Chapter 210
While Gao Dequan was enjoying himself in the clubhouse, Gao Xiaodong waited anxiously outside the traffic team.Although Gao Dequan said hello and the traffic team agreed to release the car, there were many people who paid fines and waited to pick up the car, so Gao Xiaodong could only queue up.After waiting for more than an hour, he didn't get the car, so he hurriedly drove to Longxing Hotel as fast as he could.

In the cafeteria of Xinglong Hotel, the three of Huang Chen and twelve beauties sat around a long table made up of four tables. Everyone enjoyed the meal, except for a few girls who were more sensitive to their figures who were worried. Apart from growing flesh, all the girls are smiling.Even Shen Xiyan, who had always been displeased with Huang Xing, had to admit that Huang Xing did a good job as the coach of the basketball team.

When I came out, I met a bus at the school gate, and everyone arrived by bus. Seeing that everyone was about to finish eating, Shen Xiyan felt that she, the nominal basketball captain, should do something. She quietly took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Qiang's phone call told Li Qiang to send a small bus to take everyone back to school.

After making arrangements, Shen Xiyan said to Huang Xing by taking advantage of the drink: "I will ask Uncle Li to arrange a car to take everyone back, and it will be there in a while."

Huang Xing gave a thumbs up, "That's right! I didn't even think of that! The squad leader is the squad leader, and his level is higher than mine!"

"Hmph, stop being so glib!" Shen Xiyan said, "I see that they are very convinced by you as a coach. I think I can quit the basketball team, right?"

"No!" Huang Xing shook his head immediately, "This is the first day, what can you tell? Don't back down, you have a lot of things to do in the future!"

"But I'm really not interested in basketball at all!" Shen Xiyan frowned, "And my level is so poor, it's impossible for me to play in the game!"

Huang Chen smiled, "Don't worry, you are at the end of the 12-man roster, and you have almost no chance to play! Don't worry about it, and support my work! If they really make any mistakes, it has to be you Go criticize!"

Shen Xiyan gave Huang Xing an angry look, "It's so cunning! The villain just dumped it on me!"

"I can't help it either. After all, I'm a boy, and I have to give girls a little bit... Just take it easy, and I'll treat you alone later! Watching movies, playgrounds, eating, shopping, you can choose whatever you want!"

"I don't need you to hire me!" Shen Xiyan snorted, "As long as you are your coach well! By the way, what do you think our class will be ranked in?"

Huang Xing shook his head, "It's hard to say, what are your psychological expectations?"

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, "Can I make it to the semi-finals?"

"Difficult! Depends on luck!"

"Where are the top eight?" Shen Xiyan asked.

Huang Xing did the math, "Then we need to win four games, about [-]% sure."

"The top eight is not bad!" Shen Xiyan smiled slightly, "Then I will give you a goal of the top eight!"

Huang Chen pondered for a moment, then said: "I can't play, it still depends on everyone's fighting spirit, it's best to get some rewards for the top eight, such as going out to play or something..."

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she said: "Then leave it to me! After entering the quarterfinals, I invite everyone to go to the resort by the sea for two days!"

"Great idea!" Huang Xing laughed, "The chief squad leader is really extraordinary!"

"Hmph!" Shen Xiyan gave him an angry look, "I can't let you be all good people!"

At this time, Shen Xiyan's cell phone rang, and Li Qiang sent a message telling her that the car had arrived.Seeing that everyone was almost finished eating, Huang Xing clapped his hands and said with a smile: "All beauties, I want to tell you a piece of good news..."

When the girls looked over, Huang Xing continued: "Our good class monitor, student Shen Xiyan, just called a small bus and will take everyone back to school in a while! Now we express our gratitude to our good class monitor, applaud! "

The girls all applauded.

"Thank you Xi Yan!"

"Xi Yan is so nice!"

"It's a blessing to have Xiyan as the squad leader!"


Amid everyone's praises, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but blushed, "Oh... this is what I should do! Have you finished eating? The car has arrived, and it's in the parking lot behind."

"After eating, let's go quickly, or I want to eat again! My weight!"

"Yes, yes! We can't stay here any longer!"

"I'm going for a run tonight, which one of you will go with me?"


The girls went out chattering, and Lu Chen smiled and said to Shen Xiyan: "Look, I've given you more face! Don't you thank me?"

"Cut!" Shen Xiyan rolled his eyes at him, "Where do you come up with so much nonsense? Pure heart makes me look ugly, doesn't it?"

"Don't dare..." Lu Xing smiled, and caught up with Zhang Jianing and Jin Xin.

When everyone came out of the cafeteria of Star Dragon Hotel, Gao Xiaodong happened to drive near the main entrance of the hotel, and saw Shen Xiyan walking at the end of the line from a distance, Gao Xiaodong couldn't help but look happy, and shouted in his heart: "Xiyan, I I'm here to pick you up!"

He was patient and drove towards the square at the gate of the hotel, where he estimated that the people from the foreign language department would call a taxi.

At this time, it was still difficult to get a taxi. When Shen Xiyan and the others were at a loss, an Infiniti luxury car stopped in front of the girls, and a gentleman stepped out of the car, inviting the beautiful Shen Xiyan to get on the car, and Bring along a few of her close female classmates, Gao Xiaodong is almost drooling thinking about this kind of scene!

Seeing that they were about to reach the square, Gao Xiaodong couldn't help being stunned, because he found that Shen Xiyan and his party didn't go to the square after they left, but walked along the path at the door to the parking lot behind.

"Why are they going there? There are no taxis or buses over there! Strange!" Gao Xiaodong wanted to drive over there to see what happened, but the lane was a one-way street, and he had to go the wrong way if he wanted to go there.Gao Xiaodong hesitated for a moment, and seeing that there was no car on the side road, he gritted his teeth and turned in.

Gao Xiaodong was anxious to see what Shen Xiyan and the others were going to do. He drove very fast, and kept looking at Shen Xiyan from afar.

Suddenly there was a bright light in front of him, and the horn of "Didi" kept beeping. Gao Xiaodong was shocked, and then he noticed that there was an extra car in front of him, and he was running straight towards it.

"I wipe!"

Gao Xiaodong slammed on the brakes quickly, but because the speed was too fast, although the brakes were pressed to the bottom, the car still did not stop.With a bang, Infiniti crashed head-on into a Great Wall SUV...

 The fifth update is here, everyone must vote!
(End of this chapter)

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