Chapter 196

"Him? Huang Chen?"

Gu Lenian showed suspicion. If Huang Xing was the prince of figure skating, Gu Lenian had no objection. He also watched for a while when Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan were pair skating yesterday. Although he was jealous of Huang Xing, but Gu Lenian also had to admit that Huang Xing was really good at skating.But he is already so good at skating, it must have taken up a lot of practice time, and his basketball level is probably just average, after all, human energy is limited.This girl Xu Jie must have never seen what it looks like to play a real basketball well, so she was fascinated by Huang Xing.

"Our department's basketball coach is Huang Xing," Shen Xiyan said solemnly, "Senior Yan, we appreciate the kindness of the student union. Thank you for your concern. Once Huang Xing has selected the players, we will submit the list of participants."

Yan Lei was a little embarrassed, he was pulled by Zhou Bin to use him as a gun today, of course he could see that Zhou Bin and Gu Le Nian were the coaches because they wanted to pick up girls, but he, the vice president, relied on Zhou Bin's support to get into the position , so he has to come even if he doesn't want to.But now, they are obviously late.

"Since you have made a decision...then..."

"Ahem..." Zhou Bin interrupted Yan Lei with a light cough, and said to Shen Xiyan, "Our Haidong University has a basketball tradition, and the level of basketball games in the school sports meeting is also very high, and there will be TV stations at that time Therefore, our sports department also has requirements for the coaching level of the participating teams. I think your department should accept the arrangement of the student union and let me and Gu Lenian be the coaches instead of just finding someone to make do, so as not to give School is holding it back."

"What is improvisation?" Before Shen Xiyan could speak, Xu Jie said dissatisfiedly, "Lu Xing's level is very high! I think his level is not inferior to Kobe's!"

Zhou Bin smiled lightly and did not refute. This kind of little girl who has never seen the world loves exaggeration the most.He rolled his eyes, and thought to himself, since you all praise Huang Xing to the sky, then brother, throw him to the ground hard!

He looked at Huang Xing and said with a smile: "Student Huang Xing, our sports department has assessment standards for the level of team sports in this sports meeting. Since you are going to be a basketball coach in the foreign language department, I hope you can prove your strength .”

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Okay, how can I prove it?"

Zhou Bin looked at Huang Xing lightly, deliberately looking down.Although Huang Xing is not short, his height is above average among boys, but Zhou Bin is 1.9 meters tall, and Gu Lenian is nearly two meters tall, so in front of Huang Xing, both of them are quite proud of their height.Zhou Bin curled his lips and said with a smile: "It's still a question, of course we have to compare!"

"One on one?" Huang Xing asked.

Zhou Bin froze for a moment, then shook his head, "Basketball is a team sport. If you are a coach, you must not only have individual skills, but also be conscious. I will find two more people to make up five players on the court. Let's go to the basketball court to compete!"

Before Huang Xing could speak, Xu Jie said angrily: "There are only three boys in our class, where can we find five, aren't you bullying?"

"Xu Jie, don't worry, I can deal with five by myself." Huang Xing smiled.

"Ah?" Xu Jie was taken aback, then smiled, "Of course you're fine, but that's a disadvantage!"

Zhou Bin frowned when he heard that, is this girl with glasses out of her mind? 1V5?Who do you think he is?
Gu Lenian also grinned secretly, this elementary school girl is really simple-minded, once she decides on the target of worship, she really devotes herself wholeheartedly.It would be great to get this kind of girl.Gu Lenian straightened up on purpose, and couldn't help but smile wretchedly, the height difference is really good, it's just right for this little girl to bow her head a little!Tut tut...

"That's how it is..." Zhou Bin didn't bother to talk to Xu Jie, and said, "Three on three, it's just half of the game."

Huang Xing smiled, "Actually, it can be one-on-three, but three-on-three would be too ugly for you to lose."

Zhou Bin couldn't help laughing, "Lu Xing, isn't your tone too loud?"

He said while looking at Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing not far away, "I don't think the three of you together are any match for any of us. Three against three! Do you dare or not? Stop rambling!"

"Okay..." Huang Xing shrugged his shoulders, "Since you want to be ashamed, then I will help you."

"Don't talk too much, if you lose, you will let me and Gu Lenian be the coaches of your department. Of course, the right to select players is also ours!" Zhou Bin said.

"No!" Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, shook her head and said, "Who is the coach is our own business, you don't need to designate it!"

Regarding the ethos of the sports department, Shen Xiyan also heard from her classmates that neither Zhou Bin nor Gu Lenian seemed to be in the right mood, so Shen Xiyan naturally couldn't let go easily.

"Professional matters should be handed over to professional people." Yan Lei laughed, "The most suitable basketball coaches are people from the basketball team..."

"That's wrong..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "You have a high level, so you are naturally qualified to be a coach, but if your level is not as good as mine, then don't be verbose. Let's make a bet, if you can win, You are qualified to be the basketball coach of our class. But what if you lose?"

"Losing? How could we lose?" Zhou Bin laughed, "If we lose, then of course we won't be the coach!"

"This bet is too insincere, isn't it? How about this, if you lose, treat our whole class to eat ice cream. It's very hot at noon today, and each person gets a box of Haagen-Dazs."

"Okay!" Zhou Bin happily agreed, "Then let's go to the playground now!"

"Jin Xin, Carrian, follow me to the playground!"

"Wait!" Shen Xiyan pulled Huang Chen back, and said in a low voice, "Whether you win or lose, you are not allowed to let anyone from the sports department be the basketball coach of our class!"

Huang Chen smiled, "Trust me, that's right! Beauty, go and be a cheerleader for brother! Let's go!"

Shen Xiyan snorted, "If you dare to lose, I want you to look good!"

"It's up to you if you lose, okay?" After Huang Xing finished speaking, he waved to Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing with a smile, "Don't stand still, let's go!"


On the way to the playground, Zhou Bin directly called someone to send the basketball to the basketball court.Seeing that almost all the girls from the foreign language department went to the basketball court, Zhou Bin couldn't help but secretly proud, and said to Gu Lenian and Yan Lei: "In front of so many girls, perform well! Don't lose the chain!"

Gu Lenian was eager to try it out: "Look, I'll give each of them a big hot pot! I'll knock them out!"

Yan Lei smiled, "Although I'm not on the basketball team, I should have no problem dealing with them. Don't worry."

The three of them were full of confidence, but Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing lacked confidence...

 The update is coming, and there will be more later, friends, remember to vote!

(End of this chapter)

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