills are two knives. If they are nervous, they may slip and hurt themselves. So Huang Xing didn't rush to make a move, and led the two of them back to the edge of the guardrail calmly.

"How did you get here?" Chen Yan was a little surprised, "Is it not slippery?"

Yang Mengjun took a breath and leaned on the guardrail, "I just happened to be tired, and I kept raising my legs, and I was about to cramp."

Huang Xing smiled, "You two hold on to the guardrail to stand firm, and if you are afraid, close your eyes."

"Ah? What's wrong..." Chen Yan finally realized that something was wrong. The three of them had been surrounded by nine people, and the only woman among them was Feng Xiaohe who had flirted with Huang Xing for a long time just now.

Yang Mengjun was relatively timid. Seeing so many people, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and his face turned pale.

"It's okay..." Huang Xing comforted, "You just need to hold yourself steady and don't fall over by yourself."

As soon as Huang Chen finished speaking, Feng Xiaohe slid sideways, reached in front of several people, pointed at Huang Chen and said to the others: "That's him, he just played tricks on me and touched my ass!"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, glanced at Feng Xiaohe's tight buttocks, and said loudly: "Miss, you have wronged me, I mainly want to see if the silicone you made is still strong, to be honest, your artificial Ass, I'm really not interested in touching it! It feels too fake..."

Feng Xiaohe almost twisted his nose in anger.She has always wanted to completely conquer Zhou Bin, and she often compares herself with Xu Wanying in private. In her opinion, she may not be able to compare with Xu Wanying when it comes to face, but she still has a strong sense of superiority when it comes to hotness.Her proud curve was the result of her hard work, but this Huang Xing dared to say that she was man-made!

"Feng Xiaohe..." Lu Xing still said relentlessly, "The man-made ones are not strong, so don't let men touch them! Especially the young ones, if you hit them hard or lightly, if you pinch them later, it will be troublesome!"

"You bastard!" Feng Xiaohe finally exploded, and shouted to the others, "What are you still looking at? Get rid of this kid! Smash him to death!"

These people knew about the underground relationship between Feng Xiaohe and Zhou Bin, and it was quite easy for Feng Xiaohe to speak among Zhou Bin's confidantes.

The boy in denim sneered, and made a "click" sound with his fists, "Boy, everyone here is your seniors and seniors. If you are sensible, kneel down and admit your mistake, otherwise don't blame us for bullying you, a junior."

Huang Chen also laughed, "I'm worrying about wandering ghosts who don't know where you are! Now it's alright, we're all schoolmates, so it's convenient to chat with you in the future!"

When these words came out, the boys all laughed.

"Hmph, the kid is crazy!"

"There was a junior who was so crazy last year, and now he has dropped out of school."

"My neighbor is also so crazy, and now the grave is like grass."


Everyone laughed wildly and sarcastically.

Huang Xing smiled faintly, and plucked his ears, "The buzzing of flies is really annoying, did you come here to buzz?"

At this time, Gao Xiaodong managed to pass through the speed skating area and arrived beside Shen Xiyan. He supported the chair in the rest area with sweat profusely, and said, "Yan Yan, what a coincidence! You also come to skate..."

 The second update is here, and there will be more later.

(End of this chapter)

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