Chapter 22
The topic of beauties was discussed, and all seven boys became excited. I wonder if it was because the boys in the Mechanical Engineering Department were too hard-working, and they had an unusual desire for information about beauties in the school.

It's only been a few days since the start of school, and Zhou Xin and the others have a fairly comprehensive grasp of the amount of information on the beauties of Haidong University. They have figured out at least half of the names of the beauties.

From their mouths, Huang Xing learned that this year's foreign language department is known as the fairy department, which means that the number and quality of beauties are surprisingly high. In addition to the school belle Shen Xiyan, seven fairies were also selected.The names of Shen Xiyan's two roommates, Chen Yan and Yang Mengjun, are impressively listed.

When talking about beautiful women, it is easy to forget the time, and the meal is procrastinated, and seven of them are almost late for class in the afternoon.

The afternoon class in the Department of Foreign Languages ​​is an intensive reading class. The teacher is a bald uncle. No matter in terms of appearance or voice, he is incomparable to Cheng Yaqiu. Huang Xing feels that sitting here is really a waste of time. With this skill, it is better to go to practice Make money!

Speaking of English, Huang Xing's mastery of Chinese is not weaker than his native language. He memorized seven or eight of the texts in the book after reading it once, and he can memorize it after reading it again. As for the so-called comprehension questions, he can do it easily matter.

And not only English, but other languages, Huang Xing can also learn it in no time.His ability seems to be innate, theoretically it should be genetic, his parents should at least be people with very good memory.

After thinking wildly for a while, Huang Xing quickly made a decision. If there is no need in the future, except for Cheng Yaqiu's class, these boring classes will not be taken.


Finally, when get out of class was over, Huang Xing just stood up when he saw Cheng Yaqiu walking in from the outside, announcing that there was going to be a class meeting.Huang Xing had no choice but to sit back and deliberately smiled at Cheng Yaqiu.

Cheng Yaqiu pretended not to see, and when the classroom was quiet, she said: "I forgot to mention two things in yesterday's class meeting, and I will take up a little time for everyone to make up for it today. The first one is that our class needs to set up a monitor to assist in the future. I serve everyone. Is there any one of you who is brave enough to recommend himself? Take the initiative to take this responsibility?"


Everyone was silent for a while, you looked at me, I looked at you, and didn't speak for a while.

At this time, Jin Xin suddenly raised his hand to signal: "Of course the squad leader is my brother Chen! I propose Huang Chen!"

Huang Chen?

Cheng Yaqiu's expression changed immediately, anyone can be the squad leader, but Huang Xing can't!Because she is a counselor, she will have many opportunities to communicate with the monitor in the future, so she doesn't want to face Huang Xing all the time.

Shen Xiyan was originally the candidate in Cheng Yaqiu's mind, but now it's not easy to directly veto Jin Xin's proposal, so she thought about it and said: "I have no prejudice against classmate Huang Xing, but I just think it would be inconvenient for him to be the monitor. After all, we Girls in the class are the vast majority. However, we still need to listen to everyone's opinions on this matter, so let's vote with a show of hands."

Huang Xing couldn't help curling his lips, no prejudice?I am afraid that you are the most prejudiced!
Shen Xiyan also didn't want Huang Xing to be the monitor. The person she disliked most in the class was Huang Xing. She was the first to disagree with Huang Xing being the monitor.At this time, when the teacher said that she wanted to show her hands to vote, she couldn't help but secretly laughed in her heart. Although Chen Yan mentioned making Lu Xing the monitor, Shen Xiyan felt that it was just a joke. If it was really a show of hands, she guessed that Lu Xing would win Not more than a third.

"The voting starts now, please raise your hand if you agree with Huang Xing to be the squad leader!"

Following Cheng Yaqiu's words, with a swish, two-thirds of the class raised their hands.

Seeing this result, Shen Xiyan was a little silly, how is this possible?Are they all crazy?Why do you want a dude like Huang Xing to be the squad leader?
"Xi Yan..." Chen Yan who was next to him said strangely, "Why don't you agree? It would be great for Huang Xing to be the squad leader! Raise your hands, raise your hands!"

As she spoke, she held Shen Xiyan's hand and raised it.

Shen Xiyan wanted to pull it back, but seeing that things had come to an end, it was meaningless to pull it back, so she had to let Chen Yan pull her, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Cheng Yaqiu was also very helpless, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and announce: "Since most people have chosen Huang Xing, then Huang Xing is the monitor of our class. In the future, everyone should cooperate more with Huang Xing's work."

"Don't worry, Teacher Cheng, Huang Xing is so handsome, we must cooperate well..." A girl named Xu Jie said loudly, and immediately got a lot of echoing voices.

At this moment, Huang Xing stood up slowly, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your support!"

"No thanks, no thanks, just serve us well in the future!"

"Yes! If you are satisfied with the service, there will be a prize!"


Listening to the girls' words, Huang Xing felt a chill down his back. Grandma, what are these girls thinking about?
He coughed twice, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not suitable for me to be the squad leader. After all, men and women are different! Besides, I am usually busy, and I may make mistakes. I think everyone should not choose me. I suggest Student Shen Xiyan will be our monitor!"

What Huang Chen said reminded Cheng Yaqiu, she suddenly remembered that Huang Chen might need a work-study program, and she really didn't have time to be the class monitor, so she hurriedly said: "What Lu Chen said makes sense, and I also think Shen Xiyan is suitable, after all, living In the girl's building, it is convenient for me to find her for anything!"

"Teacher Cheng is so right!" Huang Xing immediately hit the snake with the stick, "Shen Xiyan is the most suitable, I am the first to agree! Absolutely agree! Who of you disagrees?"

He waited and said with a smile: "Look... everyone has no different opinions, which means that Shen Xiyan's appointment as monitor was 100% unanimous! I think the monitor is Shen Xiyan!"

Cheng Yaqiu followed suit and announced that the class monitor was Shen Xiyan, and at the same time she let out a long breath.

Shen Xiyan felt even more awkward, what is this called?Did Huang Xing give it to himself?She really wanted to stand up and refuse, but she held back after thinking about it. It would be too embarrassing for the teacher to refuse at this time.It's just that the resentment towards Huang Xing in her heart has increased by another order of magnitude.

After confirming the candidate for the monitor, Cheng Yaqiu said: "Next weekend, the school will organize a welcome party. Our class needs to produce at least three programs. If you have any creative ideas, we will gather them to Shen Xiyan tonight. Time is tight, and we have to finalize the program tomorrow night. This matter is related to the honor of our class, and I hope everyone can sign up enthusiastically! Alright, the meeting is over!"

After Cheng Yaqiu finished speaking, she left the classroom. Shen Xiyan stood up and added: "Before the lights are turned off tonight, please bring your expertise to me. Thank you for your cooperation!"

After she finished speaking, she secretly glanced at Huang Xing, with a cunning flash in her eyes.The three of Huang Xing and the others could tell at a glance that they were the kind of boys with no special skills. Shen Xiyan had already made up her mind that one of the three programs must be produced by boys!Then she will be able to watch Huang Xing make a fool of himself!It can be regarded as her outburst of anger!
 Shen Xiyan and Huang Xing got into a fight, and now there is a question, is the front of the fight, a kite, squatting in the grass, or cuddling under the tower?

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(End of this chapter)

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