Chapter 190 Cramp

"Hmph! So it was you who did it! Boring! Shameless!" Shen Xiyan gave Gao Xiaodong a disgusted look, turned and left.

Chen Yan and Yang Mengjun quickly followed.

Huang Chen was at the end, looking at Gao Xiaodong with a smile, "It's your misfortune to have this kind of teammate, I really sympathize with you, let me let you go today! Poor kid..."

After whistling, Huang Xing walked away.

Gao Xiaodong stomped his feet angrily, and slapped Zhang Sanyuan hard, "Do you guys have eyes? What are you doing here at this time?"

"We're here to protect you..." Zhang Sanyuan said with an aggrieved face.

"I~ grass!" Gao Xiaodong gritted his teeth, "Who the hell is protecting you! You..."

Just as he was talking, Gao Xiaodong suddenly noticed that something was wrong with his surroundings. Zhou Bin had already surrounded him with people, and Zhou Bin's face was very ugly.

"Brother Bin..." Gao Xiaodong felt a little guilty, "What...what's wrong?"

"Master Gao..." Zhou Bin said angrily, "I treat you as a friend, why are you playing tricks on me!"

Although today's incident was for Gao Xiaodong's sake, it was Zhou Bin who lost face. All his people were taken care of by Huang Chen. Apart from Huang Chen, Zhou Bin also had a lot of resentment towards Gao Xiaodong.

Why didn't you tell me that Huang Xing is a fierce person?
If you don't say that Huang Xing is so difficult to deal with, you want to see me ashamed, don't you?

Today, I want to get it back from Huang Xing, but I can't do it for a while, but Zhou Bin must be in front of his subordinates and explain the matter clearly to Gao Xiaodong, otherwise Zhou Bin is worried that his side will lose his mind.Being a younger brother is to do things for the boss, but the boss can't let the younger brother die!A fierce person of Huang Xing's level is definitely not something that ordinary students can deal with.

Zhou Bin almost pointed at Gao Xiaodong's nose, "I'm asking you, why didn't you tell me the details of Huang Xing?"

"..." Gao Xiaodong was stunned for a moment, and finally understood the source of Zhou Bin's resentment.He was so focused on finding Shen Xiyan just now that he really forgot to remind Zhou Bin.But Gao Xiaodong was also a little wronged. In his eyes, Zhou Bin was a senior brother!The senior is about to stand out for himself, and if he keeps talking about how powerful the enemy is, isn't he uncomfortable?Gao Xiaodong could imagine that if he had really said it just now, Zhou Bin would definitely get angry, thinking that Gao Xiaodong underestimated people.He is also in a dilemma!
But now, facing the menacing Zhou Bin, Gao Xiaodong couldn't justify himself. He sneered, "Brother Bin, this is my fault! But I definitely didn't do it on purpose, I was confused by Huang Chen! How dare he do that?" Taking advantage of my family's beauty, I'm a man! I'm really confused! I didn't mean to lie to you!"

Zhou Bin's expression softened a little. He was actually just looking for a step to explain to his subordinates, "Gao Xiaodong, anyway, you are too dishonest today!"

Gao Xiaodong smiled, "Brother Bin, I was wrong, everyone's expenses today should be on my shoulders."

Zhou Bin smiled, "Come on, our sports department has activity funds, so you don't need to ask for it! Please treat us to supper later, and we brothers can talk too."

"Okay! I'll treat my brothers and sisters to supper later!" Gao Xiaodong patted his chest and said.


When Gao Xiaodong confessed his mistake to Zhou Bin, the six of Huang Chen had already taken the taxi back to school.At this moment, the small supermarket that went back to school hadn't closed yet, and Huang Xing had already said that he paid for all the supper for the few people.

Chen Yan and Yang Mengjun not only skated with Huang Xing today, but were also protected by Huang Xing once. They were so happy that they chatted non-stop along the way, saying that Huang Xing's skating posture is handsome, and then saying that Lu Xing Chen fights with a unique masculinity.

Shen Xiyan was so annoyed after hearing how Lu Xing was doing all the way, she didn't say a word, she just rubbed her legs vigorously. Today, she and Huang Xing had been in pair skating for so long. I was already exhausted, but now that I let go, my legs were as heavy as if they had been filled with lead, and they were sore and sore.Along the way, she secretly scolded Huang Chen in her heart, and he was the one who hated him the most!You insisted on asking me to compete, which made me feel so uncomfortable now!When I go to the supermarket in a while, I must buy more things. Buying expensive ones will make him feel so distressed!

Finally arrived at school, Shen Xiyan endured the pain in her legs and got out of the car.

Huang Chen also found that Shen Xiyan's walking was a little unnatural, and he knew what was going on after thinking about it in his heart. He walked up to Shen Xiyan and asked, "Are you tired? Are your legs sore?"

"I'm not tired!" Shen Xiyan gave him a blank look, and deliberately quickened her pace.

Huang Xing smiled, "Go slowly, you have exercised a little too much today, if you have cramps, you will be in trouble."

"Hmph! Shut your crow's mouth! I won't have cramps!" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "Hurry up! Or the supermarket will be closed!"

"That's right! Go, go, I want to eat a tea egg!" Chen Yan echoed.

Huang Xing looked at the way Shen Xiyan was walking, and then at the dozen or so steps at the entrance of the supermarket, shrugged his shoulders, did not speak, and showed an expression of watching the show.

There are only steps at the entrance of the school's small supermarket, and there is no ramp. Shen Xiyan walked up to it and hesitated for a while, then lifted her foot up the steps.When she thought about it, there were only a few steps, and she went up with a little patience. Unfortunately, she miscalculated. When she reached about the seventh or eighth level, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her right leg, and she quickly adjusted her weight to her left leg. , but the left leg also suddenly started to hurt, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and fell straight back.

"Xiyan, what's the matter with you?" Chen Yan hurriedly reached out to help her, but when the incident happened suddenly, Chen Yan caught nothing, and could only watch helplessly as Shen Xiyan fell down the steps.

However, Huang Xing seemed to have expected this a long time ago. He walked behind Shen Xiyan, stretched out his hand, and caught Shen Xiyan firmly, then hugged her horizontally, and said with a smile: "I told you not to listen to me." If so... cramps? Which leg?"

Shen Xiyan was in so much pain that she was about to cry, she bit her lip, "Two legs..."

Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, "Calf or thigh?"

"It's all..." Shen Xiyan couldn't hold back the tears of pain, "It hurts to's all your fault!"

Huang Xing was taken aback, "Damn it, what's my fault?"It's not me that made you cramp!But now that Shen Xiyan looks so pitiful, it's not easy for Lu Xing to argue with her, so he thought to let her go first, and find the place later.

"Be patient first..." Huang Xing immediately said to Jin Xin and the others, "Go and buy it, I'll take Xiyan to the reclining chair over there and relax."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the four of them to react, Huang Xing quickly ran to the side of the road with Shen Xiyan in his arms, and gently placed her on the reclining chair.

 Chapter 1 is here, the big beauty is having cramps!

(End of this chapter)

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